1. The following plants grow by sexual reproduction ( )
A. The leaves of pepper plant grow into new plants B. Sunflower reproduces its offspring by seeds
C. Moonflower can be reproduced by cuttings from branches D. Set can be used in grafting to reproduce good varieties
2. Three different flavors of apples grow on a single apple tree, which has to be
A. Self-pollination B. Reproduction by pressing C. Reproduction by grafting D. Reproduction by taking cuttings
3. Which of the following parts of the plant seed is developed ( )
A. Fertilized egg B. Fertilized polynucleus C. Ovule D. Ovary
4. When Zhang Mei was doing her budding internship and the buds she attached to it didn't survive, what is the most probable reason for the failure of the scion to fit tightly into the rootstock ( )
A. phloem B. lamina C. xylem D. pith
5. The incomplete metamorphosis of locusts goes through the process of ( )
A. egg, worm, pupa, adult B. egg, worm, adult
C. egg, larva, adult pupa D. egg, larva, pupa, adult
6. Some insects in nature have to moult several times during their development. Some insects in nature have to molt several times during their development, for example, locusts have to molt five times before they can develop into adults. The reason for their molting is ( )
A. to adapt to the overheated weather B. to unshackle and grow rapidly
C. to escape from the enemy D. the need to hibernate
7. The following is a correct description of amphibians ( )
A. an animal that can live both in the water and on the land
B. an amphibian can adapt to the dry terrestrial environment
B. an amphibian can adapt to the dry terrestrial environment
B. an amphibian can be used as a molt.
C. Hatchlings live in water and breathe through gills; adults live on land and breathe through their lungs
D. Fertilization must take place in water, and adults must hunt on land
8. In the spring, male and female frogs pair up in breeding behavior. A. they are mating B. the males are courting the females
C. in order to occupy the space for reproduction D. to increase the chances of sperm-egg unions
9. the development of amphibians ()
A. incomplete metamorphosis development B. metamorphosis development
C. development in vivo D. complete metamorphosis development
10. the reproductive reproduction of frogs is characterized by ()
A. the male and female body are the same. >A. hermaphrodite, in vivo fertilization, in vivo development B. hermaphrodite, in vitro fertilization, in vitro development
C. dioecious, in vivo fertilization, in water development D. dioecious, in vitro fertilization, in water development
11. The nucleus of a bird's egg is found in the ()( )
A. embryonic disc B. egg yolk C. albumen D. egg shell
12. Two cranes are dancing in the shallows near the water, this behavior belongs to ( )
A. Food storage behavior B. Rhythmic behavior C. Reproductive behavior D. Social behavior
13. The unfertilized egg is an egg cell, the cell membrane is located in ( )
A. eggshell B. eggshell membrane C. egg white D. egg yolk membrane
14. Which of the following groups of plants are commonly propagated from cuttings ( )
15. Which of the following groups of plants are commonly propagated by cuttings ( )
A. cabbage, radish, potato B. grape, chrysanthemum, moonflower
C. oleander, pomegranate, osmanthus D. apple, pear, apricot
15. When a branch of a green plant is inserted into the water, the roots will soon grow upwards to form a complete plant. C. asexual reproduction D. schizogamy
16. fruit farmers in the planting of pear trees, often duck pear buds grafted on the pear, the pressure of the buds and the pear are called ( )
A. scion and rootstock B. rootstock and scion C. scion and graft D. scion and rootstock
17. the following animals do not belong to the amphibian ( )
A. giant salamander B. turtle C. turtle C. turtle C. turtle B. turtle C. turtle C. snake A. salamanders B. turtles C. toads D. tree frogs
18. The following have nothing to do with the breeding behavior of birds
A. mother ducks fight to protect their ducklings by chasing eagles
B. great tits rip off the caps of bottles and steal milk
C. gardener's bird decorates its nest with flowers, berries, and broken pieces of stained glass
D. swallows peck at the mud to make nests
19. The following are not the functions of a bird's nest ( )
A. To help the parent bird feed its chicks and to protect them from enemies
