The biggest impact on human jobs in the future is artificial intelligence, and artificial intelligence combined with machines into intelligent robots , will produce very powerful productivity. The following industries are my personal speculation, welcome to explore.
1, drivers, including cabs, buses, trains, subways and other transportation drivers. Autonomous driving is developing very fast, and domestic drops have already begun trial runs. Cameras, radar and other sensors are widely arranged in the car, also gives the possibility of the application of automatic driving.
Responsibility after an accident is the biggest obstacle to the application of automated driving, and Germany prefers that the responsibility for accidents in the state of automated driving should be attributed to the manufacturer, not to the owner of the car.
2. Most bank employees, including tellers, will lose their jobs. Financial industry practitioners keenly discovered the value of artificial intelligence, and after investing in it, found that artificial intelligence was the first to replace their work . It can be said that the advantages of AI are too great, no breaks, no complaints, almost no errors, fast calculations, and so on.
3, soldiers, artificial intelligence robots will replace people to the battlefield, drones, unmanned combat vehicles, unmanned submarines and other equipment will be full of debut. Maybe the future of war is not so cruel.
We're living in an era of rapid change, where every person, every profession, and even every industry is facing challenges and being eliminated. Below we all **** with the discussion of the future will be eliminated occupation and what are the industries?
1, traditional handicrafts. Part of the traditional craftsmen will be eliminated, with the development of industrialization and intelligence of many traditional craftsmen, although part of the application for the "intangible heritage", but can not escape the era of elimination, such as blacksmiths and so on.
2, highway toll collectors. With the development of artificial intelligence and mobile payment industry, as well as high-speed toll station nationwide network to improve the popularity of ECT, high-speed station toll collectors will not have the need to exist, these people will be gradually diverted and eliminated, do this line is now full of crisis.
3, bank tellers, the next 5 to 10 years of time, more than 70% of mainland China's cash payments will disappear, the public gradually began to choose the net banking or Internet mobile payment, the future of the bank will be the bank's front desk business reforms and upgrades unmanned counter services, regardless of whether it can become a reality in the future, the traditional banking and the Internet mobile payment will be more intense between the bank tellers in the industry may be the first to be eliminated. The industry kind of may be the first to be eliminated.
5, cab drivers. *** enjoy the economic era, everyone is enjoying *** enjoy the benefits of the economic era, now can *** enjoy the car, *** enjoy the car, net car, etc., now people's travel cab is not the first choice, more inclined to the network of cars, so our cab masters should be prepared to change the idea, or it will be replaced.
6, cable TV installers. Today, the Internet can be said to have been the basic facilities of society, the network is everywhere, once very popular limited TV installers are slowly being replaced by network TV set-top boxes, the people are the end of the era of spending money to watch TV. So, in the future, the limited TV installer industry will slowly disappear.
6, brokers and intermediaries, in the highly developed confidence in the era of big data, there is no longer a need for the traditional sense of the broker. In the resource information **** enjoy today, the required information in one net, so with the resources and information more and more developed and open, the traditional broker and intermediary will be less and less.
In fact, society itself is constantly eliminating and being eliminated in the progress. There is no static existence in this world. Only when we continue to innovate and improve ourselves will our lives become better and society get more progress!
All say, what industries will disappear in the next few years?
1. Traditional media
Especially the paper media. With the development of the network now, a variety of news media to show people the channel has been very convenient, diverse. The traditional media, especially the paper media will certainly disappear. But the industry is still in, only converted form.
2. Driver
With the continuous development of high-tech technology such as driverless, the future of the car driverless should not be a problem. Now Tesla, Baidu and other large car manufacturers or Internet companies have begun research in this field, and there are some results.
3. Supermarket cashier
I now go to RT-Mart, Walmart and other large supermarkets have not gone to the artificial cash register, are in the self-service cash register check out. Self-checkout only need to take the goods to the barcode against the machine sweep, and finally Alipay face payment can be, the phone do not have to take, very convenient. In the future, this kind of cash register will certainly be more popular.
4. gas station refueling staff
Now many gas stations are self-service refueling, do a card can be filled with money, can be completely their own operation. Now a lot of gas stations are using this way to reduce staff.
