Fat is converted into sugar to provide calories for the body, so how is body fat burned?

Fat is converted into sugar to provide heat for the body, so how to burn body fat?

Sugar is the body's main energy-supplying substances, sugar is about the same as energy, that is to say, the human body is mainly by sugar to provide energy, simple sugar can be directly absorbed by the body


Selecting a very low-calorie diet is not a practical way to lose weight. Because the body has a fully automated process for maintaining a normal body weight, if you suddenly cut 1,000 calories from your diet, your body's basic basal metabolic rate (the calorie scale required for the body to maintain basic physiological functions, such as inhaling and beating the heart) will be relieved fully automatically because the body will now think you're starving.

Dietary regularity, while not jeopardizing resting metabolism, has a serious impact on the thermic effect of food, and regularity can boost caloric ignition. Many people mistakenly believe that sweating is a sign of weight loss, and that a lot of sweating is a sign of lipolysis, which is obviously not entirely true. In fact, for some of us who want to lose weight, it's essential that their triglycerides dissolve into small pieces, which occurs in the well-known process of airborne oxidation.

Usually more fitness exercise, eat more vegetables and fruits, breakfast also need to eat more protein to eat breakfast. Consumption of fat is to maintain the basic metabolism. If you have been sleeping all night, guess what your basal metabolism has long been snoozing is also very safe. So get up, brush your teeth, rinse your mouth, and eat breakfast. The more protein, the better.

Scientific research staff will be high-fat breakfast and high-fiber sugar and carbohydrate breakfast role to carry out more after the discovery, as long as the people who take high-fat meal, meal hunger after the time period faster. The body digests, absorbs and assimilates high-fiber sugars and carbohydrates diets for a longer period of time than the body's fat food groups, so that it is not easy to cause blood glucose levels to have a great deal of ups and downs, which in turn, the feeling of hunger will come for a longer period of time. Thus, breakfast should include a lot of high-fiber sugars and carbohydrates.

Foods are eaten into the abdomen, the first will be converted into sugar for the body to give kinetic energy, if the glycogen is not enough to use, it will be formulated from the adipose tissue to store body fat so that the body can all normal operation food is eaten into the abdomen, the first will be converted into sugar for the body to give kinetic energy, if the glycogen is not enough to use, it will be formulated from the adipose tissue to store body fat so that the body can all normal operation