B. To prevent the eggs from rolling apart and to keep them in clusters
C. To maintain the optimum temperature for the development of the eggs and the chicks
D. To allow the bird to rest inside the nest when it is tired of flying
20. An animal that incubates eggs is ( )
A. Fish B. Amphibians C. Reptiles D. Most birds
21. The behavior of birds in occupying the nesting area is ( )
A. Predation B. Breeding C. Attack D. Defense
22. The sayings "You reap what you sow, you reap what you sow" and "A mother gives birth to nine children, and each of the nine children is different" describe which characteristics of organisms respectively ( )
A. heredity and reproduction B. heredity and mutation C. reproduction and evolution D. development and reproduction
A. fine versus long staple cotton B. height versus weight of a human being
C. long versus short hair of a rabbit D. white hair of a cat versus black hair of a dog
24. The following traits are not genetically controlled
A. a normal couple gives birth to an albino child
B. an ordinary mouse gives birth to a genetically modified super mouse
C. an ordinary mouse gives birth to a genetically modified super mouse
C. an ordinary mouse gives birth to a genetically modified super mouse
C. a genetically modified super mouse
C. a genetically modified super mouse
C. yellow leaves of leeks and green leaves of chives
D. non-sweet corn kernels are produced on the ears of sweet corn
25. The following statements about genes are false
A. they are segments of DNA that determine the traits of organisms
B. they are dominant and recessive
C. they are found in pairs on the chromosomes of somatic cells
C. they are present on the chromosomes of somatic cells
C. they are present in pairs on the chromosomes of somatic cells
C. they are present in pairs on the
D. Pairs of DNA fragments are found on the chromosomes of sperm
26. In sexual reproduction, the "bridge" for gene transfer between parents and children is the ( )
A. nerve cell B. muscle cell C. germ cell D. somatic cell
27. In Mendel's pea hybridization experiment, the seeds produced by crossing tall peas with short peas were planted and the plants grown were tall, the incorrect explanation of this phenomenon is ( )
A. Tallness and shortness of peas are a pair of relative traits, tallness is dominant, shortness is recessive, and the crosses show tallness
B. Relative traits of tallness and shortness are controlled by the dominant gene and recessive gene, respectively
C. Genes expressing the shortness trait are found in the hybrids.
D. The genotype of tall peas produced after crossing can be expressed as Dd
28. The scientific reasoning behind the prohibition of consanguineous marriage under China's Marriage Law is that
A. consanguineous marriage will inevitably lead to hereditary diseases in the offspring
B. consanguineous marriage increases the chances of hereditary diseases in the offspring
C. consanguineous marriage violates the social ethics of the society.
D. All human genetic diseases are controlled by recessive genes
29. Sex determination in human beings occurs during ( )
A. sperm formation B. oocyte formation
C. formation of the fertilized egg D. embryonic development
30. The composition of chromosomes in the male body cells is ( )
A. 44+XX B. 44+XY C. 22+XX D. 22+XY
31. Which of the following mutations cannot be passed on to the offspring
A. the short-legged trait in the Ankang sheep
B. variations in the chromosome structure and number
C. large grains of wheat due to adequate fertilization
D. adequate crossbreeding
B. the number of grains of wheat due to adequate fertilization
D. the number of grains of wheat due to adequate crossbreeding
D. combinations of genes controlling good traits that are sufficiently linked together by crossbreeding
32. The "Space Pepper" and the "Super Rice" cultivated by Prof. Yuan Longping are respectively applying ( )
A. Mutagenesis and crossbreeding B. Hybridization and artificial selection
B. A. hybridization and artificial selection
C. artificial selection and mutation breeding C. hybridization and mutation breeding
33. Among the following variations, the kind of variation that is not inherited ( )
A. The plantain on the roadside grows thin, while the same plantain grows fat in the field
B. Pollination of red-flowered jasmine and white-flowered jasmine produces pink-flowered jasmine and the same plantain grows fat in the field.
