Contemporary women (contemporary women cheating rate)

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Contemporary women's social status

The status of women in modern society has improved unprecedentedly, but there is no doubt that society is still dominated by men. What about the status of modern women in the family? What influences the status of women in this area of the family? This is the focus of the discussion in this paper. In relation to this, what is the view of the so-called trend of "male decline"? It is believed that a closer look at the factors that determine the status of women in the family will help us to understand these issues.

The idea that economic status, social status, and socio-cultural **** all determine a woman's position in the family is now well recognized. The article will analyze how these factors work and how they influence each other.

The influence of economic status on the status of women in the family is often given first place, and it seems to be the case that both men and women, who earn more money, have a greater say. However, according to some survey statistics, economic status and family status are not absolutely positively correlated, and it is not even possible to assert that the former is decisive for the latter in most cases. The more the theory of knowledge develops, the more the single perspective provided by economic determinism fails to satisfy scholars or even the general public's understanding of the phenomenon. With the emancipation of women and the success of more women in the workplace, the gap between women's and men's incomes is narrowing, and the supportive role of higher incomes in women's family life is undeniable. But at the same time, we should also see that many women who earn a lot of money, even strong women, their status in family life has not been fundamentally transformed. According to the survey, the roles played and responsibilities assumed by strong women in family life have not changed. When it comes to family roles, the differences between men and women seem to stem from natural biological differences, and it seems that women are destined to take up the responsibility of raising children and taking care of the elderly in their place of residence because of their stable collection work in one place and their special role in the process of childbearing. The difference in energy between men and women is not as great as the world thinks, but women also have to bear the heavy burden of family life, and their already limited energy is unable to satisfy the relatively large role set of working women. In this way, many jobs in the community recruitment requirements "limited to men" will be easy to understand, the community is not not recognize that women and men have the same ability to work, but know that women can not be like men to come up with as much time and energy to devote to the workplace. According to other information, even in Chinese society, where "the man is in charge of the outside world and the woman is in charge of the inside world", the role of women in the family's economic life is limited to management rather than domination. Men hand over their salaries to their wives for daily expenses and savings, while major decisions in the family economy are in most cases taken by the men, which is a scam in a patriarchal society. In addition, it is worth noting that in China, the emergence of one child, families with one child can not have a choice of children's property inheritance, women are more likely than before to get the gift of their parents, which is undoubtedly women's status to improve the help, in common parlance, with money, women talk more hardened backbone.

When it comes to women's status in society, people are more likely to talk about their occupations, which have a decisive influence on their social status. The status quo is that although women have an unprecedented professional status, but in the workplace, gender segregation, gender discrimination phenomenon is still serious, said the modern society is still to some extent a male society is mostly based on this. The different industries in which we participate and the differences in the positions of men and women among our peers give us a macroscopic view of the professional status of women. Comparing the characteristics of occupational demand in modern times with those of ancient times and even earlier times, it is easy to see that modern occupations are becoming less demanding on gender, and more and more positions do not require intense labor; in other words, the number of occupations that women are qualified for is increasing. However, the overall occupational status of women has not improved significantly as a result of this, or at least the process of improvement has not been as deserved as theories predict. The reasons behind this state of affairs are complex. Feminists emphasize that the power of society is in the hands of men, and the fact that disadvantaged women have difficulty in obtaining power, money, or honors from society in the same way as men is a reason that cannot be ignored, and some explain that the current status of women in society is due to the nature of the differences between men and women and their inevitability. This kind of behavior, which uses the result as the cause, can hardly provide support for the status of men. With the general increase in the level of education of women and the increase in the number of knowledgeable women, the rise in the professional status of women is an irreversible and inevitable trend, and equality in the status of men and women in the family will only be possible when women and men achieve equal professional status. The promotion of contraception has led to greater autonomy for women with regard to childbearing, which is undoubtedly an emancipation of women's rights, and the professional competitiveness of women, who are not affected by pregnancy, has increased as a result.

