What is the touching incident of Esmeralda, the gypsy maiden in Notre Dame de Paris?

(1) Kindness When the poet Grandgoire was about to be hanged by the kingdom of beggars at a critical moment, she did not hesitate to save the poet by her willingness to marry him. Quasimodo was arrested by the royal guards for a failed robbery, and when he was tied to the pillar of shame under the scorching sun to be flogged and shown to the public, he thirsted for the crowd of onlookers to give him a little water to drink, but no one paid any attention to him, and only Esmeralda helped him.  (2) Unyielding to power Claude used all means and tried everything he could to get her, even threatening her with his life did not work to make her give in.  (3) Innocence and simplicity When he meets the person he loves, he falls in love with him without complaint or regret. Giving unconditionally, even seeing him with a young lady with his own eyes, and self-congratulating that she is his sister. Still faithful to such illusory love.  (4) Contrast Reflects the various conditions of the working people of those days and their noble qualities and the evil forces and corrupt minds behind those so-called religions.

I personally also like the image of Esmeralda as a woman very much.