Eight Moves of Playing Flower Stick

The eight movements of playing flower stick: tonkan, patting the pole, hitting the left shoulder, hitting the right shoulder, touching the waist, hitting the edge of the right foot, hitting the left foot palm, hitting the right foot palm.

Playing flower stick is a traditional folk sport in China, and in recent years, playing flower stick is spreading rapidly. Playing flower stick equipment is generally three short sticks of about 60 centimeters, each hand holds a, and constantly hit the other one, so that it flies up and down, left and right rotation. Flower stick can not fall to the ground, while making a variety of dance movements.

Playing flower stick is a fitness exercise for middle-aged and elderly people, 57-year-old teacher Shen Zhixia is a "flower stick player".

I think we should practice every day for about an hour or so, practicing too long, easy to cause body aches and pains, practicing too short a time, not effective, the key to playing the flower stick is to flower stick always listen to the person's command.