Read the major do not like, many people in the time to enter the university, they found their original major reported wrong, and their imagination has a big gap, some people because of the score of the problem, was transferred to the profession they do not like.
Reading a major that you don't like, but you still have the possibility of studying for four years, so what should you do?
1. Why you don't like it
If you don't like your major, you should think about the reason why. Is it because you were transferred here or because you were not satisfied with your first exam results. Some people are very resistant to the major they are studying, because of these reasons. If that's the reason, let go of your preconceived notions and try to take your time figuring out the major.
2. Changing majors
People's talents are different, if you enter the profession and their own talents and interests want to go back, the only channel is to change majors, but there are restrictions on changing majors, you have to get to the top 3% of the profession, so if you want to get out of the profession, you still have to cheer up your studies and improve your academic performance to do so. 3. Dual Degree
In fact, the school has taken this situation into consideration and provided students with the option of a dual degree. If you really don't like your major, then you should go and choose a dual-degree program carefully, but you can't pull down the courses of your original major, and you can't not study them either, because you still have to rely on your original major for your graduation certificate, so you have to study your own interested majors under the circumstance of making sure that you study your original majors. 4. The major is not a limitation
You choose a major, but you only learn your professional knowledge when you are in class, and when you are not in class, it is perfectly possible to use the after-school time to learn what you are interested in. Classes are only eight hours a day at most, and on top of that, you have eight hours of free time to organize and study.