Alohomora Spell: Alohomora
Flying Spell: Wingardium Leviosa
Locking Legs Spell: Locomotor Morts
Total Body Binding Spell. Wingardium Leviosa
Leg-Lock spell: Legs stand still. Locomotor Morts
Body-Binding spell: Petrify all. Petrificus Totalus
Disarming spell: Get rid of your weapon. Expelliarmus
Poison spell: Grin. Rictusempra
Poison spell: tarantella dance. tarantallegra
Disarming spell: spell stops instantly. finite Incantatem
Poison spell: ouroboros emerges from a hole. serpensortia
Manifestation spell: appear with haste. aparecium
Fluorescent flicker.
Fluorescent Flicker. lumos
Obliviate spell: one forgets all. obliviate
Fluorescent Flicker. lumos
Funny Slip.Riddikulus
Waterproof and Wetproof.Impervious
I solemnly swear I have done no good.
Mischief over.
Separated left and right.Dissendium
Moving phantom.
Barefaced Spell: Fidelius Charm
Patronus Spell: Expecto Patronum
Extinguish Spell: Nox. nox
Disarming Spell: Get rid of your weapon. expelliarmus
Wrapping Spell: ferula
Araho Cave spell: araho cave in. alohomora
Fly spell: Accio fly to and fro. -Mrs. Weasley; Dictionary Fly By. Firebow arrows fly in. Trophies fly in.
Obliviate spell: One forgets all.Obliviate
Expansion spell - A two year old wizard, Kevin
The voice is loud.
Luminescent flashes.Lumos
Corpse reappearance. -Crouch Jr.
Stupor spell: fainting and falling to the ground.
Resuscitation spell: revive quickly.Enervate
Flashback spell: flashback to previous spell.
Fade to nothing.
Restoration spell: repair as before.
Soul Snatching Spell: soul out of body.
Drilling spell: drill heart and pluck out bones.
Speed to become bigger.
Shrink quickly.
Avada Sorcery Mantra: Avada Sorcery.
Poison Mantra: fire roasted hot.
Poison spell: incisors race big sticks.Densaugeo
Orchids bloom.
Birds of prey flock.
Splitting spell: split in four. diffindo
Expulsion spell
Force loosening slack
Obstacle spell: obstacles are many. impedimenta
Shattering spell: pulverized to the bone.
Direction spell: show me the way.
Iron Armor Spell
Patronum Magic Spell: call on the gods to protect you.Expecto Patronum
Slip Slip Slide.Riddikulus
Disarming Spell: get rid of your weapon.Expelliarmus
Firmness Spell
Poisonous Spell: Hairy Spell
Poisonous Spell: Weak Legs Spell
Poisonous Spell: Soft Legs Spell
Poisonous Spell: Soft Legs Spell < /p>
Quick Confinement Colloportus:
A spell used to seal doors, jars, and other things that can be sealed. (In OOP, Hermione uses this spell when trying to seal a door in order to fight off her pursuers.)
Quick Recovery Enervate:
Mostly used to free wizards or other creatures struck by a stupor spell. (In GOF, Mr. Diggory uses it to bring the house elf Shiny back to life.)
Expecto Patronum:
The spell that summons a daemon (everyone's daemon is different) to fight off the dementors when they are attacked or besieged by a dementor.
Spell Standing Stop Finite Lncantatem:
A spell to undo magic.
No matter what kind of spell someone is using to attack you, Impedimento slows down the speed at which the other spell attacks you.
Armor Protector Protego:
A spell used to reduce the power (or severity) of an enemy's spell attack, also known as the Iron Armor spell
Headquarters of the Ministry of Magic
The headquarters of the Ministry of Magic is situated in the heart of London, the actual location is underground but there are magical windows that show the weather of the day as chosen by the Magical Maintenance Service, which can vary from sunny to hurricane.
Those who go to the Ministry of Magic on business need to enter through a ramshackle red phone booth that sits on a seedy street with a couple of rundown buildings, a pub, and a messily painted wall. If you dial the number (62442, spelled MAGIC from the letters on the phone dial) from this phone booth, the receptionist witch answers, but not from the phone, but from the air, as if the person is standing right across the street. People going to the Ministry of Magic had to state their cause, after which a silver card with their name and cause would be spit out. The phone booth would then land like an elevator for about a minute, sending the person to the foyer.
