If it is to lose weight, jogging is recommended! But the time to be long!
If you want to burn more calories, weight loss, as long as the aerobic exercise, adhere to more than 40 minutes can be!
Dancing - every joint of the body in motion, more coordinated and uniform activity, relatively small amount of exercise, but lasting, people are also pleasurable, not easy to fatigue!
Fast walking - moderately intense exercise, such as standard aerobics classes, usually lasts 1~2 hours. With this type of exercise your muscles will use half fat and half glycogen.
Jogging - Jogging is this kind of low intensity exercise, it is worth noting that if you want to lose weight, then you have to keep exercising for more than forty minutes, you can make the blood inside the calorie burning can not support your exercise, then it will start burning fat directly, the blood inside the calorie content is 360 calories. The excess is the amount of fat burned.
Fast walking is a moderately intense exercise. Its fat burning is not as fast as jogging.