Who can introduce some like the Korean "telephone love affair" this kind of music similar to the song.

Love LIKE THIS /v_show/id_XMTMxNTkxMzg4.html 2. U-Kiss latest dynamic dance song Man Man Ha Ni /v_show/id_XMTMyNDgyNjk2.html 3. show/id_XMTMyNDgyNjk2.html 3. Rain, the king of dance, guides new idol singing group MBLAQ in their debut song Oh Yeah /v_show/id_XMTMyNDgxNjY0.html 4. show/id_XMTMyNDgwNjY4.html 5. SHINee's latest dynamic rhythm RingDingDong /v_show/id_XMTMwODAyNTI0.html 6. XMTI4NjQ4MzE2.html 7.Korean girl group f(x)'s latest sweet dance song "Chu" /v_show/id_XMTMwMzIwNjU2.html 8.BEAST [Bad Girl] /v_show/id_XMTI5MjA5NzUy.html 9.MBLAQ [Oh Yeah MBLAQ [Oh Yeah] /v_show/id_XMTI5MjA0NjMy.html 10.New Girl Group Secret Latest Live [I Want You Back] /v_show/id_XMTI4ODY0NzE2.html (Note: The above are all the recent hot fast songs of KMTV TV station in South Korea, which are all organized by individuals with great care!)

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