C. A transparent goldfish crossed with an opaque goldfish to produce a transparent and opaque fish
D. A father with blood type A and a mother with blood type B gave birth to a child with blood type O
34. The male-to-female ratio in most higher animals is close to 1:1 because
A. Males and females produce equal numbers of reproductive cells
B. Males and females produce equal numbers of reproductive cells
B. Both males and females produce equal numbers of both types of germ cells
C. Males produce equal numbers of both types of germ cells and females produce an equal number of germ cells
D. Females produce equal numbers of both types of germ cells and males produce an equal number of germ cells
D. 35. A horse and a donkey mate to produce an offspring that is a mule. It is known that the somatic cells of the horse contain 32 pairs of chromosomes and the somatic cells of the donkey contain 31 pairs of chromosomes. The number of chromosomes in the somatic cells of the mule is ( )
A. 126 B. 62 C. 63 D. 64
36. The following descriptions of the sex chromosomes are correct ( )
A. There is only one type of sex chromosome in both the female somatic cell and the egg cell
B. There are two types of sex chromosomes in the male somatic cell and the sperm
C. There are only two types of sex chromosomes in the male somatic cell and in the sperm
C. Sex chromosomes are found only in germ cells
D. Human somatic cells contain a different pair of sex chromosomes
37. The approximate process of the origin of primitive life is ( )
A. primordial atmosphere Organic matter Primordial life
B. major constituent of volcanic lava Organic matter
C. major constituent of ultraviolet light Organic matter Primordial Life
D. The main component of the soil on the surface of the primitive Earth Organic matter Primitive life
38. The primitive life on the Earth originated ( )
A. On the primitive land or near the lava B. In the primitive oceans
C. In the primitive atmosphere D. In the process of the cooling rains
39. Based on the available information, scientists speculate that the time for the emergence of life was ( )
40. A. about 100 million years after the formation of the Earth B. about 1 billion years after the formation of the Earth
C. about 2.6 billion years after the formation of the Earth D. about 3.6 billion years after the formation of the Earth
40. In 1861, the fossil of an ancestor bird was found in Germany, which has the same body structure as that of reptiles, and the same body structure as that of birds. The fossil of the first ancestor bird was found in Germany in 1861, which had the same body structure as both reptiles and birds. From this reasoning, the following conclusions can be drawn ( )
A. Reptiles evolved into birds B. Birds evolved into reptiles
C. Reptiles and birds are related to each other D. Life originated from inorganic matter
41. The older the strata are, the more organisms that became fossilized ( )
A. The more numerous they were B. The more abundant they were C. The simpler and lower they were D. The more complex they were, the more they were lower D. the more complex and higher
II. Data Analysis
1. The gene that determines the presence of dimples (D) is dominant and the absence of dimples (d) is recessive in humans.
(1) Complete the following genetic diagram
Father (with dimples) Mother (without dimples)
Genetic composition of parents Dd dd
Genetic composition of germ cells
Genetic composition of zygote
Traits of zygote
(2) The chances of this couple having a child with dimples are __________________.
2. The composition and order of amino acids in the cytochrome C of different organisms reflect the kinship between these organisms. The smaller the difference, the closer the kinship; the larger the difference, the more distant the kinship. The table below shows the differences between the amino acids that make up cytochrome C in several organisms and humans.
Name of organism Difference between amino acids that make up cytochrome C in humans Name of organism Difference between amino acids that make up cytochrome C in humans
Chimpanzee 0 Tuna 21
Rhesus macaque 1 Drosophila 27
Dog 11 Sunflower 38
Horse 12 Streptomyces 43
Chicken 13 Helicobacter 45
Analyze the table above to show that:
(1) The fact that everything from unicellular spirochetes to chimpanzees in higher vertebrates contain cytochrome C can be illustrated at the molecular level ____________________________________________.
(2) From the data in the table, it is clear that the smaller the difference in the 104 amino acids that make up cytochrome C, the more ______ closely related the organisms are to each other; the larger the difference, the more ______ closely related the organisms are to each other. The closest affinity to humans is ______, the closer is ______, and ______ is the farthest from humans.
(3) What methodology was used in the study of the above problem of biological evolution?
(4) By looking up information or surfing the Internet, tell us what other ways scientists have studied the problem of biological evolution, giving examples.
Three, fill in the chart
1. Below is a chart of the four worm states in the development of a slime worm, fill in the names of the four worm states, the order of complete metamorphosis development and the concept.
