Yi people in Huxi County, Yunnan Province, on the first day of the first month and the twenty-fourth day of the sixth month, the housewife chooses a piece of the fattest meat and throws it into the burning fire, praying that the fire god will bless and protect them.
Yongren County Yi in the second or third day of the first month of the fire worship, known as the opening of the "Fire God". The Liangshan Yi regard the fire as a sacred place where the Fire God resides, and it is strictly forbidden to touch or cross it.
The Torch Festival is held on June 24 or 25 of the lunar calendar and lasts for three days. The origin of the Torch Festival has many legends, and its origin is most directly related to the nature worship of fire. Sacrificing to the gods, praying for a good year, and sending off evil spirits are the everlasting themes of the festival. During the festival, every family lights torches to illuminate all corners of the house and outside the house. At night, the entire village lights up torches from the village head to the fields. Afterwards, people gather around the burning fire and sing and dance to their heart's content. The "Taiga" of Weishan, the "Ahshin Jumping to the Moon" of Mile and Yiliang, the "Taiga" of Chuxiong, and the "Dasanxian" of Lunan are the main themes of the festival. The "Dasanxian" of Chuxiong, the "Luonan", the "Luozuo dance" of Honghe, the "Duo Luohuo" of Liangshan, and other cheerful collective dances will be on display on this day.
Every year at the Torch Festival, countless fat goats are sacrificed to the festival in all parts of Yunnan and stop eating grass forever. Wine bowls were set out, wine altars were carried out, and the wine was spun and drunk. Big bowls of wine, big chunks of meat, that is the custom of life of the Yi compatriots.
In the evening, in the cheerful sound of spinning wine, men and women in love get together and indulge in the love songs repressed in their hearts. Bonfire party, from all sides of the children of all ethnic groups hand in hand, heart to heart to jump around the bonfire to their heart's content, driving away the demons and monsters, praying for health and peace and prosperity of the six animals, and wishing for people's lives to be rich and well-being.
There are many festivals of the Yi people, in addition to the Torch Festival, the "Flower Arrangement Festival" in the area of Tanhua Mountain, Dayao County, Chuxiong Prefecture, is also unique. The first time I saw this, it was a very special event, and I'd like to introduce it to you as well.
Legend has it that in ancient times there was a beautiful girl named "Miyilu", in order to save the Yi sisters, bravely picked two poisonous flowers inserted in the head, poisoned to death of the evil Toji, he also gave his life. In honor of Miyilu, the local Yi people gather at Mt. Tuhua from all directions to pick flowers on the eighth day of the second month of every year, a custom that has been passed down to this day. During the festival, people put the gorgeous horse cherry blossoms on their heads and insert them in front of their doors to express their praise for Miyilu, who fought against violence and evil. Today, in the horse cherry blossoms blooming season, the local Yi people sing and step on the feet, full of joy, to celebrate the happy new life, salute the blossoming of tomorrow.