Yanjia Village is located in which province which city

Yanjia Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Pan'an Township, Gangu County, Tianshui City, Gansu Province, with an urban/rural classification code of 220 for villages. The zoning code is 620523101268, and the first 6 digits of the resident ID number is 620523. The postal code is 741000, and the long-distance telephone area code is 0938, and the license plate number is GAN E. Yanjia Village is located in the same area as Yuhuangdian Village, Shijia Village, Forty Pave Village, Dongping Village, Wujiaping Village, Wangjiazhuang Village, Peijiaping Village, Yangjiazhuang Village, Lijiaping Village, Thirty Pave Village, Dongyazhong Village, Xiejiaping Village, Dongbu Village and Tujiazhuang Village, which are all under the jurisdiction of Panan Town of Ganshui County, Tianshui City, Gansu Province, Dongbao Village, and Tuzhai Village are adjacent to each other.

On July 3, 2018, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development recognized Yanjia Village as the eighth batch of national village and product demonstration villages and towns (leeks).

Yanjia Village is near Gangu Elephant Mountain, Jiangwei Cultural Park, Caijia Temple, Gupo Grassland, Jianshan Temple Forest Park and other tourist attractions, and specialties such as Gangu Chili Peppers, Gangu Onions, Gangu Embroidery, Gangu Ridge Beasts, and Gangu Jankan Tea.