Square dance is recommended to prefer the United States of America's JBL series of audio.
JBL series as a stage professional-grade audio, has been very well respected. It is characterized by thick bass, treble penetration, music levels clear, delicate sound quality, power is also large enough. In the United States and even Europe, many open-air plaza music interpretation will be the use of the brand. The brand is used in the United States and even in Europe, many open-air square music interpretation will be. In the minds of domestic audio enthusiasts, JBL series audio, but also a listening to popular music audiophile level to the highest brand.
About sound:
The general term for sound that the human body can feel.
Includes vocals (also known as acoustic music), instrumental music, and effects (sounds in nature or sounds that mimic nature).
The equipment that records, processes, transmits, amplifies and plays the above sounds is called audio equipment.
These include: recording equipment, post-processing equipment, work carrier (tape, CD-ROM, floppy disk, hard disk, etc.), data signal acquisition equipment (turntable), digital-to-analog conversion equipment (decoder), sound cards, peripheral equipment (including pressure limiters, effects, equalizers, processors, etc.), amplifiers, speakers (speakers, horns) mixing consoles and so on.