A-Mei's "Listen to the Sea" Lyrics

Listen to the sea

Sung by: A-Mei

Write to me today

What color is the sea

The sea that stays with you night after night

What's the mood

Gray is not wanting to say

Blue is sadness

And you're adrift

And the heart of the wildest waves Where do you stop

What's the color of the sea? Write to me tonight and tell me what you want to dream about

Whether I am in or out of your dream

you have no choice

I'm clutching at my heart

I can't close my eyes all night long

Why are you in love

but you won't come near

Listen to the sound of the sea crying

Sighing at who's been hurt again

And I'm not sure if I'm the only one.

It's not me

At least I'm calm

But the tears

Even the tears don't believe

Listening to the sound of the sea crying

The sea is too sentimental

Sobbing until dawn

Write to me

Think of this as a final promise. I promise

to tell you how you felt when you left me

write and tell me tonight

what you want to dream about

whether I am in or out of your dreams

and whether I leave you without a choice

I can't close my eyes for the rest of the night with my heart clenched in my chest

Why is it that you've been so in love with me

and yet you're still in love with me?

But you won't come closer

Listen to the sound of the sea crying

Sighing at who's been hurt

But you're still not awake

It must not be me

At least I'm calm

But the tears

Even the tears don't believe in me

Listen to the sound of the sea crying

The sea is too sentimental

The sea is too sentimental

This is the sea. I've been crying until morning

Write me a letter

As a last promise

Tell me how you felt when you left me