5. Banks return to the teller
Nowadays, banking services can be basically handled on the cell phone, a variety of apps and other very convenient. Coupled with WeChat Alipay, transferring a simple business is more convenient. The app can be used for financial management, fund management and so on. Even if you need to go to the branch for business, in the hall of the self-service machines can also be completed, the bank teller will only become less and less.
Temporarily think of these, I hope to help you. With the development of science and technology, the rise of artificial intelligence, there will certainly be more industries to be changed and subverted in the future. In the disappearance of many industries at the same time will also rise a lot of industries, life is certainly getting better and better.
1. Repetitive and simple laborers.
2. Workers who have a single logical sequence, or who simply derive results.
3. According to the big data sampling results of the work
1. open-air movie projection team
In the past, every weekend near the home of the square will be open-air movie screening ah, now .......emm square has been occupied by the square dance aunt .......
Remember when I was a child in the summer each
2. Photo studio film development
Nowadays, the picture after the fine-tuning of everyone is usually sent directly to the circle or the existence of the computer, or use Polaroid dumping, the street is full of printing cell phone photos.
Now few people go to the photo studio to develop photos, miss the smooth texture of the original photos. In fact, the photo album in my drawer hasn't had any new photos in it for almost a decade.
3. Tailor
I mean to do clothes, when I was a child, the winter in the northeast of the thief cold, my mother would take me to do a down jacket or cotton jacket, measure the body tailoring, choose the style of choice, although not fashionable, but they brought the cotton, fried chicken warm ah!
Now there seems to be very little to go to a small store to make clothes, Taobao shopping malls monopolize everything ...
4. bus conductor
When I was a kid, I remembered the loudest aunts, yelling when I felt super fierce, with an exclusive seat for the conductor, (disturbed for several years: why does this aunty have a seat every time?
Now replaced by a cold iron box gg.
5. quilt wrapped in a cart selling popsicle granny
Granny pushed the cart down the street, the Northeast children heart No. 1 is the red flag ice cream!
6. five-stroke input method teacher
emmm... I clearly remember my mom paid for a five-stroke typing class. orz now five strokes or relatively rare.
7. The gas can changer
Every time I saw the gas can changer running upstairs and downstairs, I was very sad, especially hated my own home living on the seventh floor!
The gas canisters were gradually replaced by piped gas
It is very difficult to predict the future. When the CD was first invented in the last century, it was considered one of the greatest inventions of all time, because the technology instantly increased storage density by an order of magnitude. The main thing was that it introduced a whole new way of thinking about storage in physical space. As a result, it also spawned a large number of science fiction titles. There are also "hard science fiction" writers like Liu Cixin who favor pure technology and follow the trend of throwing the perfect image in their mind (Luo Zhuan) to Pluto, engraving human civilization on the eternal solid matter in an attempt to preserve human civilization forever. In a few short decades, CD technology, and the range of optical planar storage products it spawned - DVDs, etc. - and the three-dimensional optical storage technology it spawned envisioned, became yesterday's products. this was even more true of the beeper, which was supposed to be an emergency-type design. When the rapid progress of information transmission technology, more quickly into the garbage heap of history. There are similar things. For example, I like to play music, and because of my specialty, I'm more interested in MIDI technology - the acronym for Digital Interface for Musical Instruments. This is something that fewer and fewer people use now, and sooner or later it will become obsolete, even now.
But from these recollections, we can see a pattern: the more newly invented the technology, the more specialized the invention, the faster the obsolescence. And there is no need to consider what physical principles are involved in this technology. This can be thought of: magnetic tape, optical disk, represents the line storage technology and surface storage technology, respectively, although one is with magnetoelectric technology and the other is with photolithography, but the former human beings used for 100 years, the latter only used for 30 years (approximate). In the future, people may invent any new storage methods, and I suspect the rate of obsolescence will accelerate. However, the inventions are getting harder and more technically demanding.
Manual repair industries such as shoe repair, pen repair, umbrella repair, etc., newspaper printing industries, coal processing such as honeycomb coal manufacturing, and the P2P lending online lending industry will basically disappear in the next few years.
Traffic commanders. Motor vehicle drivers, bank personnel.
Cashiers Workers who do repetitive work Accountants Supermarket salesmen