The legend of Mozart's troubled life

On one occasion when he was seven years old, he played on the violin of his father's friend, Schachtneer, and two days later Mozart practiced on his own violin. But it was quite surprising.

Despite Mozart's genius, despite his great honor, in the eyes of the archbishop he was a common slave, and a very bad one at that. Because he had honor. Mozart had to be like his predecessor Haydn, every day in the antechamber through the hall, waiting for the master's command, at any time there is a risk of the archbishop's reprimand abuse, and even severe punishment.

Mozart finally reached the end of his patience and made a public break with the archbishop. He resigned and became the first musician in the history of Europe to publicly break away from his court. Under the social conditions of that time, this kind of action was undoubtedly extremely bold and heroic. Because it meant hardship, hunger and even death.

Mozart's life deteriorated in his later years, and his health got worse and worse, and he often had to turn to his friends for help. By the time of his last outstanding opera, The Magic Flute, he was chronically ill.



Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756, in Salzburg, Austria, to a family of court musicians, originally from Germany, where his father, Leopold Mozart, was a violinist in the court Catholic orchestra of the city and a composer, and his mother, Anna Maria Mozart, was a passionate musician and played the grand piano. His father, Leopold Mozart, was a violinist in the city's courtly Catholic orchestra and a composer; his mother, Anna Maria Mozart, was also a keen musician and played the cello and violin. Mozart was the seventh youngest child in the family.

Mozart's life was characterized by wanderlust, and in the cold winter of 1762, the young Wolfgang and his sister Nannèle began a tour of Europe; at the end of 1773, Mozart and his father returned to Salzburg.

At this time Mozart was dissatisfied with his humble position as a slave musician, and after a fierce struggle for personal and creative freedom, he finally obtained the Archbishop's permission in September 1777 to travel with his mother for two more years to perform.

In June 1781, Mozart could no longer tolerate the abuse of the archbishop and resigned from his post, becoming the first musician in the history of Europe to openly free himself from the constraints of the court, and going to Vienna to earn a living. Afterwards, although he was nominally a free composer, he was still practically powerless to resist the oppression of the feudal society.

The trials and tribulations of life had a profound effect on his thinking and creativity, and the 10 years in Vienna became the most important in his creative endeavors. 1791, Mozart composed the unsuccessful opera Tito's Mercy. in September, he completed his last opera, The Magic Flute.

After Mozart began to create a large-scale religious music works "Requiem", on December 5, 0:55 "Requiem" is not yet completed Mozart died at the age of 35 years old, buried in Vienna .

Baidu Encyclopedia-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart