What are the basic steps of being a DJ and what do you need to know?

There are many kinds of DJs. There are many kinds of DJs, such as nightclub DJs, radio DJs, and those who play the disk, etc. You should want to be a nightclub DJ. You should want to be a nightclub DJ! Want to do nightclub DJ first of all to find a teacher or master, do not expect self-study or something, self-study can be learned, and it is easy to learn, but inside the more detailed technology you can never study out, easy to learn and difficult to fine. There is also to find the field to do is not a fresh DJ a person can complete, so be sure to find a teacher. Nightclub DJs are divided into playing the hall, playing the private room, playing the hall without experience do not want to, at most, can only do a vice play. Playing the private room, now the field generally have to bring their own machines. No machine less, and hard to find. The price of the machine depends on the requirements of the field, a set of medium disc player Xianfeng 200 + 400 to 6500 or so, used, if not to go too advanced field, this set of equipment should be no problem. Do a DJ is not easy, difficult in the beginning, the cost of expenditure is not generally large. It is best to have some financial support. Think about it

The needs of a DJ

Translated by Anne

-The thought of installing a fixed sound reinforcement system makes many contractors think of a live music venue, where switching mixing control technology, a large front-of-house loudspeaker system, a monitoring system, and lots of microphones and wiring, among other things, are used. While some of these elements do help the music; playback systems work well, there are some differences between live music and playback systems. Familiarizing yourself with those differences and distinctions between the DJ as a performer and the DJ as the fine-tuned control of the recording will facilitate the design, and implementation of a proper club playback system.

1. Tapered Speakers and Horns

When it comes to the business end side of the sound system (i.e., the loudspeaker system), many of the technologies commonly used in small to medium sized systems in clubs have small differences as well. The main debate seems to revolve around whether an individual should use a cone horn or a horn in the mid-range range. The compression-driver/cone combination provides effective, high-output, slightly controllable mid-range frequency-coverage patterns, all of which serve well in any application of an effective sound system.

For live sound reinforcement system combinations that include vocals, mid-range range compression driver/cone combinations will be used in their standard form, as the sound will have some special output requirements in most orchestra or band applications where there is a push-out and a pull-in when competing with other instruments for volume. However, the vast majority of listeners find cone loudspeakers in the mid-range range to be less harsh and pleasing to the ear during music playback. Often the size of the location, the output level required, and the indication of the sound matter will determine which of the two mid-range compositions will be the best choice.

Many seemingly natural variations in horn design are now commercially viable. If space is at a premium, the driver/horn would be an economical and practical choice. However reality demands that most must be up to the level of a fairly sounding output compression driver/cone combo. The additional cost goes beyond just controlling and powering the plethora of horn components, electronics and amplifiers.

Consider the large number of failures in the system, the cost of repairs ---- and the potential downtime ---- It becomes more economical to choose cone horn mid-range range components for larger systems. The most important thing is to check frequently with someone who is very sensitive to the sound of the mid-range range, including the owner, the equipment music director, or the main DJ.

2. Subwoofers

Subwoofers are often used indiscriminately in typical music playback systems. There are often a dozen reasons for these uses, not the least of which is the idea that "bigger is better," and while some cabarets have designed their spaces to have the subwoofers suspended or placed below the stage, many more prefer to place them above the dance floor, with the intention of creating a wall of sound. This looks very eye-catching ---- For most cabarets, the visual effect is very important ---- However, if it's too much, it can also cause a lot of trouble, such as machine malfunctions, sound damage, muddiness, harshness, and so on. To understand how to control these situations, it is important to know what kind of bass these people want.What DJs want is very simple: deep, loud bass that hits you in the gut.

