Seeking a summary and moral of 50 Aesop's fables the shorter the better !!!!!

The Charcoal-Burner and the Ragman

The Charcoal-Burner, who operated in a house, when he saw a Ragman moving in beside him, went up to him with great joy and urged him to live with him, explaining that it would be closer, more convenient, and less costly. Instead, the cloth bleacher replied, "Perhaps you speak the truth, but it is utterly impossible to do so, for whatever I bleach will be blackened by you."

This story shows that it is difficult to get along with different kinds of people.


The Wind and the Sun

Two parties, the North Wind and the Sun, argued with each other over who had more energy. They decided that whoever could make the pedestrians take off their clothes would win. When the wind started blowing hard, the pedestrians on the road wrapped themselves tightly in their clothes, and the wind blew even harder. The pedestrians shivered with cold and added more clothes. When the wind gets tired of blowing, it gives way to the sun. The sun initially poured mild sunlight on the pedestrians, pedestrians took off the added clothes, the sun then shot strong sunlight to the earth, pedestrians began to sweat, gradually could not stand it, stripped naked, jumped into the river next to take a bath.

This story shows that persuasion is often more effective than coercion.


The Lion and the Farmer in Love

The lion fell in love with the farmer's daughter and asked her to marry him. The farmer could not bear to betroth his daughter to the beast, but he was afraid of the lion, and could not refuse for a moment, so he was in a hurry and had a plan. When the lion came again to ask the farmer, he said that he thought it would be fitting for the lion to marry his daughter, but that the lion must first pull out his teeth and cut off his claws, or he could not marry his daughter to him, for the girl was afraid of these things. The lion was so blinded by profit and so obsessed with color that he easily accepted the farmer's request. From then on, the farmer despised the lion and had no fear of him. When the lion came again, the farmer beat it with a stick and tied it up.

This story shows that some people easily believe what others say and discard their own unique strengths, and, as a result, are easily defeated by those who originally feared them.


The Blind Man and the Little Beast

A blind man was skillful in touching all kinds of animals with his hands. He could tell what animals he was touching by touching them. A man brought a coyote and asked him to touch it and tell what it was. He touched the beast and said, "Whether this is a fox or a wolf, I am not quite sure. One thing, however, I do quite understand, that it is always unsafe to let such an animal into the sheepfold."

The story is that bad habits are known at an early age.


The Deer with One Eye

There was a deer who was blind in one eye, and came to the sea to graze; and he watched the land with that good With his good eye he watched the land for hunters, and with his blind eye he looked out to sea, thinking that no danger lay beyond. Unexpectedly, someone passed by in a boat from the sea, saw the deer, and shot him down with an arrow. As he was about to breathe his last, he said to himself, "How unfortunate for me that I guarded against the land side, while this side of the sea, in which I trusted, has brought me disaster."

The story is that the truth is often the opposite of what we expect, and that what is thought to be dangerous is safe, and what is believed to be safe is more dangerous.


The Thirsty Crow

The crow was so thirsty that he flew to a large water jar that didn't have much water. There was not a lot of water in the pitcher, and he tried everything he could think of, but he still could not drink.

So he pushed with all his strength, trying to push the can down and pour out the water, but the big water can could not be pushed. At this time, the crow

remembered the way he had used, and with a stone in his mouth he threw it into the water jar, and as the stones increased, the water in the jar was

gradually raised. At last the crow drank happily and quenched his thirst.

This story shows that wisdom is often better than strength.


The Fox and the Grapes

The hungry fox saw bunches of crystal grapes hanging on the vine. His mouth was watering and he wanted to pick them and eat them, but he couldn't do so. After watching for a while, he walked away, consoling himself by saying, "The grapes are not ripe, they must be sour."

That is to say, some people can not do anything, can not do things, then excuse that the time is not ripe.


The Wolf and the Heron

The wolf swallowed a bone by mistake, and was so sick that he ran around looking for a doctor. He met the heron and negotiated a fee for him to remove the bone. The heron stuck his head down the wolf's throat, took out the bone, and asked the wolf for the fixed fee. The wolf replied, "Hey, friend, aren't you satisfied that you were able to retrieve your head from the wolf's mouth safe and sound, why do you need to talk about payment?"

This story illustrates that the reward for doing good to a bad person is to recognize the bad person's untrustworthy nature.


The Little Boy and the Scorpion

There was a child who was catching grasshoppers in front of the city wall, and in a while he caught many. Suddenly he saw a scorpion, which he thought was also a grasshopper,

so he went to catch him with both hands. The scorpion raised his stinger and said, "Come, if you really dare to do so, you will lose even all the grasshoppers you have caught."

This story warns people to distinguish between good and bad people and treat them differently.


The Fox and the Male Goat Who Fell into a Well

A fox fell into a well, and no matter how hard he struggled, he could not climb up. The male goat felt thirsty and came to the well, but he could not climb up. The male goat, feeling thirsty, came to the well and saw the fox at the bottom, so he asked him if the water was good. Fox felt the opportunity to come, the heart secretly happy, immediately calm down, praised the well water is good, said the water is the world's first spring, sweet and refreshing, and advised the goat quickly down, and he drank. A heart only want to drink water to believe that the goat, they do not think about jumping down, when he gulped and drank, it had to be with the fox **** on the way to the well. The fox was prepared for this, and said cunningly, "I have a way. You use your front feet to pick yourself up on the wall of the well, and then straighten your horns, and I will jump up into the well from your back, and then pull you up, and we shall both be saved." The male goat agreed to his proposal, and the fox stepped on his hind feet, jumped on his back, and then jumped out of the well with another hard jump from his horns. When the fox got up there, he prepared to flee alone. The male goat accused the fox of not keeping his word. The fox turned back to the male goat and said, "Hey friend, if your mind was as perfect as your whiskers, you wouldn't have jumped blindly without seeing the exit."

This story shows that a smart person should think through the outcome of something beforehand and then do it.


The Widow and the Hen

There was a widow who kept a hen that laid one egg a day. She thought that if she fed the hen more barley, she would lay two eggs a day. So she fed it this way every day, and as a result the hen grew fatter and fatter and did not lay even one egg a day.

This story shows that some people want to gain more because of greed, and end up losing even what they have.


The Futile Crow

Zeus wanted to make a king for the birds, and appointed a date for all the birds to be present on time, so that they could be chosen. all to be present on time so that the most beautiful of them could be chosen as king. All the birds ran to the river to freshen up. The raven, knowing that none of them were beautiful, went to the river, picked up the feathers that the birds had shed, and carefully stuck them all on itself and glued them in place. When the appointed day came, all the birds came together in front of Zeus. Zeus saw at once the colorful cold raven, in the crowd of birds look extraordinarily beautiful, ready to make him king. The birds were so angry that they plucked the feathers from the raven that belonged to them. So, the beautiful feathers of the crow were all gone, and it became an ugly crow again.

The story says that you can get the illusion of beauty by using other people's things, but when the things that don't belong to you are stripped away, you will be revealed in your original form.


The Little Goat Standing on the Roof and the Wolf

The little goat stood on the roof, and when he saw the wolf walking underneath, he abused him and laughed at him. The wolf said, "Ah, man, it is not you who are cursing me, but the terrain on which you are standing."

This story shows that terrain and providence often give people the courage to fight against the strong.


Mountain Quake

Once there was a great shaking of a great mountain, and the shaking made a sound like loud groans and clamor. Many people gathered in a cloud to watch the mountain, not knowing what had happened. As they gathered there anxiously, fearing that they might see something ominous, they saw only a mouse running out of the mountain.

This is to say that mediocre people worry much about themselves.


Good and Evil

Good, which was weak in strength, was driven away to heaven by evil. Good asked Zeus how to get back to earth. Zeus told him that everyone should not go together, but visit the earth one by one. Evil was so close to the people that they went to them one after the other. Good comes very, very slowly because it comes down from heaven.

This means that man encounters good very rarely, but is daily victimized by evil.


The Old Hound

An old hound, who in his youth and strength had never yielded to any wild beast of the forest, grew old. In his old age, during a hunt, he came across a wild boar and bravely pounced on it and bit its ear. As his teeth were old and weak, he could not bite firmly, and the boar escaped. The master ran over to him with great disappointment and scolded him bitterly. The old hound looked up and said, "Master! I cannot be blamed for not being able to do it. My brave spirit is the same as when I was young, but I cannot resist the laws of nature. Once upon a time my behavior was praised by you, and now it should not be blamed by you."

This is to say that birth, old age, sickness and death are irresistible laws.


The Ant and the Shithead

In summer, all the other animals live leisurely, but only the ants are in the field running around, gathering wheat and barley to store food for themselves for the winter. The ant was surprised and asked why he was working so hard. The ant said nothing.

When winter came, the heavy rain washed away the cow dung, and the hungry shithead, walking to the ant to beg for food, the ant said to him, "Hey man, if you had not criticized me while I was laboring, but had gone to work as well, you wouldn't be starving now."

This is to say that in spite of all the changes in the winds and clouds, those who save for a rainy day are able to avoid disaster.