① ② ③ ④
①__________ ②__________ ③__________ ④__________
The order of complete metamorphic development is _______________________________________
The complete metamorphic The concept is ___________________________________________
2. The figure on the right is a schematic diagram of the egg of the domestic pigeon, please answer the following questions according to the diagram:
(1) Write the names of the structures in each part
①_____________② _____________
(2) The part where embryonic development takes place is [ ] _________.
(3) The structures that provide
nutrition for the process of developing a fertilized egg into an embryo in the domestic pigeon are [ ]_________ and [ ]_________
(4) The reproductive process of the bird is able to be completely free from the constraints of the aqueous environment because of the large amount of water contained in the egg's [ ]_________, which leads to the production of the amniotic fluid.
3. The diagram on the right shows the structure of an animal cell,
According to the diagram, answer the following questions.
(1) Fill in the names of the parts
D _____________________
(2) The E in the figure represents _________ on D. In fact, there are _________ pairs of E's on a pair of D's, and each pair of E's controls a certain
Biology Midterm Practice Exam Questions
I. Multiple choice questions. (There is only one correct answer for each question, 1 point for each sub-question, ***18 points)
1. When observing a slide specimen with a microscope, Xiao Ming uses a 10× eyepiece and a 20× objective lens, and Xiao Qiang uses a
10× eyepiece and a 45× objective lens. What Xiao Qiang sees differently from Xiao Ming is ( )
A. The brightness of the field of view increases significantly B. The number of cells seen decreases
C. The image of the cells seen becomes smaller D. The range of the field of view expands significantly
2. Seeds with intact and full seeds are divided into two groups of A and B, and sown separately at 25 ℃, with group A planted in fertile, moist soil, and group B planted in infertile, wet soil. Soil, the two groups of seeds germination is ( )
A. B first germination B. A first germination C. At the same time germination D. are not germinated
3. in the same plant in the morning, evening, late at night, respectively, to pick the same part of the same three leaves, take the same size of the same piece of the round piece of the perforator, decoloration, treated with iodine, the results are ( )
A. morning picking of the leaf blade blue darker B. evening picked leaves blue darker
C. late at night picked leaves blue darker D. three leaf color blue shades of the same
4. at a certain point in time to determine an organ's arteries and veins in the flow of blood in the content of the three substances, the relative value of the figure on the right,
The organ is ( )
A. lungs B. brain C. small intestine D. Muscle
5. The following is the combination of oxygen and hemoglobin in the blood of several tissues: tissue A binding rate of 45%, tissue B binding rate of 60%, tissue C binding rate of 75%, tissue D binding rate of 85%, which is the most metabolically active ( )
A. Tissue A B. Tissue B C. Tissue C D. Tissue D
6, There are three kinds of digestive fluids A, B, C, they are not gastric fluid and pancreatic fluid, A digestive fluid to promote the C digestive fluid to digest fats, A digestive fluid and B digestive fluid can not digest protein, while B digestive fluid and C digestive fluid can digest starch, then, A. B. C these three kinds of digestive fluids are ( )
A. Intestinal fluids, bile, saliva B. saliva, intestinal fluids, bile
C. bile D. bile, intestinal fluid, saliva
7. When making kimchi, a special altar should be used, and the mouth of the altar must be sealed with water to seal the mouth of the altar for the purpose of ( )
A. isolating the air and inhibiting the reproduction of bacteria B. preventing dust and bacteria from entering the altar and preventing contamination
C. creating an anoxic environment, which is conducive to lactic acid fermentation D. preventing the exchange of gases, which is conducive to acetic acid Bacteria respiration
8. A, B, C, D four people with different blood types, if the B serum check, A, B blood can be agglutinated, by cross-matching test, A can only accept C's blood, according to which it is inferred that the four people's blood types are ( )
A. A, AB, B, O B. B, AB, O, A
C. A, AB, O, B D. AB, A, O, B
9. In 1989, scientists in China successfully introduced the human growth hormone gene into the egg cells of the carp, the development of the carp by such eggs grows significantly faster, the above facts show that ( )
A. the genes in the cell have obvious obvious, recessive B. the genes in the cell are pairwise
C. genes exist on the chromosomes of biological cells D. biological traits are controlled by genes
10. In an emergency, the lizard's tail can break off automatically, and the broken part can do flexion and extension movements, the lizard's behavior is the animal's ( )
A. aggressive behavior B. defensive behavior C. rhythmic behavior D. community behavior
11. p>11. Biologists call for the protection of biodiversity, but experiments have proved that many wild animals carry disease-causing organisms, you think we should ( )
