The more classic and popular songs with a high degree of popularity are: Love spells will win, gold wrapped in silver, the mood of the prodigal son, the dancer, the hometown, the sea and the sea of life, the love of the lover to go with the people, do not lose the will, a gust of wind in love, love of a liar, I ask you, the world's first and so on, the male ability, the wind is really penetrating, the wild birds, the love of the cha-cha-cha, the words of the shochu, the drizzle, the umbrella that goes to the station, the dream of the words of love, the joy is good! Songs are: あいしてる我爱你,练舞功,恰恰阿哥,香榭大道,男欢女愛,叉烧包等等
Additionally, we will introduce some more songs with special characteristics: An Tong brother to buy vegetables, selling vegetables and righteousness, five drums, sick son song, A Xiang want to marry Inibs, green oyster sister-in-law, what east, love to dream of Cha Mou Nuan his son, everyone to listen to the story, Grasshopper to get the cockerel, the 10th Temple of Hades, people eating the head of the road, out of duty, Inibs eat empty, the old Abel, alarmed that the great man, ragged shirt and pants no one to make up for the world, persuade the world, persuade the world song, begging for food, the top of the mountain!