For many dance tracks, bass is very important. Bass makes people get up and dance, but it's also a big hit on the dance floor, often spreading throughout the building. As you can imagine, the bass produced by many bass bubbles together can cause all sorts of vibration problems, such as noise borne by the building. Due to the long wavelengths, it may annoy neighboring areas farther away from the cabaret. So when your client comes up with his or her idea, be sure to check the local sound coding and surroundings to avoid problems before putting the need into action. Considering the above issues, many cabarets are only chosen in industrial areas or other dark and gloomy parts of town. Can you get solid, clear bass without all those bass bubbles? Without a doubt. In many cases, you can help your customers save a lot of money. Remind your client that he or she will have no problem putting in more bass as long as it is placed in the right place. If the client feels that visual impact is more important and insists on having a lot of bass, he or she will have to deal with the legal or financial consequences. Some cabarets try to do this on two legs, i.e., placing a lot of fake bass bubbles on the floor of the dance floor to create a stronger visual effect. If you make such a suggestion, make sure your customers know that those bass bubbles are silent so that you won't be accused of cheating them.

3. Beef up the ELF

Want to get to the point quickly? Be sure to give the DJ access to any major low-frequency debugging equipment, such as an image equalizer or subsonic enhancer. While image equalizers are widely used in cabarets, too much bass bubble loading and too much low end can be a real danger. Unrestricted low end can burn out the tonearm because it's too far away from the bass region. Similarly, if the amplifier does not have enough retained output power, the platter will be destroyed by the waveform of the翦切. These are very real mistakes, so make sure that you have carefully tested the limits of your system and that everything is under control. Use a safety cap or software to control the equalizer, don't test the DJ.

Over the last decade or so, the machine features on DJ mixing boards have increased dramatically, reflecting the creativity of DJs and the increased performance of unique scratching techniques. Battle boards are two phono input channel strip mixers with a single crossfader designed specifically for scratch DJ competitions. While not all DJs use scratching, it has seeped into the cabaret-like environment. This small but practical mixer should be included in all DJ cabaret equipment lists.

4. Rotary knob or attenuator?

There are a number of mixers for DJ systems, with a variety of different features, but the main thing is to choose between a rotary knob and an attenuator. The first mixers for music reverb used rotary knobs for ease of control, others went back to the earlier Bozak and Bogen designs. Rotary controls on mixers are very durable because they are well protected from wear and tear and dust can't get in, so there is no such thing as damage from attenuators. Many mixers were also very fond of rotary knobs. urei picked up what Bozak threw away and made the new 1620 mixer, which was the industry standard for many years before it was discontinued.

Obviously, the 1620 wouldn't really have a cross-attenuator. It required the use of two volume potentiometers at the same time, a cumbersome procedure, and didn't stop the popularity of mixers.Rane now makes a mixer called the MP for 2016, a nostalgic version of the UREI 1620. Other companies make another rotary knob, but the 1620G is still in the lead. It's commanding a high price, both on auction.com and through thrift dealers. The advantage of the attenuator is that the crossfade between two program sources can be smoothly converted to operate, which stabs the most important part of the mixer. Attenuators have improved their resistance to dust, and many are easy to replace, even when the mixer is open for craftsmanship between stabs of two disks. Most mixers on the market today have attenuators, but it's important to make sure there are no rotary knobs. Often designers will use one of two methods, placing a scratch mixer into the effects loop or adding a spare stage channel to a larger mixer. When receiving the mixer input stage, there will be a preamp step line sound when the signal reappears, so care must be taken in adjusting or lining the steps to avoid overloading the preamp.

Many mixers vary in price and performance, but mid-to-high-end mixers have multiple channels to choose between microphones, cables, and turntables, and these arrangements can be tailored to meet the needs of DJs. Higher priced mixers have more specialized features such as overload indicator 100mm high quality attenuator for each channel, live effects and standard component channel strips to make it easier for users to use and get service more conveniently with low noise and high quality output specifications.

However, you do get what you pay for after all. There are still tons of standard mixers on the market, so make sure you know the configuration before you decide to buy. There is a new generation of some of the current DJ mixers on the market and disk players. What's new about it? It's the added crossover and controllable features in the control link between the two machines. As a result of this advancement, the medium can be better controlled, adding a new level of creativity.

5. CD or phono?

What about both? Any good cabaret system design is going to have turntables for records and disk players for CDs etc; you can't afford to leave them out. Although many DJs often include turntables and mixers in their complete mixing systems, they just want to be like a lot of people who only have their own program material and still need to use the instrumentation found in cabarets.CD players for DJs have been improved with special pause systems to avoid skipping frames or vibration problems. Still others have demo loop options and unique live scratching effects. While many DJs still prefer to use turntables because of the freedom of touch and the vinyl's actual ability to perform well, DJ-based CD players have actually outgrown the original design of turntables in terms of functionality and features, and that's exactly where it's at. Many DJs prefer to use both, but for the old school and DJs who use scratch technology, just the turntables can do the Techinics 1200 is probably the best known turntable commercially. the 1200 is the standard by which everything else is measured, and has certainly become a legend, but it's certainly not the only option. Many of the newer phono designs outperform the 1200 in terms of setup speed, suitability, features, and price.

Perhaps the most important parts of a phono are the needle and the turntable, so it's important to protect those delicate parts, even at all costs. Because turntables are so fragile, it's often a good idea to store extras in the cabaret for quick replacement when necessary. A Stanton Magnetics product called Final Scratch has made it possible to mix manual scratching into Vinyl when working with digital files on a laptop, an advance that may be the first example of using high tech to mix art into scratching - as long as you think you've got it all figured out.

6. Headphones

Headphones are an integral part of a good DJ setup. Without them, you might not be able to hear the next song while using the turntables, and you won't be able to hear what's going to play on the CD player first. Everyone wants headphones with style; some people like to listen to light music on the go, while others prefer to be alone in a corner surrounded by loud music. Headphones, like needles and turntables, have a tendency to deviate from all of this. It's a good idea to do the math on how much these things cost after each show (or you could also look at the cost of replacing streamers and pyrotechnics). If what is used indoors is a set of headphones that work well and sit on your ears and a good locking connector, they certainly won't be removed.

7. Drumming and electronic synthesizers

The market has become increasingly sophisticated, and many previously manufactured equipment and musical devices are favored by DJ mixing associations, with grooves added directly to the music recording. Because of the importance of effective control during mixing, some equipment has been added to the console effects loop, some placed in channel paths, and some returned as attenuators on consoles. the DJ market has broken new ground for vintage drums (called the Roland 808 and 909, the LinnDrum, and the E-mu Drumulator). Adding music to the drums or adding additional drumming patterns has become an important part of enhancing the sound, and is now an industry standard.

Early electronic analog synthesizers are now back in vogue in cabarets. Those are available through used-equipment distributors and on auction Web sites, and at good prices. The surge in demand and the desire to spend less has spurred many manufacturers to reproduce analog (and some digital) legacy equipment sound software and hardware products. Also used in DJ applications are standard live sound and production recording techniques, from echo to delays, to harmonizers and other adjustable devices that play a role in mixing.

The range of these devices is too large to cover in this article. But a word of caution here is that everyone has their own preferences. Talk to the client, the DJ who is in charge of this sound system first and get their opinion. If you are a designer who is very concerned about the budget, you can also find a product that can do effects and samples and drums, but it may also be unbearable if you really face the problem of functionality and sound quality.

8. Passing the mic

Many DJ mixers have flanges on their consoles that can be set with a gooseneck mic, which can be useful when the DJ is announcing a song title or talking to the crowd, or it can be used for other, secretive purposes in creative endeavors. Gooseneck microphones have been a favorite in the DJ market for many years, but in recent years other types of microphones have begun to catch up, so ask the cabaret owner and the DJ what they mean. If the DJ likes to get out of his workspace, suggest a highly directional handheld wired microphone, or if the atmosphere of the cabaret cooperates, a wireless handheld or lavalier microphone can be suitable, or even a standard suspension microphone. Don't forget that if it's a party and there are a lot of DJs, it's a good idea to have more than a few microphones on hand. A flexible wireless system is the most versatile microphone if cost allows.

Being attentive to the needs of your clients and DJs is key to the success of your system design. Doing a homework assignment to gather requirements in advance will provide valuable information throughout the design process. Another good way to do this is to visit some local cabarets and see what others are doing. If the owner knows the sounds or other characteristics involved, ask him or her for advice as well.

The final system will need to be tested before it can officially function. This step is extremely important, and it is important to make sure that you are present at that time to observe any standing conditions. If there are any improvements that need to be made, be sure to take steps to ensure that everything is working properly.

Typically, there will be room equalization, adjustments to the position of the speaker system, or things on the stage that need to be adjusted. But the job doesn't end there. A detailed written guide is to be provided, including guides, brochures and other relevant material. And of course keep a copy of it for yourself in case a client loses it or you need to use it yourself to solve a problem.

Finally, consider preparing a regular service agreement to ensure that it will work accurately. Sometimes system designers and contractors will offer a one-year guarantee before the end of the service agreement, but that can be tricky because most problems tend to just show up in the first year of use. Be careful with your timing in this case; if there's a problem, it's probably going to be at midnight, when you'll have to get out of bed to get it repaired.

Advanced DJ knowledge


EQ stands for equalizer equalizer. On more advanced mixers, there are knobs for EQ adjustment. Generally speaking, the EQ adjusts the music frequencies of the terble, middle, and bass frequencies of the sound roll.

Detailed description of the EQ chart

(1), subwoofer 50HZ or more

(2), bass 50HZ ~ 150HZ

(3), low-mid 50HZ ~ 500HZ

(4), mid-range 150HZ ~ 500HZ

(5), mid-tenor 2KHZ ~ 4KHZ

(6), mid-tenor 2KHZ ~ 4KHZ

(7), mid-range and upper-range 50HZ ~ 500HZ

(8), mid-range and upper-range 50HZ ~ 500HZ

(6), treble 4KHZ ~ 8KHZ

(7), super-treble 8KHZ or more

DISCO audio basic line

Sound source → mixing desk → mixing desk → equalizer → pressure limit → amplifier → speaker

↓ ↓ ↓

CD Player effects Accumulator

↓ ↓ ↓ --------Mixer

Turntable------- -------------Turntable (Japanese technicce)

Effector==========" is a reference to the effects unit of Pioneer's EFX-500

CD Player---. ----CD Player

Synthesizer---- -500KM I I CD Pioneer, 500s (Single CD) N-2500F========" refers to DENON's DN-2500F CD

Pioneer (Dual CD) DN-2000 MK I I= = =" refers to DENON's DN-2000 MK I I CD Pioneer (Dual CD)

TB-808, TB-909====" refers to Roland's TB-808, TB-909 electronic drum machines

MC-303, 505===== SL-1200, SL-1200 turntable

Version Recognition

Generally, singles are divided into Radio, Club, Mix, Remix, Extended, Houseversion, Powermix, Power Mix, Remix, Remix of two songs, and so on. Powermix (power remix), Hardmix (hard remix), ...... variety.

If you get the idea, we can start getting right into the genre of music.

DJ Knowledge Professional


Next I'm going to talk about the DJ professional technology chapter.DJ professional technology is to pull the pickup song, although it is not difficult, but want to pick up the good, we have to spend a little bit more effort and time, the concept of pickup is to remix the two songs will be the way the song to the song in order to broadcast the song in an uninterrupted way so that people continue to dance, not to the cold field, to say that! Song is a kind of remix, so that each string of songs sound as good as possible like a song, so the song must pay attention to the overall, and EQ mastery, which EQ is very important, and a Mixer will heavily influence the control of EQ, if the EQ of the two songs is not very close to the song, it is easy to listen to the replacement of the song, the domestic part of the DJ is not very strict requirements on EQ, however, in theory, the EQ is not very strict, but in terms of the EQ, the EQ is not very strict, but in theory, the EQ is not very strict. Some domestic DJs are not very strict about EQ requirements, but, in theory, you should pay attention to EQ. And catch the song must also remember to beat, four eight to four eight, do not two eight to the third eight, is the first eight to the second eight, this is the biggest taboo. The last requirement is that I hope you can practice to tune the beat as fast as possible, and stacked beat at least On Beat eight eight or more for the best, and TRANCE DJ requirements for sixteen eight beat or more for the best, because Trance must be on the song stacked beat time is longer, more delicate song, and EQ should pay special attention to. Basically, these matters, you are in line with the words, basically, you can go to the ballroom song! But as a DJ, it's best to listen carefully to every record, so that you can be called a professional DJ, and of course, the familiarity of dance music is also very important.