It was a large hall, with fireplaces embedded in the long walls on either side: a gilded fireplace on the left to let wizards into the Ministry of Magic, and a gilded fireplace on the right to let people leave. The floors were polished dark wood planks, and the ceiling was the color of peacock blue with shifting gold symbols. The Magic Brothers fountain was located right in the middle of the foyer. It was a set of golden sculptures, one each of a male witch, a female witch, a horseman, a leprechaun, and a house elf, spraying water into a pool below. At the end of the foyer were two large golden doors, and next to them was the guardhouse, where Eric Muck usually worked, registering the wands of visitors. Behind the doors was a smaller hall with a number of elevators.
The foyer was on the eighth floor, and the elevators here could take people to other floors, but not the tenth.
First Floor:
Unknown, but the Division of Magical Law Enforcement is by far the largest department in the Ministry of Magic, and it likely occupies two floors. It may also be the offices of the Minister of Magic and other administrative staff. We don't know that yet.
Second Floor:
Division of Magical Law Enforcement
Director: Amelia Bones
Departments: the Division for the Prohibition of Misuse of Magic, Auror Command, and the Wizengamot Administration
Auror Headquarters:
Auror headquarters is a large, wall-less space, partitioned into a number of small office cubicles, which have low walls covered with posters of wanted criminals, private photos, Quidditch posters, and articles clipped from the Daily Prophet.
Division for the Prohibition of Abuse of Muggle Items: located in a narrow, cramped office at the end of a dingy corridor on this floor.
PERSONNEL: Arthur Weasley, Perkins
DEPARTMENTS: Reversal of Incidental Events Team, Memory Write-Off Headquarters, Mediation Committee for Muggle Problems
DEPARTMENTALS: Office of Beasts, Fae, and Spectres, Goblin Liaison Office, Pest Advisory Office
Fifth Floor:
International Magical Cooperation Division
Departments: International Magical Trading Standards Association, International Magical Law Office, International Confederation of Magical Stones UK Chair
Sixth Floor:
Magical Transportation Division
Departments: Flying Roads Network Authority, Flying Broom Management Control Authority, Door Keys Office
Departments: the British and Irish Quidditch League Command, the Official Gobbler's Stone Club, and the Office of the Patent for Funny Products
Eighth Floor:
The foyer is most likely the eighth floor, but this isn't explicitly delivered in the book.
Ninth Floor:
Division of Mysteries
A door across from the elevator is the only way to get to the Division of Mysteries.
Tenth Floor:
A flight of stairs to the left of the door to the Division of Mysterious Affairs on the ninth floor is the only way to get to the tenth floor.
The first appearance of the Tenth Court was in The Prisoner, where Harry had seen it in Dumbledore's meditation basin. The corridor to the Tenth Court resembled a dungeon, and the walls of the courtroom were made of dark stone. In the center of the room was a chair covered in chains, and next to it, in rows of progressively higher chairs, were the judges' seats in the Wizengamotze.
Platform Nine and Three-Quarters In order to get on the Hogwarts Express bound for Hogwarts, students had to get on at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters at King's Cross Station. Muggles can't see this platform. In fact, if you just run straight into the wall between platforms nine and ten, you won't hit the wall, you'll go through it and under a sign that says "Platform Nine and Three-Quarters". A scarlet steam locomotive was beside you, followed by a red passenger carriage with a sign that read "Hogwarts Express, 11:00". A guard sat at the side of the ticket hall watching the passengers coming and going to make sure that not too many people entered at the same time to attract the attention of the muggles. A few days before the train was due to leave for Hogwarts, the platform was full of witches and wizards arriving with their children to other witches and wizards, with cats and owls as their ****ing symbols.
Quidditch World Cup Stadium The Ministry spent a year using magic to build a huge stadium for the Quidditch World Cup, which was to be held in August of 1994.
Located in a "great, deserted swamp" (Goblet of Fire, Chapter 6)
A 20-minute walk down a well-lit forest path
Huge golden fence
The field was big enough to easily fit ten cathedrals
Spectator seating for up to 100,000 people
The stadium could be used to hold up to 10,000 people. 100,000 people
The Ministry of Magic sent 500 staff members here for a year to prepare for the event
Muggle banishing spells were cast on every corner of the grounds
The Penthouse Boxes offered first-class seating: about 20 purple, gold-encrusted chairs
Large parchment tickets
Staggering the crowds: holders of the low-priced tickets were required to arrive two weeks in advance
More than one hour before the game, and the crowd was not as large as they should have been. week to arrive
Some people arrive by Muggle transportation, but most use door keys or phantom manifestations.
More than 200 door keys are scattered across the UK
The arena is filled with a wonderful golden glow as if it were its own
Directly opposite the top floor boxes is a huge blackboard, which serves as a scoreboard and is also used for all kinds of advertisements
No.12 Grimmauld Place 12 Grimmauld Place is situated right in the middle of two modest Muggle houses in London, and is known as "The Bold and the Brave", and has been the home of a number of Muggles. 12 Grimmauld Place, hidden by the Bold Loyalty Curse and impossible to plot on a map. It was once the mansion of the noblest and oldest of the Blake family, the most famous pureblood wizarding family of all. The house was abandoned and had been turned into a ruined mansion. The lady of the house, Mrs. Blake, died in 1985, and since then "the house has bred and multiplied", says Hermione. People who were members of the Order of the Phoenix spent a lot of time cleaning the house, but it was a slow process. Many magical creatures had moved in to live here and it was hard to evict them.
Mrs. Black's eldest son - Sirius - inherited the house. Sirius' father "fitted the house with all the secrecy known to the wizarding world."
Sirius gave the house to the Order of the Phoenix as its headquarters. Dumbledore had put a "loyalty spell" on the house, and he himself was the keeper of the secret, and in August 1995, members of the Order met there frequently. Harry was also received here by the guards.
The house was situated 20 minutes (about a mile) away from King's Cross Station (Order of the Phoenix Chapter 10). Entering from the street was a scratch covered black painted front door with a silver doorknob in the shape of a large coiled snake, there was no keyhole on the door and no mailbox. From the outside the house looked dirty and disheveled, the windows even more filthy.
The basement was the kitchen, surrounded by rough stone walls. There was a fireplace, and a table with many chairs. There was a cupboard for utensils and dishes. Up the stairs was the main floor. A small dining room was adjacent to the kitchen. There was a sink in the cupboard, and underneath it was Kreacher's den, which contained a moldy, torn blanket, a dirty environment, and a large pile of thrown-away 'heirlooms' that Kreacher had collected during Sirius's housecleaning.
First Floor
The porch was a huge room with peeling wallpaper, tattered carpet, gas lamps, and a spiderweb chandelier and chandelier in the shape of a large snake. There was a staircase leading upstairs. On the walls were portraits darkened by age, including a huge one covering the back of an insect-infested, moldy curtain. The portrait depicted Mrs. Blake, who, once awakened, screamed desperately in a most horrible voice, cursed everyone around her, and did her best to wake up the other people in the portrait so that they would start screaming as well. So it's no surprise that everyone walks softly and slowly through the halls. There's also an umbrella stand in the hall made from a troll's leg.
It was not known exactly how many floors the house had, but it couldn't have been more than four or five. The living room was on the second floor; Hermione and Ginny's bedrooms were also on this floor. Harry and Ron slept on the third floor in a dark, high-ceilinged room with a closet and a blank portrait. Fred and George slept in the room directly above them on the fourth floor. Buckbeak, on the other hand, stayed upstairs in Mrs. Blake's bedroom. There are many magical items in the house, including a very old set of purple robes that once wrapped itself around Ron and attempted to strangle him when he tried to get it out of the closet, and a vintage clock that shoots hard screws at people as they pass by. There's also a vicious, cruel old ghoul in the upstairs bathroom.
The living room is full of foxes and winks in the curtains, and there's a boggart in the writing desk. There's also a nest of dead Popeyes in the couch. A tapestry hanging on the wall displays the Blake family tree. The glass cabinet doors on either side of the mantelpiece were very dirty, and the black magic objects inside were even more bizarre and didn't look like they wanted to leave the shelves they were on: rusty short swords, animal claws, coiled up snakeskin, an ornate crystal vase with a piece of opal holding blood, a silver snuffbox that bites and holds sarcoma powder, a multi-legged tweezers-like implement that can spiders, a music box that could hypnotize, a memento box that no one could open, a dusty box containing a Merlin First Class Medal for Sirius's grandfather's service to the Ministry of Magic, a large gold ring engraved with the Black family logo, and a family photo set in a silver picture frame.
Azkaban The Department of Magical Law Enforcement built the prison on a small island in the frigid waters of the North Sea, which was called Azkaban Castle or simply Azkaban.
