Aerobics need to pay attention to matters

Do aerobics need to pay attention to matters

Do aerobics need to pay attention to matters, strenuous exercise must be done before sufficient warm-up exercises, exercise can also help us get rid of flab, the amount of exercise is good for health, aerobics can increase the oxygen content of our brain, together with the aerobics need to pay attention to matters.

Do aerobics need to pay attention to matters 1


At the beginning, the pace should be taken to walk in order to make the body and lower limbs have sufficient time to adapt. Don't do it for too long at first, 10 minutes is appropriate. Before pace walking, do warm-up and appropriate stretching exercise, especially the lower limbs of the moderate stretching is very important. When it's cold, warm up longer and put on more clothes. Measure your pulse rate per minute before and after walking and record it for reference. After a long workout, cardiorespiratory endurance increases, heart rate decreases, and the heart rate returns to normal faster after exercise. Beginners to two or three times a week, every other day is appropriate. Then you can appropriately increase the number of times until you feel the right amount, and definitely do not force it.

Hygiene and health

Aerobics exercise after the exercise, to replace the sweat wet. Clothes, to avoid catching a cold, especially in the air-conditioned room after exercise should do some stretching exercise and then shower.

Frequently do aerobics people, to pay attention to their feet, often trimming toenails. The sweat is more sweaty on hot days, and it's easy for bacteria to grow in the cracks of your toes.

Appropriate clothing

When doing aerobics, you should wear fit and sweat aerobics clothing, not barefoot wearing ordinary shoes. Fitness shoes should have thicker pads to slow down the foot and ground impact caused by shock. Shoes should not be too soft, can be used semi-high cylinder type, in order to protect the ankle.

Do aerobics need to pay attention to matters 2

Aerobics combat gymnastics with the rhythm of the music swinging, kicking aerobic exercise, due to the instant explosive force, limb stretching amplitude, the amount of exercise than the traditional aerobics, jumping a fifteen to twenty minutes, the equivalent of about thirty minutes of aerobic dance, at least consume two hundred and three hundred calories.

For young people who want to lose weight, it is a full effect of the "thin" movement. However, the human body must be in an aerobic metabolic state, simple human reflection is breathing normally, not dizziness, can also be measured by pulse: heart rate per minute in 220 minus the actual age and then multiplied by 60% to 80% of the best aerobic training state.

In addition, the boxing, kicking action, also helps to relieve stress. Modern people generally work under pressure, sometimes inevitably want to "beat people" idea, this aerobic exercise when the fist, the requirement of abdominal muscle contraction, yell, not only can exercise to the usual not easy to use the waist and abdominal muscles, hard punch, yelling is a good way to relieve emotions.

Through this method of venting emotions, so that the physical strength of the moderate consumption, no wonder many people have jumped "combat gymnastics" said, really enjoyable. If you want to try, be sure to pay attention to the elbows, knees, ankles and other joints to use the sleeve, to protect the tendons and ligaments, to avoid straining.

In addition, 10 minutes of warm-up before exercise, so that the joints, muscle relaxation and then began to swing. If you find any muscle soreness after exercise, it's best to ice it immediately. So if there is a violent tendency of friends most suitable for this move.

Aerobic combat should also pay attention to the following matters:

1, the movement, elbows, joints can not be locked tight, kicking the legs is the same, the knee should not be taut, so that the fitness does not hurt.

2, although in doing combat exercises, you can imagine an imaginary enemy, but do not be too angry, and the whole body tense, or punching, kicking too hard. The body relaxes during the movement, even if the hand punches, it will also drive the waist movement.

3, combat gymnastics exercise intensity, such as hypoglycemia, please rest a moment before deciding whether to continue.