Basic Concepts

What should a qualified DJ learn?

(1) Listen to the rhythm of the music

(2) Listen to the melody of the music

(3) Listen to the style of the music

(4) Feel the speed (BMP)

(5) Follow the slow to fast, from cold to hot, gradually in-depth

(6) Do a good job in the DJ notation, to do a lot of listening, practicing, analyzing, and practicing

This is a very good idea. p>1, how to understand the rhythm of the music

1, HIP-HOP (hip-hop) originated in black culture, it is lazy and elegant music, named after an initial RAP lyrics "SAY HIP YOU DON′T STOP". Divided into RAP (rap, rap), REGGAE (reggae, from Jamaica), TRIP-HOP (confused, miserable), FUNKY (compact, rhythmic strong, cheerful), R&B (rhythm and blues), BLUE (pure blues), JAZZ (jazz music), ROOK (rock), SOUL (soul music), POP SLOW (popular), FUNK (funk). ), FUNK (funk & lt; acoustic guitar & gt;), RAP FUNKY FUNK (collectively known as HIP-HOP).

such as (1) REGGAE (reggae) features: more relaxed and lively, notation R2 (2) RAP (rap) features: hard, dry, notation R1 (3) R&B features: style and the first two are closer to the music performance is more lyrical, the rhythm of the blue adjustments, the notation R3

The above three kinds of BPM in the 125 beats within the rhythmic expression:


BPM is above 120 beats.


(with vocals, fusion of 70's disco and funk music style),

TECHNO HOUSE (factory), SOFE HOUSE (soft, gentle), SOFE

HOUSE (hard). p>HOUSE (hard), TRANCE HOUSE (more popular, noble), DREAM HOUSE

(dream), TRIBAL HOUSE (tribal home, with electronic synthesized keyboards, powerful electronic sound, Belgian-style bass, combined with male rap, how to understand the rhythm of the music of the female vocals, the feeling of a very modern, very "spacey", the rhythm is full of The rhythm is full of explosions, and added drums and metal music.) HAPPY HOUSE (happy, happy), DRUM′S&BASS, DREAK BEAT, POP HOUSE, RAVE (fast), SONG OF HOUSE (singing).

3. TECHNO: techno dance music, feeling very mysterious, mechanized, the middle of a large number of modern technological equipment remixes, similar to TECHNO HOUSE, such as heavy metal.

4. TRIP-HOP: electronic and music as the tone combined with tone sampling, and combined with the means of becoming processed, with and with a bizarre, bleak, colorful singing style, the music sounds lost scattered, light, psychological slight abnormality, neurotic mood.

5. FUNKY: strong rhythm, upbeat, compact rhythm. Rhythmic expression: VV^.VV^, similar to the HIP-HOP rhythm, but the interval is compact

6. POP: popular continental beats, a lot of vocal performance, similar to the HIP-HOP rhythm, but the BPM is more than 125 beats.

7. DRUM "N "BASS: Electronic music (JUNGLE), drums change faster, is a kind of JUNGLE electronic music. Dance will be inferior sense of madness, but the music is infinitely accessible.

8. BREAK BEAT: The third beat of a traditional 4/4 beat house becomes two fast and tiny "crackle" beats.

II. Rhythmic markers

1. D1 is a strong and dry rhythm, with few other instruments intervening between the drums, the BPM is above 125 beats, and electronic synthesized effects appear in their loops, which is classified as TECHNO, in the form of: (1) V^.V^ (2) V V V V

2. D2 is mixed with crisp instrumentation between the drums, and the performance is very elastic and lively, in the form of: (1) V^.V^ (2) V V V V

2. Lively, performance: (1) V stab ^ stab V stab ^ ( 2) V ^ of V ^ of V ^ of

3. G rhythm of the first beat often have a few fast drums or drums mixed between the bass playing, feel very fast, like in the rolling, it is slowly introduced into the climax of a kind of rhythm in the middle and back of the field is the public's favorite and acceptance of the rhythm, the performance form: Vvv ^ V vvv ^

4. S Performance: (1) V hairpin hairpin V hairpin hairpin (2) V hairpin hairpin V hairpin hairpin hairpin This rhythm is more popular with the public no matter how fast or slow, such as margaritas, bobbleheads and so on. In short, first listen to the low drum rhythm, and then listen to the high between the hairpin sound, you can distinguish it belongs to which type of rhythm.

