Dali Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Niujiaodian Township, Dong'a County, Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, with an urban/rural classification code of 220 for villages. The zoning code is 371524102272, and the first 6 digits of the resident's identity card number is 371524. The postal code is 252000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0635, and the license plate number is LU P. Dali Village is located in the same area as Niu Xi Village, Niu Bei Village, Niu Nang Village, Niu Zhong Village, Niu Dong Village, Han Zhai Village, Xitang Village, Zhang Hai Village, He Temple Village, Anzhuang Village, Mengzhuang Village, Flagpole Liu Village, Liu Wentian Village, Hong Bu Liu Village, Gao Hai Village, Qian Shen Village, Da Shen Village, and Dai Shen Village, which are located in the town of Niu Jiao Dian in Liaocheng City, Shandong Province. Gaohai Village, Qianshen Village, Dashen Village, Caosi Village, Xizhang Village, Qianwang Village, Houwang Village, Qihan Village, Yuhe Village, Lenghe Village, Guo Tao Village, Fuyi Village, Fuyi Village, Fuyi Village, Fuyi Village, Fuyi Village, Fuyi Village, Fuyi Village, Nanchen Village, Guohou Village, Sujuang Village, Hukeng Village, Zhuhui Village, Shihui Village, Donghuan Village, Xiandi Village, Zhaomenqian Village, Wanglou Village, Gezhuang Village, Daichu Village, Xishen Village, Wangzhuang Village, Xiezhuang Village WeiZiDong Village, Yizhuang Village, LiuShou Village, HouCao Village, QianCao Village, DongYuan Village, NiuZhuang Village, BeiZhang Village, HuangDu Village, XiaGou Village, TaoZui Village, XiaoShao Village, LieZhuang Village, FuGan Village, LiYing Village, FanYing Village, LiuYing Village, LvLou Village, Xiaohuang Village, HanZhuang Village, LiuChiansi Village, ZhangZhuang Village, YouZhuang Village, JiangZhuang Village, Dahuang Village, CaiZhuang Village, Dayaoyo Village, YinHaizi Village, DongTang Village, FengZhuang Village, BeiChen Village, HuangQi Yuan Village, Dianzi Village, Shuangmiao Village, Dongshao Village, Xishao Village are adjacent.
Near Dali Village, there are tourist attractions such as Dong'a Colla Corii Asini City, China Colla Corii Asini Museum, Cao Zhi's Tomb in Yushan, Dong'a Luoshen Lake Park, Dong'a Hundred Years Hall Colla Corii Asini Cultural Park, and specialties such as Dong'a Yushan Rice, Dong'a Yellow River Carp, Dong'a Strawberries, Dong'a Black Donkey, Tomato Squirrel Fish, and so on.