I told my doctor that I didn't want to take medication, and the side effects were too great, so my doctor recommended that I take Yining Polypeptide, a healthcare product, because it doesn't contain chemical products with medicinal effects, so there are no toxic side effects at all, and I can feel free to go and eat it!
Yi Ning polypeptide contains bone marrow peptide, our body's osteoblasts in the bone metabolism process to play the role of bone, the study found that small molecules of bone marrow peptide on the proliferation of bone cells and the activity of a significant increase.
Small molecule peptide contains immunomodulatory factors, can effectively regulate the body's immune function, at the same time, the peptide has to clear the joint inflammatory reaction produced by the copper atoms, reduce the synovial membrane of the stimulus, joint inflammation is improved. In addition, bone marrow anti-inflammatory peptide and 39 peptide in small molecule polypeptide have anti-inflammatory and anti-exudative effects, which can reduce fluid accumulation in swollen joints and reduce swelling. The 5 peptide (methylated enkephalin) in the small molecule polypeptide has a good analgesic effect, which can relieve joint pain.
After eating two or three months, I obviously feel the effect, before walking in a hurry will be knee pain, back and leg pain, but now almost will not, and even up the stairs downstairs to ease a lot. And I was able to help my partner with the housework at home. I always feel that "love your family, love your wife, love your children, love your health, and without health, there is nothing." Yi Ning peptide changed my life, health, really thanks to the peptide good Yi Ning peptide punch!
I believe that in a while, I will be able to dance with my partners again! In the future, if people around me have arthritis or back and leg pain, I will definitely recommend this Yining Polypeptide to them, so that they can benefit from it as well!