The cultural influence on women's status in the family is enormous, as evidenced by the beliefs that it is better to marry well than to work well, and that "the man is in charge of the outside world and the woman is in charge of the inside world", as well as the desire for a romantic division of labor in the traditional family. Influenced by all these concepts, many women do not want to establish themselves in the workplace, and hand over the task of "establishing a career" to the other half of the family, that is, they automatically give up the right to speak. The traditional Chinese culture's demand for women's morality always requires women to make all kinds of sacrifices, and women's commitment to family life is obviously greater than men's, but due to the comfort of the whole society's ethics, they automatically give up their own right to claim. It can be said that if the social ethical constraints on women are not relaxed, it will be very difficult for women to leave their families without any worries, and equality will be impossible to talk about. The popular criteria for choosing a spouse among men, "Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Mandarin, new ideas, old traditions," reflects the fact that many men's basic demands on women include asking women to tolerate the unequal status of the family. The paralyzing effect of traditional culture on women's thinking has directly weakened the correspondence between the sexes in society and in the family, otherwise women would not have suffered more in the family than in the workplace. Chinese women lack the consciousness of their own emancipation and the will to fight back, which may be demanding, or it may be the deep-rootedness of the traditional culture, which is hard to be shaken in a short period of time. With new women who have the knowledge and the courage to fight back, and with society as a whole facing up to the problem and reflecting on it, the feminist movement in China will be able to make a breakthrough.

In the influence of society on the status of the two sexes in the family, the economic, social and cultural forces are entangled, to improve the status of women's families, it is difficult to focus on one side of the focus on efforts to achieve substantial results. The first step is to analyze the nature of the phenomenon and recognize the connection of the elements in order to be effective.

Abstract: By comparing the role of the woman in the modern marriage system with that of the historical norm, this paper intends to show that, although the status of the woman as half of the sky is becoming more and more obvious in the modern marriage system, the pressure on the woman to obtain family happiness has never been higher. In the traditional family, when a woman fulfills the family tasks of childbearing, education, and supporting the elderly, she can basically be said to have gained a stable family status and a sense of stability and happiness brought by her stable role as a housewife. In modern marriage and family, women not only have to complete these traditional family tasks, but also to further improve their own social adaptability, to learn to use and develop all of their own resources to counteract the potential dangers that they face after marriage, and to maximize family happiness for themselves. Thus, adding a lot of hard work and effort, and even the phenomenon of payoffs and rewards can not be proportional.

Marriage refers to a special social relationship between a man and a woman established according to certain social norms. The establishment of marriage marks the formalization of a new family. The characteristics it possesses, from a certain point of view, the level of productivity of the society determines the pattern and quality of the marriage family. When a man and a woman are united in some way to form a family, it means that the relationship is recognized by society, and that the two parties to the relationship have rights and obligations, first and foremost sexual rights, and that the rights arising from the marriage are recognized by society in terms of law, morality, and cultural practices.

Human society has evolved and developed over thousands of years, and the pattern of marriage has changed several times. The following are some of the marriage patterns that have emerged throughout history:

1 Primitive Marriage by Plunder: A woman takes a woman as her wife by force of arms.

2 The buy-and-sell marriage after the emergence of private ownership: the man bought the woman as his wife with money and wealth.

3 Child brides in feudal China: daughters were sent to the man to be raised when they were underage, and the marriage was consummated on a date when they reached adulthood; generally, the child brides were older than their husbands, in order to take better care of their husbands.

4 Ancient China's North and South Dynasties period prevailed in the finger for marriage: children's marriages by the parents during pregnancy.

5The exchange marriage originated from the matrilineal clans in primitive society: parents of two families exchanged their daughters for their sons' wives or men each exchanged their sisters for their wives. In some of the remote, backward and impoverished areas of our present, there are individual families where the phenomenon of marriage exchange still occurs.

6 Service marriage: the man goes to the woman's home to serve her for a period of time, and the woman married. This mode of marriage has existed historically in China's Yunnan region and the ethnic minorities in Taiwan.

7 Free Marriage: It is the mainstream contemporary marriage mode, a marriage relationship between a man and a woman on the basis of equality and voluntariness of the parties and recognized by the law and other ethics and morals.