Azkaban is a terrifying place, guarded by Dementors, a group of horrible creatures known as 'soulless demons'. They feed on people's positive emotions. Once the prisoners are held for a period of time, they lose all their beliefs and good feelings and thoughts. The darkest and most horrible memories keep replaying in their minds. Some go mad, and others die of despair (Order of the Phoenix Chapter 10).
Barty Crouch Sr. was the Director of Magical Law Enforcement during Voldemort's first reign. He prosecuted many suspected Death Eaters and other supporters of Voldemort. When the fight against the forces of dark magic reached a late stage, he advocated a very harsh counterattack against the forces of darkness, even allowing the Aurors to use much the same tactics as the dark wizards to capture them. Crouch sent a number of people to Azkaban without trial. Sirius was one of them, even though he was innocent. A lot of Death Eaters were kept there under the close scrutiny of the Dementors.
The Dementors were not allowed to leave Azkaban without permission from the Ministry of Magic. But in early 1996, they rebelled against the Ministry of Magic, joining Voldemort's first party and letting 10 infamous Death Eaters go free (Order of the Phoenix Chapter 25).
List of known prisoners of Azkaban, past and present:
Sirius Black
Arrested circa November 1981, and sent directly to Azkaban without a trial.In July 1993, escaped from the guards by turning into his Animagus form while they were bringing him food. Because animal emotions are harder to detect than human emotions, the dementors did not notice his escape.
Barty Crouch Jr.
Sent to Azkaban for life circa 1981 for being convicted of participating in the torture of the Longbottoms (this was a punishment for using one of the 3 Unforgivable Curses, the Drill Curse). He was able to escape by taking on the form of his mother circa 1981, who pretended to be him in prison until her death.
Antonin Dolokhov
Jailed circa 1981, escaped in the January 1996 mass escape.
Rube Haig
Was held here without trial for several weeks in the spring of 1993, then released.
Igor Karkaroff
Alastor Moody hunted him for six months before catching him, but he was released after giving up many other Death Eaters to the Ministry of Magic in about 1981.
Belatrix Black Lestrange
Sentenced to life in prison for using the Drill Curse circa 1981, escaped in January 1996 during a mass prison break.
Rabastan Lestrange
Sentenced to life in prison circa 1981 for using a drilling spell on Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom, escaped during a mass prison break in January 1996 .
Rudolfus Lestrange (inconsistently translated by the Humanist Society, also done as 'Rodolfus')
Sentenced to life in prison circa 1981 for using a heart-drilling spell on the Longbottoms, escaped during the January 1996 mass prison break.
Augustus Lukewood
Circa 1981, Igor Karkaroff ratted him out to the Ministry of Magic as Voldemort's spy in the Department of Mysteries. escaped during the January 1996 mass prison break.
Stoogie Podmore
Caught trying to break into a restricted area of the Ministry of Magic in late 1995 and sentenced to six months in prison.
Arrested circa 1981, possibly sent to Azkaban, deceased.
St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Sickness St. Mungo's crest: a heeled wand with a cross of bones.
The entrance to St. Mungo's Hospital for the Wounded and Sick is London's Tawny Limited, an old red-brick department store with a big "Closed for Renovation" sign on the door. Just speak to the ugly dummy in front of the glass window, and it will nod slightly and beckon you in with linked fingers. Much like going through the wall to enter Platform 9 and 3/4, entering St. Mungo's is through that glass window.
St. Mungo's has six floors. Once inside there is a waiting area where a receptionist will be available.
First Floor: Artifact Accident Section
Exploding crucibles, wand misfires, broom crashes, etc.
Second Floor: Biological Injuries Section
Stings, burns, embedded spines, etc.
Because of a snakebite he received while on a mission for the Order of the Phoenix, Arthur Weasley was placed in the "Dangerous" Dai Llewellyn Ward: severe bites. It was a rather small,, dark ward with only a narrow window opening high on the wall opposite the door. Light is provided mostly by crystal bubbles gathered in the center of the ceiling.
Therapists in this ward: Hebocrat Smethuik (main therapist), Augustus Pai (trainee therapist). Pye is interested in complementary medicine, and he also tries to help Arthur fit his wounds the Muggle way. There are two other patients on their visit. One of them was bitten by a wolf (i.e., the one Lupin talked to during his Christmas visit), and the other witch wouldn't tell the healer what she had been bitten by.
Third Floor: Strange Bacterial Infections
Infectious diseases such as dragon pox sores, vanishing sickness, lymphatic fungal infections, etc.