Three, melodic type

1, P: mostly adapted from popular songs, melodic, easy to catch, with vocals.

2, how to listen to the music rhythm T: very mechanical, very mysterious, very modern, electronic.

Four, style

1, how to recognize the music style?

Style means melody and singing voice.

(1) enthusiastic (O): the song has a wild vocal singing or melody is very strong, feel lively, such as soccer songs (HOWGEE).

(2) calm (L): some dance music has a good rhythm, the dynamic is more powerful, but feel the tune is very low, fast song is more mysterious. A section can be placed appropriately in the middle of the climax as a transition.

(3) strong (J): no matter cold or hot, as long as it sounds strong, such as rolling music in some styles.

(4) cheerful (H): sounds easy, pleasant. Such as Bebejia.

(5) Catchy (C): many songs will be sung by the public, such as EVERYDAY.

Fifth, the concept of BPM

Basic Structure of Electronic Dance Music - LOOP Concepts A few years of all the electronic dance music, there is a certain structure as well as the rules, no matter how complex and variable it is, there is a certain structure to follow. The same applies to electronic dance music with drums: one beat equals one word, eight words (beats) for one sentence, four sentences for one paragraph (that is, 4 x 8 = 32 beats,) this kind of paragraph we call the basic structure of the dance music will not be too difficult to figure out. If the drums are beating solidly on each beat, it's very easy to recognize, but if it's a break beat or an interlude without drums or something like that, it's not so easy to recognize, but it's still following the basic pattern of four human beats to a passage.

Six, BPM of the description

A, what is called BPM

1, the definition of BPM:

BPM is BESAT PER MINUTE, the abbreviation, willing to "beats per minute

Number of beats", that is, the total number of drums per minute in the disco dance music.

2. How to calculate BPM:

BPM is generally calculated using 8 beats per bar of music, which can be categorized as follows:

(1) Calculate the number of beats per minute using a watch or a horse watch.

(2) Calculating with TEMPO (beats) on equipment such as synthesizers and drum machines.

(3) Calculate the beats per minute with a BPM meter on a professional mixing desk or CD player such as VESTAX, NUMARK, etc.

(4) Use other methods such as minutes and seconds multiplication and computerized way to calculate. For example, if the BPM of a certain song is 12 8 beats, then the BPM value is 12×8=96 beats.

3, the role of the BPM:

The DJ's main job is to articulate each dance song perfectly, and to arrange the dance music BPM from slow to fast, with the cycle of gradual change of a dance song, to improve and master the mood of the dancers, in order to achieve such a purpose in addition to learning to choose the appropriate dance music, and to confirm that the next articulation of the dance song's BPM can not be more than 10 beats or more. In general, an experienced DJ will choose the BPM within plus or minus 3-4 beats, although the turntable can be adjusted to plus or minus a little bit of beat difference, but in the BPM related to a lot of time, through the turntable's variable speed high-speed components will be pulled to the highest or lowest speed when the dance music will be out of tune, so in the mixing of articulation of the dance music, the appropriate choice of the BPM spacing of each dance music is very important.

4, each DJ must understand the importance of BPM in addition to the importance of knowing "BODY RYTHEM".

"BODY RYTHEM" according to the literal interpretation is: the body's rhythm, rhythm, sense of melody, its importance and the same BPM, because every DJ encountered some rhythm is not too obvious or the hall strange drums, it is necessary to use the "BODY RYTHEM" to count the beat and the experience of rhythmic cycle.