Most men in ancient times had three wives and four concubines, but there were also a lot of infatuated and devoted men, and there were a lot of infatuated women, such as the ancient poet Wang Wei, Fang Xuan Ling, Sui Wendi Emperor Yang Jian, who was infatuated with his Dokgoo Empress, and Sima Guang, whose wife was also very devoted.
Wang Wei, a poet, married a wife in his life, and then after his wife died, he never married again, although he could have renewed his marriage, but he did not, and he only had his wife in his heart. There Fang Xuan Ling, husband and wife of two people's feelings are very good, history says that Fang Xuan Ling is very afraid of his wife, but in fact he also loves his wife , once he had a very serious illness, he was afraid of involving his wife, he persuaded her to remarry, but his wife resolutely disagreed, in order to show the heart, but also stabbed himself blind in one eye, and then after the development of Fang Xuan Ling, did not abandon his wife, but more than ever. He didn't abandon his wife, but loved her more, and he didn't want anyone to send him beauty.
Xun Chuan is Cao Wei period of the first strategist Xun Yu's son, he and his wife very much in love, and once again his wife had a high fever very strong, he in order to give his wife cooler, winter standing outside for a long time, and then use their own bodies to give his wife cooler, but his wife still did not survive, passed away, and then Xun Chuan all day long miss his wife, every day, all the time. He thought about his wife all day long, and he was depressed every day, and in the end, because of his excessive thoughts, he became depressed and died.
Sima Guang is a child Sima Guang smashed the cylinder of the Sima Guang, he grew up is also very dedicated, he married his wife can not bear children, but he did not mind at all, even his wife to his concubines he does not want, but also a rare good man.