As you can see from the above marriage patterns, in which women's social and family status is very low, in an absolutely subordinate position, even with the same as commodities, to exchange. In modern society, with the improvement of social productivity, the refinement of the social division of labor for women to provide a broad space for development, thus, improving the social status of women, and subsequently led to improve the status of women's families. Women can choose their marriage partners and lifestyles equally and freely.

Today's women, engaged in too much work, under too much pressure, they have to work at least five days a week, after work, and continue to organize the room, cooking, laundry, care for the children, as well as forced to smile and not lose the romantic cater to their husbands. In this modern society, the status of women has improved a lot, but the pressure they face is getting bigger and bigger, and there are too many demands on women to make them split up inside.

When going to work, women need to act according to the traditional norms of behavior of men, back home, must be adjusted to become that traditional gentle, hardworking woman. Many women will complain: after a day of labor, we also want to relax, be served. Even the housewife who still stays at home now has more troublesome things to do than in previous generations because most of the other housewives have gone to work, and the modern family of three makes it so that she no longer gets the kind of companionship and support she used to get from other women.

Once upon a time, a woman would feel proud to stay at home and be a good wife and mother, but now, if someone asks her, "What do you do for a living," she would be too shy to speak up, and would feel lonely. At the same time, men are finding it harder and harder to make their partners feel happy.

The modern dual-career model of the family has increased the family's economic power, but both men and women are suffering significant losses from dual-career marriages. Once upon a time, as soon as a man entered his home from work, his wife, who spent her days at home taking care of the household chores, always greeted him and expressed her heartfelt gratitude for his hard work throughout the day. The wife was happy to take care of him because she had no other pressures and didn't expect much in return. But now the family, which had always served as a place of comfort for the man, was in trouble in a matter of moments.

Many men have begun to complain that women nowadays demand too much, are too unfulfilled, and are too tired to be a man, and even more tired to be a good man. And, the women feel most aggrieved: "The work I do is not at all easier than him, why do I have to praise him and serve him where?" She is exhausted, so she can't give a man the kind of praise and patience that she used to give him in the past, both emotionally and way. At the same time, wants more care, support, and affirmation from the man.


A 32-year-old Ms. Wang was the assistant to the president of a company. Her husband ran a processing factory, but it was always in the red. For the sake of her husband's career, she quit her job, which paid her more than 100,000 dollars a year, to help him run his business and pull in customers. With her help, her husband's business gradually improved. But the good times didn't last long. Two years later, her husband punched and kicked her for the first time because of business matters, until his nose was bruised and swollen. Although the husband regretted afterward, but from then on, always because of some trivial matters to beat his wife, and, every day to check his wife's cell phone, and often said to his wife that he loved her very much, and if one day accidentally killed her, his heart will always belong to him. Every time she heard this, Ms. Wang shuddered. But she was at a loss as to how to proceed in the future.

The woman in this example is very capable, and because she loves her husband and family very much, she gave up her own space and struggled with her husband, but after success, not only did she not get her husband's recognition and affirmation, she also lost his trust and tenderness. From this case, we can see that the men's sense of loss, from the deepest inferiority complex, they are used to the traditional man of the family, the head of the family, by the woman relied on the model of worship. Suddenly, knowing that the women around them are more capable than they are, although they are the direct beneficiaries, the mentality is out of balance, and although they say they love their wives, the way they do it is by resorting to radical and violent domestic violence.

The roles and responsibilities of strong women in family life have not changed. When it comes to family roles, the differences between men and women seem to stem from natural differences in biological natures. Stable residence in a place of gathering work and the special role women play in childbearing seem to predispose women to take up the responsibility of raising children as well as taking care of the elderly in their place of residence.

Traditional Chinese culture's demand for women's morality has always required women to make all kinds of sacrifices, and women's commitment to family life is obviously greater than men's, but due to the comfort of the entire social ethic, they automatically give up their own rights to claim. It can be said that if the social ethics of women's constraints are not relaxed, it is difficult for women to get out of the family without worries, and equality can not be talked about.