The Rooster and the Precious Jade

A rooster was out in the field looking for food for himself and the hens. He found a piece of precious jade and said to it, "If not I, but your master, had found you, he would have picked you up very dearly; but I have found you to no purpose. Instead of getting all the precious jades in the world, it would be better for me to get a wheat."

This is saying that what you need is truly precious.


The Fawn and His Father

One day the fawn said to the buck. "Father, why are you still afraid of the dog? You are taller than he is, run faster than he does, and have great horns for self-defense." The buck laughed and said, "My son, you are right in all that you say, but I know only one thing, that when I hear the barking of a dog, I cannot help running away at once."

This story satirizes the uselessness of those who are naturally timid and weak.


Two Pockets

Prometheus created men and hung two more pockets around each of their necks One for other people's faults, and the other for his own. He hung the pocket with the faults of others on his chest and the other on his back. So people were always quick to see the faults of others, while their own were always invisible.

This story illustrates that people often like to pick on the faults of others while ignoring their own.


The Mountain Eagle and the Fox

The Mountain Eagle and the Fox became close friends with each other, and in order to strengthen their friendship, they decided to live together. They decided to live together. So the eagle flew to the top of a tall tree and built a nest to incubate his offspring, while the fox went into the middle of a bush under the tree to have children.

One day, when the fox went out to feed, and the eagle happened to break off his meal, he flew into the bushes, snatched up the young fox, and feasted with his chicks. When the fox returned, he knew that it was the eagle who had done this, and he grieved for the death of his children, and what grieved him most was that he could not avenge himself for a moment, for he was a beast of prey, and could only run on the ground, and could not go in pursuit of a bird that could fly. Therefore he had to stand far away and curse his enemies, which is the only thing that the weak in power can do.

Soon the eagle was severely punished for his treacherous crimes. Once, when some men were killing a sheep in the field to sacrifice it to the gods, the eagle flew down, grabbed the lamb with fire from the altar, and brought it back to his nest. At that moment a fierce wind blew, and the tiny dry branches in the nest immediately burst into violent flames. The feathery chicks were burned to death and fell from the tree. The fox then ran over and ate all those eaglets before the eagle's eyes.

The story is about how God punishes the backstabber, even though the victim is too weak to retaliate against him.


The Horse and the Horseman

Once upon a time, there was a horseman who secretly sold the barley he fed his horse, but still scrubbed the horse every day and combed its hair with a comb. The horse said to the coachman, "If you really want me to look beautiful, don't sell the barley you feed me anymore."

This is to say that those who are false to others bribe them with flowery words and small favors, but take away what is most necessary for them.


The Farmer and the Snake

In the winter, the farmer found a snake freezing, and he pitied it so much that he put the snake in in his arms. When the snake warmed up, it awakened to its true nature and bit its benefactor, mortally wounding him. Before he died, the farmer said, "I deserve to die; I have taken pity on the wicked, and I deserve to be rewarded with evil."

This story shows that even if one is merciful to the wicked, their evil nature will not change.


The Fisherman Who Blows a Blowjob

There was a fisherman who knew how to blow a blowjob and brought his beloved blowjob and fishing nets to the the seashore. He stood on a rocky outcrop and blew, thinking that the fish would jump in front of him when they heard the beautiful music. He played for a long time, but to no avail. He put the blowjob down, picked up a net and threw it into the water, and caught many fish. He threw the fish in the net to the shore one by one and said to the jumping fish, "Hey, you ungrateful things! When I blew, you did not dance; now that I am not blowing, you are jumping."

This story satirizes people who do things without timing.


Man and the God of the Forest

Legend has it that once upon a time, there was a man who befriended a forest god, Sardiros. When winter came and the weather became very cold, the man put his hand to his mouth and kept breathing hot air. The forest god was busy asking what this was all about and why he was doing it. The man replied, "It's cold and my hands are cold, so I put my hands in hot air to warm them up." Later, they ate together at the same table, the table food steaming hot, hot, the man picked up a little bit to the mouth blowing. The forest god asked him why. He said that the food was too hot, so he blew on it to cool it. The forest god said to the man, "Hey, friend! I have no choice but to disown you, for your mouth is capable of producing hot air at one time and cold air at another."

This story is a warning not to make friends with those who are capricious.


The Flies and the Honey

When honey leaked out of the hive, many flies flew there to feast on it. The honey was so sweet that they could not leave. However, just then their feet got stuck to the honey and they could no longer fly. They regretted it and buzzed, "We are so unfortunate that we lost our lives because of our greed for momentary enjoyment."

For many, greed is the source of many calamities.