A.Trap and kill the organisms that carry the bacteria B.Determine to kill them completely and quarantine all of them
C.Implement antibiotics in the animal kingdom D.Determine to protect them from being killed and stay away from close contact with them
12. The following are incorrect statements about biological evolution and ecology. A.Environmental factors affecting the life of organisms are called ecological factors
B.Weeds in rice fields compete with rice for sunlight, nutrients and water
C.Fertilizers should be applied to crops and vegetables with quick-acting chemical fertilizers, and farmyard manure should be applied in conjunction with fertilizers
D.On the evolution of organisms from simple to complex, aquatic to terrestrial, and low to high level, the evolution of organisms should be improved. The reason for the development of organisms from simple to complex, from aquatic to terrestrial, and from lower to higher is natural selection
13. Tomato seedlings with basically the same growth are cultivated in four pots, A, B, C, and D, with the same conditions except for the different fertilization. After a period of time, tomatoes in which pots the best results ( )
A. phosphate fertilizer pots B. nitrogen fertilizer pots C. pots pots pots potash D. no fertilizer pots
14. Which of the following is a characteristic of pseudomyopia ( )
A. the anterior and posterior diameters of the eyeball become shorter, behind the retina imaging
B. lens curvature is too small, refracting ability is too weak
C. The anterior and posterior diameters of the eyeball are too long, and the image falls in front of the retina
D. The regulatory structures of the eyeball are overstretched, and the refractive power is too strong
15. The polio vaccine is given to a child in the form of sugar pills, and the vaccine and immunity produced are ( )
A. antigen, specific immunity B. antibody, specific immunity
C. antigen, non-specific immunity D. antigen, non-specific immunity C. Antigen, non-specific immunity D. Antibody, non-specific immunity
16. Carp in the water keep swallowing water, its main role is to ( )
A. Filtering food B. Regulate the density of C. Balance the body D. Respiratory
17. The figure on the right shows the relationship between the oxygen consumption of the two animals A, B and the ambient temperature. The following description is correct ( )
A. A, B are mice B. A, B are frogs
C. A is a frog, B is a mouse D. A is a mouse, B is a frog
18. bryophytes and ferns have to live in a shady and humid environment, the main reason for this is that the roots are poorly absorbent and water retention ability B. the transport organization is not developed
C.Water is needed for photosynthesis D.Water is indispensable for fertilization
No need to talk about turquoise vegetable beds, smooth stone well fences, tall soapberry trees, purple and red mulberries; no need to talk about cicadas chanting in the leaves, fat wasps crouching in the cauliflower, and light and swift caller suddenly leaps straight up from the grass to the clouds. " Answer questions 1 through 5.
1. The above passage contains several kinds of organisms
2. A, 4 B, 5 C, 6 D, 7
2. Leaves and mulberries belong to
A, tissues B, organs C, systems D, plant bodies
3. Which of the following is not a basic characteristic of organisms such as the soapberry tree, the cicada, and the callow sky
A. need for nutrients B, respiration C, growth and reproduction D, reflexes
4. Soapberry trees use light energy to synthesize organic matter such as starch from carbon dioxide and water in chloroplasts and store energy in a process called
A, photosynthesis B, respiration C, transpiration D, diffusion
5. If this is an ecosystem, from the ecosystem's constituents, there are also missing
A, abiotic components B, producers C, consumers D, decomposers
1665 British physicist Robert Hooke will be cut into thin slices of cork, placed in their own manufacture of 140 times the magnification of the optical microscope, surprised to find that there are many honeycomb cells on the thin slices of cork, which he called cell (cell), since then, people's understanding of the structure of living organisms into cellular This microscopic field. Please answer 6-10 questions
6, the basic structure of the cell is the cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, but some cells are very special, such as human blood in the most blood cells, mature no nucleus, it is:
A, red blood cells B, white blood cells C, platelets D, plasma
7," Cooler" is the main component of fresh juice, squeeze the fruit can get juice, these juices mainly from which part of the cell structure
A, cytoplasm B, vesicles C, cell membranes D, mitochondria
8, a cuckoo (a plant) and cuckoo bird **** have the structure is
A, nucleus B, vesicles C, chloroplasts D, cell wall
9, smart you can grow from small, the root cause is
A, cell division B, cell growth C, cell division and growth D, cell differentiation
10, observation of cells often use microscopes, with the following four microscopes to observe the onion epidermal cells, the field of view of the largest number of cells in the microscope is which one
Microscope No.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
11, the basic tissues of the human body have the functions of support, connectivity, protection, nutrition, etc.
