Why are all the female figure skaters so beautiful, and in such good shape?

Because figure skaters must not have poor body proportions.

Both male and female figure skaters are trained in dance, ballet, street dance and so on.

This is to improve the artistic performance score,

For this artistic performance score and music understanding score, figure skaters are generally able to dance and play well.

Girls aside, even male singles skaters, for example,

Yuzuru Hanyu, who grew up learning ballet, practicing yoga regularly, and playing the piano, have a high level of mastery as well as comprehension of musical beats.

The women, not to mention those who can be seen in the major A-level figure skating events we know, are the best of all skating talent.

You'd think that someone with a well-proportioned body, whose body's lines and beauty are on full display because of longtime athleticism, would have a high temperament of their own because of the music and dance they've been taught.

Of course it is very beautiful, the body is very good.

And, figure skating jumps are very difficult, even a little bit heavier body fat can cause unstable landing and lack of circumference serious (prohibited).

So they stay in shape, men and women alike.

Thanks for your interest in figure skating.

Looking forward to the adoption.