Modern marriage system, although the woman's position as half of the sky is becoming more and more obvious, but the pressure on the woman to obtain family happiness has never been higher. In the traditional family, a woman can basically be said to have gained a stable family status and a stable sense of well-being from her role as a housewife when she has completed her family tasks such as childbearing, education, and support for the elderly. In modern marriage and family, women not only have to complete these traditional family tasks, but also to further improve their own social adaptability, to learn to use all the resources to develop their own, to counteract all the potential dangers faced after marriage, to maximize the family happiness for themselves. In modern society, the status of women is increasing, but the pressure of their survival is also increasing, under the conflict between traditional concepts and the modern mode of social production and life, many women feel that they are farther and farther away from happiness, and even feel that they are not as happy as the ancient women.

Why do contemporary girls need to realize their economic independence?

Why do contemporary girls need to be financially independent?

I would like to talk to you now about a topic that girls are more interested in, which is why contemporary girls want to be financially independent.

First of all, the easiest thing to buy is that you can buy what you like, and you can also travel to where you want to go whenever you want to go, this is the most basic material guarantee for your own good.

Second, in the relationship will not take the man as a material provider, because looking for a partner in fact is to find a mutual companionship, and then have *** with the goal of progress together with the people, you will not have that kind of particularly harsh requirements for men, but also more likely to find high-quality love, will not be because of a meal or a packet to do to please the man's business, if he sends you you as a gift, and then accept it. The first thing that you should do is to make sure that you can afford to buy a gift, and then you can afford to keep it if he doesn't send it to you.

Third, in fact, economic independence on behalf of the marriage of your husband and your in-laws in the eyes of the status and the right to speak, if you are economically dependent on your husband, then the probability of facing the family affairs, you are very difficult to say the count, but if you are economically independent, your income is able to support themselves, and even higher than your husband's time, your husband in front of your husband and in front of your in-laws are relatively tough, but if you are economically independent, your income is able to support themselves, even higher than your husband, you in front of your husband and in front of your mother-in-law, you will be a good choice. You are relatively tough, and you have the courage to leave as a last resort without putting yourself in a very passive situation.

Another point is, I have a child after a very deep feeling is that your children will respect you more, rather than the children's song that said that the father went to earn money, mother in charge of the house, my son also know that I have a job, and then the mother also has money, when your children because of your career and proud of it, at this time you are very accomplished.

Again, it is that you are also relatively comfortable in social situations, because you do not have to deliberately maintain relationships, but also can get the attention of friends, is because you yourself have value, in fact, socialization is a value exchange.

The last point is that financial independence can really make you become more confident, you will love yourself more, and you will become your own favorite person.

Contemporary women have a lot of psychological pressure, why is this?

Contemporary women's psychological pressure, because now the woman invariably more things, the past advocate is the man outside, the woman is the woman is to take care of the home, do housework and take care of their children, but now women are also more and more independent, equality between men and women, so the woman is also more and more in the workplace to play the value of the individual, but not because you play out their own value in the workplace, as well as shouldering the burden of raising a family, but also because the woman is more and more independent and more and more independent. But not because you play out their value in the workplace, as well as shoulder the heavy responsibility of supporting the family can give up other things, and now the family in the education of small children as well as to do housework words or the same not to fall, the family as a woman is a good wife and mother, but also hope that you can earn money to support the family, so invariably to the role of the woman and added a number of, which is a kind of pressure.

And now in the workplace, although women can have more room to play their own value, but the same in the age of the fact that will be subject to certain restrictions, including women in the birth of a child this stage of the work of a certain impact, including after you give birth to a child, your physical recovery and your energy consumption in fact, more or less have some impact on the pressure of the same women will be more than more, psychological pressure will be more than more. The same is true for women who are under more pressure than more, and the psychological pressure will be greater.

Women on the one hand want to be able to play their own value after having a child, in the workplace can have value to reflect, on the other hand, but also want to be able to take care of the family, the external some of the various reasons for women still have some limitations.

And like now some men in fact for women's requirements are relatively high, he both hope that their wives are good wives and mothers, but also hope that their wives like a strong woman can take up the family's a heavy responsibility, so whether it is other people or women's own requirements for this woman is to raise a lot, although now equality between men and women, in the workplace is also basically a unified pace, but the female In the past, this duty is not less, invariably added a lot of pressure on this life, natural inner pressure will also be relatively large, the external things will make you some emotional repression up.

Modern women's three from the four virtues are which?

