Because teenage friendships are the purest and the most precious.
Teenage friendship has more to do with geographic location. Friendship during this period wants to be heard through mutual conversations and comforted in times of sadness and depression, largely because it is just beginning to adapt to society and seeks out friendships for social interaction as well as complete self-growth. With gradual growth, the need for parents and teachers is gradually placed on peers. Friendship is an important part of adolescence, such as the teenage Leapfrog in Lu Xun's mind, through which he escapes loneliness and discovers himself. Therefore, teenage friendships are especially valuable. Everyone is born like a blooming flower. No experience, no experience, no city, no harm. However, as the individual grows, the human mind is gradually mature, so there is "right and wrong, near and far". The process of individual socialization slowly closes the original blooming flower. The first thing you need to do is to get a good understanding of how to use the Internet and how to use the Internet.
There is a "plateau phenomenon" in psychology, which says that a person's life is a continuous climbing process. The older one gets or the higher one's status, the heavier the physical load becomes. If you continue to climb, you need to reduce the weight or increase the oxygen in the middle. However, contrary to human needs, the higher the altitude, the less oxygen there is, increasing oxygen is not possible, and that makes it all the more necessary for us to have friends or girlfriends to complete the process of mental weight release. As we get older, our burdens get heavier, our focus in life changes when we have a significant other, and our psychological needs are different, which is why the definition of a friend is different at different ages.
In fact, the adult acquaintance, that is just an acquaintance with interests, is a kind of helpless choice, is unable to make friends. What is a "friendly acquaintance"? For example, workmates, parents of children's classmates, etc., you and they interact with the situation is certain, not random, you just "have a reason to accompany each other". Middle-aged people's reunion, looking for the childhood memories, the feeling of innocence; older people's square dance, looking for the year's passionate burning feeling. All of these, are in the perfect their social support system, so that their lives are more beautiful.