Moonflower language: waiting for promising hope, happiness, glory, beauty and long new.
White Moonflower: It means respect and reverence. In Japan, the white rose (moonflower) symbolizes fatherly love and is the main flower used on Father's Day. White rose buds also symbolize young girls. In the United States, white symbolizes purity.
Red rose: pure love, passionate love or passion, chastity. People take it as a token of love, love synonymous with Valentine's Day is the preferred flower. Red moonflower buds on behalf of lovely. Americans believe that the red moonflower symbolizes love, love and courage.
Morphological Characteristics
Moonflower is an erect shrub, 1-2 meters high; branchlets are stout, terete, subglabrous, with short, thick, hook-like prickles. Leaflets 3-5, sparsely 7, 5-11 cm long with petiole, leaflets broadly ovate to ovate-oblong, 2.5-6 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, apex long acuminate or acuminate, base subrounded or broadly cuneate with sharply serrate margins.
Subglabrous on both surfaces, dark green above, often glossy, lighter in color below, terminal leaflets stalked, lateral leaflets subsessile, the common petiole longer, with scattered prickles and glandular hairs; stipules largely adnate to the petiole, only the apical detached portion of the auricle, the margins often with glandular hairs.