Two Fighting Roosters

In order to get possession of the hen, two roosters fought, and one of them knocked the the other one away. The defeated one had to hide in a covered place, while the victorious one flew to a high wall and shouted. But the victor flew up to the high wall and shouted. Then an eagle flew over and caught him. After this, the defeated rooster took possession of the hens in peace.

This story shows that arrogance brings harm and humility gives favor.


The Mouse and the Frog

The mouse had the misfortune to be loved by the frog. The frog foolishly tied the mouse's feet to his own. At first, they walked on the ground, and walked and walked, and all was well, and they were allowed to eat their grain. When it came to the pond, the frog took the mouse into the water, where he himself frolicked and played and croaked with delight. The poor mouse, however, was filled with water and drowned. Soon the mouse surfaced, but his feet were still tied to the frog. The harrier flew by, saw the mouse, rushed to the water, and caught him, and the frog was raised to the surface after him, and became a delicacy for the harrier.

This is to say that being too close to others tends to implicate them when disaster strikes.


The dog with the meat in his mouth

The dog crossed a river with meat in his mouth. He saw his own reflection in the water and thought it was another dog carrying a bigger piece of meat. Thinking of this, he decided that he would go for the bigger piece of meat. So, he jumped into the water to grab the bigger piece. As a result, he didn't get either piece of meat; the one in the water wasn't there in the first place, and the original piece was washed away by the river.

This story satirizes greedy people.


The Bulls and the Axle

A few bulls were pulling a lorry along, and the axle was being pressed to make a squeaking sound. The bulls turned back to the axle and said impatiently, "Hey friend, we're carrying the whole weight without a sound, what are you screaming about?"

The story is that those who grunt extra loud tend to work less, and those who are silent tend to carry the full weight.


The Wolf and the Lamb

A lamb was drinking by the river, and when the wolf saw it, he tried to find a worthy excuse to eat him. So he ran upstream and said fiercely that the lamb had muddied the water so that he could not drink. The lamb replied that he was only standing by the river to drink, and was downstream, so it was impossible for him to muddy the water upstream. When the wolf saw that this plan did not work, he added, "My father was scolded by you last year." The lamb said that he had not been born then. The wolf said to him, "No matter how you argue, I will not let you go anyway."

This shows that it is also ineffective to make any proper defense against the wicked.


The Bear and the Fox

There was a bear who bragged a great deal about his love for mankind because he never ate dead people. A fox said to him, "May you tear the dead to pieces and not endanger those who are alive."

This story applies to the evil people in life who pretend to be good.


The Field Mouse and the House Mouse

The Field Mouse and the House Mouse were good friends, and the House Mouse, at the Field Mouse's request, went to a feast in the country. As he ate his barley and grain, he said to the vole, "You know, my friend, that you are living like an ant, and I have a lot of good things there; go and enjoy them with me!" The field mouse followed the house mouse to the city, where the house mouse showed the field mouse beans and grains, as well as dates, cheese, honey, and fruit. The field-mouse looked at them, amazed, praising them, and lamenting his fate. They were about to begin eating when someone opened the door, and at the sound the timid house mouse was so frightened that he hurried into his hole. When the mouse tried to get the cheese again, someone else came into the house to get something. As soon as he saw someone, he immediately went back into his hole. At this point, the vole could not care less about his hunger, and said to the house mouse in a trembling voice, "Good-bye, my friend! You go and eat to your heart's content, and enjoy these delicious things with fear and trembling. Poor me had better go and nibble on those barley and grains, and go in peace to the ordinary life which you look down upon."

This story shows that people would rather live a simple and smooth life than enjoy that horrible and joyful life.


The Dog, the Rooster, and the Fox

The dog and the rooster made friends and they traveled together. At night, the rooster leaped to a tree and perched on a branch, while the dog spent the night in a hole in the tree below. When dawn came, the rooster crowed as usual. A fox heard the rooster crowing and wanted to eat it, so he came and stood under the tree and respectfully asked the rooster to come down and said, "What a beautiful voice! It is so beautiful that I want to embrace you. Come down quickly and let us sing a serenade together." The chicken replied, "Please go and wake up the doorkeeper and night watchman in the hole in the tree, and as soon as he opens the door, I can come down." The fox immediately went to call the door, and the dog suddenly jumped up and bit and tore him to pieces.

This story shows that a clever man in danger can defeat his enemy skillfully and easily.


