Emergency generator set noise, outdoor air conditioning unit noise, equipment cooling tower noise, factory stamping equipment and forging equipment noise, factory processing equipment (machine tools, drilling machines, milling machines, planers, grinders, etc.) noise. ), noise of heating or hot water boiler, noise of ventilation equipment (kitchen exhaust, indoor fresh air, indoor exhaust, etc. ), etc. All the above can be regarded as industrial noise.
Construction noise:
Excavator noise, bulldozer noise, pile driver noise, rammer noise, concrete mixing station (machine) noise, concrete pump truck noise, concrete tanker noise, crane noise, impact drill noise, broken gun noise, steel processing equipment noise, noise generated by construction handling activities, etc.
Social life noise:
Automobile traffic noise, train (subway) traffic noise, airport or plane noise, KTV and disco noise, commercial market publicity and staff activity noise, public square activity (square dance aunt) noise, music and dance rehearsal noise, etc.
In short, there is a lot of noise, which can be divided according to the types of equipment and noise sources. However, many noises go hand in hand, so it is difficult to list them all at once. Basically, sounds that have a bad influence on people and destroy the quality of acoustic environment can be classified as noise.