A. Epithelial tissues B. Muscle tissues C. Connective tissues D. Nervous tissues
12, among the following common plants, the gymnosperms are
A. Rice B. Broad bean C, Peach D, ginkgo
13, with a razor blade will be softened corn seeds from the center of the longitudinal section, a drop of iodine solution on the section, and then use a magnifying glass to carefully observe the iodine stained blue structure is
A, endosperm B, testa C, germ D, cotyledons
14, the main part of the root water absorption
A, root crown B, elongation zone C, meristematic zone D, maturation zone
15, green food refers to
A, green-colored food B, nutritious food with high economic value
C, food with chlorophyll D, safe, pollution-free nutritious food
16, using a microscope to observe the blood flow in the caudal fin of a small fish, the red blood cells can only be passed through a single line of blood vessels are
A, veins B, arteries C, Capillaries D. Capillary lymphatic vessels
17, which of the following diseases have nothing to do with the abnormal secretion of hormones
A, dwarfism B, cretinism C, color blindness D, diabetes
18, the human body vision in which structure to produce
A, retina B, optic nerve C, brain D, cerebellum
19, the dermis of the skin contains a wealth of The dermis of the skin is rich in sensory nerve endings,
capable of sensing heat and cold, touch pain, the following figure is a neuron
structural pattern diagram, which can be a structure in the figure represents the nerve
A, ① B, ② C, ③ D, ④
20, the following examples, in addition to which is due to the destruction of the ecological environment by mankind
A, acid rain B, earthquakes
A. A, acid rain, earthquakes
C, the destruction of the ozone layer D, Japan's "pain disease"
21, the right figure about the structure of the human joints schematic diagram, the figure which ____ mark
shows the structure represents the articular cartilage
A, ① B, ② C, ④ D, ⑤
22、The following accounts of respiration and photosynthesis in plants are correct
A. All living cells photosynthesize B. Photosynthesis occurs during the day and respiration at night
C. All living cells respire D. Plants respire by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen
23、Which of the following does not belong to asexual reproduction
A, cuttings from willow B, grafting
C, propagation by plant roots (root division) D, propagation by plant seeds
24, which of the following organisms is not parasitic
A, roundworms B, schistosomes C, viruses D, locusts
25, about the general trend of biological evolution of the narrative, is incorrect
A. from aquatic to terrestrial B. from terrestrial to aquatic C. from simple to complex D. from lower to higher
26. In the process of controlling SARS, the isolation of SARS patients is to
A. control the source of infection B. cut off the means of transmission C. protect susceptible people D. enhance the patient's immunity
27, a young man with AB blood type was involved in a car accident and needed an immediate blood transfusion, which of the following blood donors should be considered first
A, A B, B C, O D, AB
28, which of the following physiological phenomena do not appear after puberty
A, women's breasts increase in size B, men have testicles
C, women appear menstruation D, boys have testicles
C, women's breasts increase in size B, men have testicles
C, menstruation D, menstruation D, menstruation D, women's breasts increase in size D. Boys grow beards
29. There is a food chain of "pasture, rabbit, fox, and wolf" in the grassland, and if the pasture is contaminated by DDT, the following organisms have the highest content of DDT
A. pasture B. rabbit C. fox D. wolf
30. The trait of tongue curling and non-curling is determined by genes. The trait of not curling the tongue is controlled by genes, R decides to be able to roll the tongue, r decides not to roll the tongue, there is a couple, the father can roll the tongue (RR), the mother does not roll the tongue (rr), the genetic composition of the offspring is
A, RR B, Rr C, rr D, RRrr
Two, non-selective questions (40 points, of which 31 to 43 questions 2 points each, 44 to 45 questions each empty 1分)
31、Scientific research has shown that the sex of the offspring is determined by ________ during human reproduction.
