Shake voice eyes biggest net red netizen comments: big a little scary

For some girls, a pair of beautiful big eyes is the standard of beauty, but the bigger the eyes the better, this is not necessarily. Recently, a netizen on Jitterbug released a video, her eyes are surprisingly large, killing stars such as Zhao Wei and Liu Yifei, and she has also become popular on Jitterbug because of her large eyes, but netizens generally said that looking at people is scary.

Shake sound on the largest eyes of the net red

This net red looks is not outstanding, but a pair of eyes is particularly striking, light eyes occupy a quarter of the entire face, other netizens to watch the video of this young lady, the attention of all in her eyes, forehead, nose, mouth and other parts of the body can not care about it, some netizens even said: "in addition to the

What do you think of this netizen, anyway, I'm quite uncomfortable. If there is such a young lady beside you, suddenly talking to you, the two eyes are still staring straight at you, is it very tempting to run?