Zhang Yixing is so hot right now, what makes his songs so good?

For example, in the song "I'm Not Okay", with the purpose of creating a regrettable atmosphere, you will find that Zhang Yixing is constantly focusing on the action and result of the atmosphere rendering in the melody creation and arrangement ideas: On the one hand, he puts the "Vocal" into the song early, to show that the main character of the song "retreats for advancement", and gives up the mentality of seeking and purpose; on the other hand, he uses the melody line with less obvious ups and downs to avoid the obvious main song, chorus and transition section.

The Vocal is an early addition to the song, showing the protagonist's "retreat to advance" mentality of giving up, and then using a melody line that doesn't have a lot of ups and downs to avoid the obvious progression of the main song, the chorus, and the transition.

The melody in the bass and middle registers is always accompanied by the piano and drums, continuing to show the downtrodden state of mind, except for the last two lines of the chorus, which "rushes" with a shout in the high registers, like a hero's uncontrollable heartache, exploding at the extreme point, and then stopping at the end to finish a song called "Ballad", which is a song about a man's heart. The Ballad's specifications and lyrical significance have been established.

In 2018, Zhang Yixing's third album, Dreams Don't Fall in the Rainforest, reached the "seven consecutive championship achievement" in the music charts by you! At the same time, with the wonderful interpretation of "Dreams Don't Fall in the Rainforest / NAMANANA", he gained the first place in the second phase of "By You Music Role Model".

By the end of 2018, Zhang Yixing's "Dreams Don't Fall in the Rainforest" album's total sales exceeded 25 million +, becoming the No. 1 on the 2018 TME Album Sales Chart overall. For seven consecutive weeks, it won the No. 1 spot on the By You Music Chart! Together with the two-champion single "Give?Me?A?Chance?" became a dominant chart hit. The total number of likes during the charting period exceeded 4.3 million, and Zhang Yixing himself broke a number of records on the Youtube Music Chart with his nine crowns, making his strength unquestionable!