The Lion and the Mouse Who Repaid His Kindness

The lion was asleep when a mouse jumped on him. The lion sprang to his feet, seized him, and prepared to eat him. The mouse pleaded for mercy and said that if he kept his life, he would repay his kindness, and the lion laughed contemptuously and let him go. Soon after, the lion's life was literally saved by the mouse. It turned out that the lion was captured by a hunter and tied him to a tree with a rope. The mouse heard his wailing, went over to him, bit the rope, let the lion go, and said, "You laughed at me at the time and didn't believe that you could be repaid by me, but now it's clear that mice can be repaid."

This story illustrates that, as time changes, there are times when the strong need the weak.25. The Farmer and the Stork

The farmer laid many nets in the field where he had just planted the seed, and many of the cranes that came to eat the seed were caught, and caught a stork, whose legs were broken by the nets, and who pleaded with the farmer, saying, "Spare me, and have mercy on me. I am not a crane, but a stork. I am not a crane, but a stork,

I am a beautiful bird. You see, I am filial to my parents and work hard for them, and look closely at my feathers, which are quite different from those of a crane

." The farmer laughed and said, "What you say may be good; but all I know is that if you are caught with these seed-stealing cranes

then you will have to die with them."

This is saying that people should never make friends with bad people.

26. Mole

Legend has it that Mole's eyes were blind, but Mole told his mom that he could see. Mom wanted to test him, so she brought a

small piece of fragrant food, put it in front of him and asked him what it was. He said it was a small stone. The mother said, "Ah, unfortunate

child, you are not only blind, but even your nose is useless."

The story is that those who love to brag and talk big often boast that they can do great things, but in some trivial things

reveal their nature.

27. The Old Woman and the Doctor

An old woman with an eye disease asked a doctor to treat her and negotiated the cost of treatment. Whenever the doctor came to give her medication,

he always stole some furniture from her while her eyes were closed. The old woman's illness was finally cured, but her house

was almost completely stolen. The doctor asks the old woman for the agreed-upon fee for her treatment, and when she refuses to pay, she is taken to the judge. She said that she had promised to pay the doctor for the treatment on condition that she would be cured of her eye disease, but after the treatment, her

eyes were worse than before. She says, "I used to be able to see all the items in my house, but now I can't see any of them."

The story is about how insatiable people always leave behind their own sinful evidence without realizing it.

28. The Swallow and the Crow

The swallow and the crow quarreled over who was the most beautiful. The crow said to the swallow, "It is only in the spring that I can see your beautiful appearance, but my body

can withstand the cold of winter."

This is to say that a healthy body is the most beautiful appearance.

29. The Wolf and the Old Woman

A hungry wolf went around looking for food. When he came to a farmhouse, he suddenly heard the cry of a child. An old woman frightened

the child and said, "Stop crying or I will throw you out to the wolves right away." The wolf heard it and believed it, so he stood outside the door

and waited. As it grew dark, he heard the old woman teasing the child again, saying, "Good baby, if a wolf comes, I will kill

him." When the wolf heard this, he ran and said, "How this old woman says one thing and does another."

This story is about people who say one thing and do another, and who are not what they seem.

30. The Master and His Dog

A man had packed his traveling clothes and was ready to go. When he saw his dog still standing at the door yawning, he said to him

sternly, "Why are you still standing there yawning? Everything is ready and waiting for you, come with me quickly!" The dog wagged its tail

and replied, "Master! I'm ready, I've been yawning waiting for you."

This means that some people do not check themselves and often blame others for their faults.

31. The Monkey and the Dolphin

Those who sailed on the sea liked to take some animals with them for their amusement during the trip. There was a seafarer who sailed with a monkey, and when he reached the Straits of Sounion at Attica in Athens

, a storm came suddenly, and the ship was overturned by the winds and waves, and everyone jumped into the water to escape, and the monkey jumped into the water smartly. The dolphin saw him and, thinking he was a human being, immediately got under him, lifted him up

and sent him safely to the shore. On arriving at Pelaeus, the harbor of Athens, the dolphin asked the monkey if he was an Athenian. He replied:

"Yes, my ancestors were all famous people." Hai Taku then asked him if he knew about Pelaeus. Thinking that what the dolphin was talking about

was also a person, the monkey replied, "He is a very close friend of mine." The dolphin was so angry at the monkey's lies that it stopped holding him

and let him drown in the sea.

This story is about people who believe what they are told.

32. The Wounded Wolf and the Sheep

The wolf was bitten by a dog, and was so badly hurt that he lay on the ground in pain, unable to go out to feed. At that moment, he saw a sheep and

asked him to fetch him a little water from a nearby stream. He added, "If you give me a little water to quench my thirst, I will be able to go out and look for

food on my own." The sheep replied, "If I bring you water to drink, then I will be your food."

This story tells us never to fall for the hypocritical and evil people.