Cotillion slow four step teaching

Slow Four Teaching

Same as Slow Three, as we can think from its name, the rhythm of Slow Four is four beats to a bar, and its accent is on the first and third beat, or the first beat. Unlike slow three, where the accent is on the first beat, and since it is an odd numbered beat, the accent rotates on the left and right feet, slow four is different, since it is an even numbered beat, the accent is always on the left. Of course, this is for boys, but for girls, the accent is always on the right foot.

There are two basic ways to jump in the slow four: one is to jump in equal intervals; the other is to jump in two slow and two fast. Whichever way you jump, you have to follow certain principles.

Slow four is a slow rhythm of the dance, the expression, out of the should be calm, graceful and elegant.

Unlike the slow three, the undulation of the slow four is not obvious, can be said to be no, and four beats a bar. For spinning, it's clearly more fluid than the slow three.

Overall, the slow four is much easier to dance than the slow three. That's why there are always more slow fours than slow threes at the ballroom.

When the slow four of the dance music is slower, we can use equal interval dance method, according to the rhythm of the dance music, four beats to a small section, each beat to take a step. As for the dance posture and so on, are the same as the slow three is the same. When walking straight, the first two beats can be slightly larger, and the last two beats can be adjusted. Note that for boys, the accent is always on the left foot (girls on the right).

When the rhythm of the dance music is a little fast, you can use two slow two fast dance method, that is, "slow - slow - fast - fast". The slow beat contains two beats of the dance, and the fast beat contains one beat. In this way, a bar actually contains six beats. Beginners can dance the first slow four, easy to learn, good dance. Of course, the second way of dancing has a strong sense of rhythm and more patterns.

What are the basic steps of the slow four step in ballroom dancing

The slow four step is characterized by the fact that the man always starts with his left foot, and in a bar, it is usually four steps. The basic rhythm is slow, slow, fast, fast, in 4/4 time. In the slow quadruple step we will practice a few basic steps.

1. Long stride forward (slowly and quickly ****4 beats)

The main points of the dance: men's first step forward with the left foot, from the heel to the palm of the foot is a stroll; the right foot forward, the same is a stroll from the heel to the palm of the foot; the fast pace is the palm of the left foot is fast, the palm of the right foot is fast, and the feet are placed on the flat. Ms. First step right foot back, left foot back, right foot continues back and parallel.

2. Long step back (slowly and quickly ****4 beats)

The main points of the dance: men's first step from the left foot to start dancing, the left foot back slowly; the right foot back slowly; the left foot continues to back; the right foot and to the left foot quickly. In this section, there is no body rotation. Ms. First step right foot forward, right heel to paw; left heel to paw; right paw; left paw.

3. Forward side step (slowly and quickly***4 beats)

Dance essentials: men's first step left foot forward slow; right foot forward slow; left foot through the right foot to the side of the fast; the right foot and to the left foot fast. Ms. first step right foot backward slow; left foot backward slow; right foot through the left side fast; left foot and to the right foot fast.

4. Backward step (slowly and quickly***4 beats)

The main points of the dance: men's first step left foot backward slow; right foot backward slow; left foot next to the fast; right foot and to the left foot fast. Ms. first step right foot forward slow; left foot forward slow; right foot to the side fast; left foot and to the right foot fast.

5. Forward left turn (slowly and quickly***4 beats)

Dance essentials: men's first step left foot forward slowly, the body began to turn to the left slowly; the body continues to rotate, the right foot forward slowly; the left foot forward quickly; the right foot and to the left foot quickly. Ms. first step right foot arc backward slow; left foot continues to arc backward slow; right foot backward fast; left foot and to the right foot fast.

6. Backward left turn (slowly and quickly***4 beats)

The main points of the dance: men's first step left foot straight line backward slow; right foot arc next to the foot, the body to the left to turn slow; left foot next to the foot; the right foot and to the left foot fast. Ms. first step right foot forward slow; body to the left, left foot arc forward slow; right foot to the side fast; left foot and to the right foot fast.

7. Forward right turn (slowly and quickly***4 beats)

The main points of the dance: men's first step left foot forward slow; body to the right, right foot arc forward slow; left foot next to the fast, right foot and to the left foot fast. Women's first step right foot straight line backward slow; body to the right, left foot arc backward slow; right foot to the side fast; left foot and to the right foot fast.

8. Step back and turn right (slowly and quickly***4 beats)

The main points of the dance: men's first step left foot arc back slowly; right foot next to the slow; the left foot passes the right foot forward quickly; the right foot and to the left foot quickly. Women's first step right foot arc forward slow; weight shifted to the right foot, the left foot to the side of the slow; right foot backward fast; left foot and to the right foot fast.

Ten key points of good social dance:

1, elegant demeanor from the upright posture

2, the style of the show shows the pursuit of beauty

3, tacit cooperation is the premise of self-balance

4, the highest skill of the lead dance is to use the whole body

5, Enhancing musicality is the way to make the dance charming

6. "Leaping sense" is the fundamental way to get rid of the "walking dance" form

7. Side technique is the bridge to the perfect flow

8, Ideal lifting and lowering must eliminate the step transition

9, tilting is a multi-functional technique

10, center of gravity transfer technique is "unobtrusive"

The standard grip

The standard grip is an important means of forming a holistic structure of the two sides of the **** dance. In the dance plays a decisive role that can not be ignored. It is not only related to the beautiful shape, but also affects the transmission of information, the stability of the center of gravity, the correctness and unity of the method of exertion, as well as the use of special techniques and a series of other issues, so it must not be taken lightly.

The ideal standard grip, should produce such an effect - **** dance two sides are integrated. Teachers abroad have used such an image to express this sense of wholeness - "one body, two heads and four legs". This Western-style humor can indeed stimulate our inspiration and enable us to more accurately grasp the core of the problem.

In modern dance, the standard grip is the same for all styles except tango. The main points are as follows:

Feet, feet parallel and close together, never "eight" open; right toe to the partner's feet between; center of gravity in the forefoot ① but can not lift the heel.

Hands, the male partner's right hand palm inward, supporting the female partner's left shoulder swollen bone lower edge; from the tip of the elbow until the fingertips to form a straight line, in a diagonal shape of the natural inclined hanging, five fingers together, not to protrude from the wrist, and even more so, not to use the back of the hand to control the dance; the big arm is basically flat and oval shoulder spread.

Head and point of view, under the premise of keeping the shoulders parallel to the horizontal line between the two sides, the respective head to the left side of the 45-degree positive side turn, eyes looking forward; female partner should also make full use of the thoracic and cervical joints, from the Jianchu part of the thoracic vertebrae back 15 degrees, cervical vertebrae and then back 15 degrees into the upright bending, resulting in the unique beauty of the female curves. The first thing you need to do is not to lie back or lift up your stomach.

The body, from the diaphragm, until the thighs stop, the formation of the two sides of the micro-adhesion; in the center of gravity upward, open the "interval" based on the two sides of the search for a sense of "synergy".