How to lose weight in a healthier way? How to lose weight unhealthy?

The healthiest way to lose weight should be through exercise, and diet control, and the most unhealthy way to lose weight should be to eat diet pills, dieting.

Now everyone's quality of life is good, so more and more people because of over-nutrition and obesity, and more and more people because of obesity and suffering, and therefore the weight loss industry is now more and more hot.

Now the circle of friends are everywhere in the sale of diet pills, what a month to let you lose a twenty pounds, what do not take drugs do not take injections do not diet, let you lose a twenty pounds of magical medicine, what to eat diet pills, stick diet pills, and drink shakes and other weight loss supplies, are there to let you do not have the pain can be reduced by dozens of pounds, but it really looks like it is not, surely not, these medicines! The most important thing is that you will be able to get the best out of your body, and you will be able to get the best out of your body.

Said not to let you diet, but the fact is that, these drugs will make you feel less hungry, you do not want to eat, by letting you always have a sense of satiety, have not wanted to eat, naturally you will be thin. But if you don't eat, your stomach won't be able to take it, but because of this medicine you don't feel hungry, but actually your stomach has been hurt.

And these drugs will disrupt your endocrine system, so your menstrual cycle will be disrupted, and then you will have spots on your face, and then because you don't eat, you will be lacking in nutrients, and then you will end up with a yellowish face, and you will have no energy.

And some of the drugs, is to make you diarrhea, by letting me diarrhea thin down, so that the damage to your stomach is very big, usually we have a stomach can be difficult for a few days, not to mention that you are going to pull a couple of months it, and if you stop the drug may be fat again.

Small can feel that no matter what way to lose weight, no matter how healthy and safe this way said, in fact, there will be some safety hazards, which is to reduce the fat meat on your body ah.

If you want to lose weight, you can only do it through exercise and eat some nutritious food, through exercise to let your body excess fat down, through eating some weight loss nutritional meals to let you in the case of not hungry, not dieting to achieve healthy thin down the body.