32, cells with similar morphology and the same structure and function join together to form a group of cells called an organization. Tissues are the result of cell ___________
33, plants need a variety of inorganic salts for growth, of which the most needed are inorganic salts containing ______, phosphorus and potassium.
34, the riddle "hemp house, red tent, in the center sits a white fat man" refers to ____ __. It is a fruit that develops from the structure of the flower.
35, the body's main organ of respiration is __________________. The organ in the urinary system that forms urine is ________
36. Of the two behaviors of "the bird feeding the fish" and "the tits stealing the milk", the one that is a learned behavior is _______________.
37, cattle gastrointestinal bacteria specializing in helping to break down the cellulose in the grass, and cattle for the bacteria to provide a place to live and food, they rely on each other *** with life. The relationship between bacteria and cattle is known in biology as _______________.
38, Modern genetic research has shown that the traits of organisms are controlled by _________________.
39, The development of a frog, in which the larvae differ greatly from the adults and the changes are concentrated in a short period of time, is called ________________ development.
40, blood donation is the responsibility and obligation of every healthy citizen over 18 years of age to society and fellow citizens, and a healthy adult donating __________ milliliters of blood at one time will not affect his or her health.
41, According to the theory of biological evolution, the long neck and long forelimbs of the existing giraffe are _______________ the result.
42 In order to protect the Danding Cranes, China has established nature reserves in Zalong of Heilongjiang and Jiangsu respectively.
43, according to the "Guangming Daily" reported: in the world 1.1 billion smokers, China accounted for 330 million, China's annual death of about 1 million people died of smoking-related diseases. In conjunction with the May 31 "World No Tobacco Day" publicity. Please plan a 20-word public service announcement for the TV station, advocating that people cherish life and stay away from tobacco.
44. Most Chinese people can't drink too much fresh milk. Milk contains lactose, which requires an enzyme called galactase to break down the lactose for absorption. But the Han Chinese lack this enzyme, which is genetically determined, and the average person who drinks 500 milliliters of milk a day has an uncomfortable reaction, even diarrhea.
(1) Calcium, iron, zinc and selenium are the four trace elements that are more abundant in milk.
(2) milk into the body after digestion and absorption of the main place is .
(3) usually we drink sweet and sour milk, is added to the milk lactobacilli fermented under closed conditions, lactobacilli belong to (fill in the "fungi", "bacteria" or "mold")
(3) usually we drink sweet and sour milk, is added to the milk lactobacilli fermented under closed conditions, lactobacilli belong to (fill in the "fungi", "bacteria" or "mold") "
(4) Westerners are fine with drinking as much milk as water. Do you think this has something to do with genetic diversity? Answer: .
(5) You the above material, combined with your usual study, talk about your knowledge of enzymes. Summarize it in one sentence. (20 words)
45. There is a dish in seafood restaurants called "Xishi Tongue (a kind of shellfish) stir-fried with Nine-layer Pagoda (a kind of spice plant)" The media reported that Nine-layer Pagoda contains safrole, (a) Xiaoming guessed that trace safrole can cause cancer; (b) so he prepared two groups of rats, one group was fed with food containing trace safrole for a long time, and the other group was fed with normal food; the other group was fed with normal food. food, and the other group was fed normal food; (C) after one year, neither group of rats had cancer.
(1) Which step in the method of scientific inquiry should (a) above belong to. A.
(2) When the results of an experiment do not match the hypothesis, it means that the hypothesis is . (correct or incorrect)
(3) The step (a) is a controlled experiment, which is commonly used in investigations
(4) Mice are mammals, and mammals live a wide range of lives, so write down a mammal that can fly as follows:
(5) Many factors can make cells cancerous by altering the normal genetic material within the cells, write one of the cancer-making factors such as Answer:
Won't ask the teacher
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