What are the seven uncharitable mentalities

Arrogance, envy, anger, laziness, greed, lust and overeating.

1. Arrogance

Arrogance refers to a state of mind that contains the implication of arrogance and arrogance, and is used to describe a person's attitude, expression, and demeanor. It also refers to looking down on others and treating them with disrespect, and is mainly used to describe people's attitudes. It also refers to one of the seven deadly sins.

In Buddhism, human mental activities are divided into several categories, such as the nature of the mind, such as worrying mind, good mind, etc., and the result of the understanding, such as correct understanding (quantitative), incorrect understanding (non-quantitative), and hesitation and uncertainty of the mind.

Apride, on the other hand, belongs to the troubled mind. Arrogance refers to the feeling of complacency that arises in the heart by comparing oneself with others.

2. Jealousy

Jealousy refers to the competition for certain rights and interests, the people should be united with a kind of indifference, disparagement, exclusion, but also hostile state of mind, so once the indulgence of jealousy, it may produce, which makes a person feel sad taste, serious, people will naturally produce hate feelings.

Jealousy is a more complex psychological, including anxiety, fear, sadness, suspicion, shame, self-blame, depression, hatred, hostility, resentment, revenge and other unpleasant psychological state.

Other people's natural stature, appearance and day by day revealed intelligence, can become the object of jealousy; other factors such as honor, status, achievement, property, prestige and other factors related to social evaluation, are also prone to become the object of their jealousy.

3, anger

Anger, not only when the desire can not be realized or to achieve the purpose of the action is frustrated by a tense and unpleasant emotions, and now also exists in the social phenomena as well as other people encountered and even their own irrelevant matters of extreme antipathy.

The latter is most common in social animal groups, as in the idiom of "righteous anger". Anger is seen as a primitive emotion that in animals is associated with behaviors such as survival, competition for food and mates.

4, lazy

Lazy is a psychological boredom.

Laziness is the strange thing that makes you think that it is comfort, rest, and bliss; but what it actually gives you is boredom, weariness, and depression. It manifests itself in a variety of ways, including extreme states of laziness and slight indecision.

Anger, shyness, envy, dislike, etc., all cause laziness and prevent a person from carrying out his activities as he wishes. The laziness of some among the students is prominent in their daily study and daily life.

5, greed

Greed, meaning longing without knowing fulfillment. Because of greed and not satisfied, the metaphor is to do things love to take advantage of small advantages.

Chu Si - Li Sao: "All are competing to be greedy, by virtue of the fact that it is not necessary to seek."

Meaning: all people have greedy desires, but nothing is gained without effort.

6. Lust

The term refers to lust, eroticism, and sexual desire. According to Buddhism, lust is the source of the six paths of rebirth. If the mind of lust is not removed, studying Buddhism is like drinking salt to quench thirst, a futile endeavor. As the Buddha said in the Lama Sutra, "If the lustful mind is not removed, the dust cannot come out." It is also said, "If one does not practice meditation without lust, it is like steaming sand and stone, wanting it to become rice; after a hundred thousand kalpas, it is only known as hot sand."

Therefore, the fundamental way to leave the realm of desire is to start with the elimination of lust, and the rest of the precepts can be taken in turn. Otherwise, not to mention attaining Buddhahood, even the blessings of the human path will be lost and purified.

But on the path to Buddhahood, Buddhism authoritatively authorizes the right kind of sexual intercourse between husband and wife, but there are also very strict rules.

7, bulimia

Bulimia, also known as bulimia nervosa, is one of the two major syndromes of eating disorders, is a recurring episodes of bulimia, and overweight control of the concept of the syndrome is characterized. Late adolescence or early adulthood is the prevalent group.

Baidu Encyclopedia - The Seven Original Sins