Fourth Floor: Potions and Plant Poisoning
Rashes, regurgitation, laughing out loud, etc.
Fifth Floor: Magical Spells and Injuries
Curses that won't go away, spells that were used incorrectly, etc.
On Christmas Day, on the way to the tea room way, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny visited this floor. They ran into Gilderoy Lockhart on their way up the stairs and went with him into his ward, Janus Sickle Ward (otherwise known as: Ward 49). This is a long-stay ward. Other patients in this long-stay ward are Frank and Alice Longbottom, Broderick Bode, and a witch named Agnes. During this visit, the four of them run into Neville and his grandmother and learn about Neville's parents.
Sixth floor: Tea room and store
Deceased therapists and therapists who are working at the hospital:
The witch in the waiting room (chubby blonde haired witch)
Darice Derwent, a therapist at St. Mungo's (1722-1741)
Hebecrates Smetsuk (the main therapist, who brought the Augustus Pye, a trainee therapist)
Meliam Straw, the main therapist in Janus Sitch's ward, who left the Devil's Web in the ward and caused Bode's death.
Hogsmeade Village The village of Hogsmeade is a village near Hogwarts, and is the only village in all of England that is completely free of Muggle inhabitants, and is a 100 percent magical village.
According to the Hogwarts School Library's collection of books, Historic Monuments of Magic, it was also the headquarters of the Goblin Mutiny of 1612.
School rules state that only students in their third year or older are allowed to go there during breaks, and only with signed permission from a guardian.
Hogwarts Topographical Map Basement
Potions Classroom
Professor Snape's Office
Slytherin Common Room
Slytherin Common Room)
Flich's Office
First Floor
Entrance Hall
Great Hall
Staff Room
Faculty Room
Staff Room
Faculty Room
Staff Room
Second Floor
Professor McGonagall's Office
Myrtle's Bathroom
The Moarning Myrtle's Bathroom)
Third Floor
Against Dark Arts Classroom Defence
Trophy Room
Fourth Floor
Charms Classroom
The Forbidden Zone
The Forbidden Zone
The Forbidden Zone
The Forbidden Zone
The Forbidden Zone
The Forbidden Zone
Forbidden Corridor
Statue of one-eyed old crone
Sixth Floor
Prefects' Bathroom
Eighth Floor
The Gryffindor Room
The Gryffindor Room
The Gryffindor Room
The Gryffindor Room
Sixth Floor
Gryffindor Common Room
Professor Flitwick's Office
The Tower
Gryffindor Tower
(Connected to the Gryffindor Common**** Room)
North Tower
(Divination Classroom)
Astronomy Tower
West Tower
(On the top floor is The Owlery)
(The Owlery)
Academic Building
Academic Building
Academic Building
Academic Building
Academic Building Academic Building Academic Building /pOutside the school building
Forbidden Forest
(with Willow and magical creatures)
Quidditch pitch
Hagrid's Hut
West Tower
The West Tower
(on the top floor is The Owlery) 's Hut)
The Great Lawn
Location unknown
Headmaster's Office
Hospital Wing
Trivia Qualified witches must know about these holidays
February 1: Witches' Witchcraft on Candlemas Day
February 14: Sacrificial Contributions for Witches
April 30 to May 1: Witches' Witchcraft
May 1: Witches' Balls in Britain
July 31: Witches' Witchcraft at Harvest Season
Harvest season. Witches' Witchcraft (also Harry Potter's birthday)
October 31: Witches' Witchcraft on Halloween
Night of October 31: The Ritual
Because: 1 galleon = 17 sicos 1 sico = 29 nat 1 galleon = 493 nat
So: 34,000,872 galleons 14 sicos 7 nat = 1,667,242,030,309 nat
And because "1662430309 nat = 174,000,000 pounds
So: 1 pound = 95.9 nat = 3.3 sic = 0.2 galleon
1 galleon = 5.1 pounds
1 sic - 0.3 pounds
1 nat = 0.01 galleon ( Take the approximate equivalent)
The exchange rate between the pound and the yuan is 1:11
So: 1 Galleon = 56.6 yuan
1 Sico = 3.3 yuan
1 Nat = 0.11 yuan
Detailed content /f?kz=113661881
This has Hogwarts, a History of the school Where Magical Creatures Are", "The Magical Quidditch Ball", and many other aspects of knowledge. You can also go to my QQ space to see, there are many, many Harry Potter information on it Oh!