Three from: never gentle, never considerate, never unreasonable.

The four virtues are: say no, beat no, scold no, and provoke no.

The three virtues of modern women are: never gentle, never considerate, and never reasonable! Although this statement is mostly a joke, but it is not difficult to see this new era of "three from four virtues" is filled with women's lack of moral rejection and ridicule.

Anciently, there was a saying that "a woman's lack of talent is a virtue". It doesn't matter if a woman has no talent, the most important thing is to have good moral behavior. The most important thing is to have good morals. It is a woman's duty to cultivate herself with morals and nurture others with morals. That is why there are the "Three Obediences and Four Virtues". Three from: "unmarried from the father, married from the husband, husband died from the son;" four virtues: "women's virtue, women's words, women's face, women's work."

A detailed explanation of the content of the three subordinates and four virtues in ancient times

Unmarried to the father:

It means that you should obey and be filial to your father before you are married;

Married to the husband:

It means that you should assist your husband after you get married;

Dead of the husband, from the son:

It means that you should raise and teach your son after your husband's death.

Women's Virtues:

a woman's character;

Women's Words:

a woman's words, to be polite and not to rumor. That is, don't gossip in modern society;

Women's appearance:

Women's demeanor, that is, what kind of performance on what occasion. Can also be used into the kitchen, out of the hall to understand;

Women's work:

Women's rouge and red make-up, that is, nowadays make-up. Women for their own pleasure.

Contemporary women's classic quotes

1, women always have a romantic side.

2, women by nature love fantasy and longing.

3, women will be much more mature when they have been hit by love once.

4, women are more excited than men, and love to pretend to be excited.

5, more serious and orthodox women, but also eager for men's pursuit.

6, women often think of how to repay the favor as soon as they get a man's charity.

7, for a woman in love, love may be her everything.

8, a very demanding woman, the requirements of men are also very harsh.

9. When a man delicately points out a woman's good looks, he is immediately welcomed by her.

10, do not attempt to live in dependence on a man, no one will remain forever passionate about parasites.

11, women like soccer on two reasons: a look at the handsome; two see if there is no more handsome handsome handsome.

12, don't talk back to women, women say right, you nod; women say wrong, you also nod.

13, there are women in the world is a colorful world, no women in the world is a lack of vitality of the world.

14, the woman still misses the man who caused her trauma, but will not truly love the man who gave her the wound dressing.

15, it has been proved that women are more unable to see men's tears. The woman cries, the woman loses; the man cries, or the woman loses.

16, a woman, the most aggrieved and embarrassed that men do not care about her spiritual nature, her aspirations and pursuits.

17, the way to attract a man is to let him has not been able to get; the way to attract women is just the opposite, is to let her always meet. In the usual distribution of a woman's feelings, the husband gets the least share, this miserliness does not have to be because of the loss of feelings, a woman's feelings have to a large part, thrown to the phantom.

18, when a woman shows indifference to the man, do not think she ignored his existence. To know her "table" and "in" is inversely proportional.

19, all women look forward to marriage. But a woman who is celibate has mixed feelings about marriage, which makes it an unattainable thing.

20, some people, especially women, a few years do not see, when you meet again will call you surprised. Her face will be like a shape-shifter and make your jaw drop. Either it becomes unattractive or shocking.

Contemporary women's current situation

Contemporary young women's current situation

23, 4-year-old girls feel too early to get married, life has not yet lived to understand

25, 6-year-old mushrooms talk about the relationship is too old, looking for a receiver and seems early

27, 8-year-old girls if not men are impatient waiting to get married, generally lazy to mess with it

29, 30-year-old women, economically independent, single still proud of the habit.

Being divorced at the age of 28 or 9, I think the above category is very good

This is the way it is in this era, the good meat is eaten by wolves, the good women are licked by scum, and in the end, can only let the honest receiver then.

Just like here, sincere point, you think the sky falling pie, do not believe

Instead, set you, you think you have a few poise steal joy

I do not know whether you are more scum by the scum man or really feel quite good

Can not distinguish between true and false, good and bad good and bad, the wrong soy sauce as vinegar

Beware of the sour and astringent is you

This is a very important thing to do in the future.