A young man named Huisheng, who lived with his father, had a hard time because of the drought. Huisheng decided to go up to Cangshan Mountain to find water to relieve the drought. But he traveled all over the nineteen peaks and couldn't find any. But he still searched and searched. When he was tired, he climbed a tree to sleep. When he was hungry, he picked wild fruits and ate them. When he was thirsty, he chewed the green leaves in his mouth.
In the evening, when Huishan came to the tip of the mountain, he saw an old man standing on a rock, staring into the distance. Huishan went up to the old man, saluted him, and asked him for advice. The old man said, "If you want to save the drought, you can only steal the Queen Mother's water bottle.
Huisheng said, "How do you get to heaven?
The boss did not speak, he dropped the rags, and disappeared Huisheng is very puzzled, suddenly, a gust of wind blew , Huisheng whole body cold shivering, busy picking up the old man's rags to put on, and found that there is a lupine fan, he turned on the right back to grow wings to fly to the Yao Chi , steal the immortal water bottle, open the immortal water bottle poured into the mortal world.
The Queen Mother knew and put Huisheng in jail.
From then on, the earth lived a good life with a good harvest.