Excerpts of classic quotes by new generation female writer Bonnie Park

Bonnie Park, female, formerly known as Zhang Shanshan, born in the 80s, Capricorn, is a graduate student at the Literature Department of Beijing Film Academy. She is a postgraduate student at the Department of Literature of Beijing Film Academy, and published her personal essay collection Love You Like Bonnie in 2005. Since 2003, she has been writing interviews, movie reviews and columns for major fashion magazines, and has successfully interviewed Maggie Cheung, Gong Li, Ang Lee, Hou Hsiao-hsien, etc. She is also the editor of the TV series The Prodigal Son of Yanqing. He is the writer of the TV series "The Prodigal Son Yanqing", the first writer of the TV series "The Flea on the Drum Shiqian", the first writer of the movie "The Ballad of Yellow Earth", one of the main writers of the new version of "A Dream of Red Mansions" in 2008, and the first writer of the TV series "Love Me More Than I Do". Writing up to 10 years, *** counting millions of words, has become a hot new generation of female writers.

Park Bonnie classic quotes:

Over-age innocence, if not a do-over, is bound to encounter embarrassment. Just as excessive naivety becomes a folly.

A person comes to your life, leaving deep traces of each other, he became a very important part of your life, but also became a part of yourself, each other know each other heavily, without complaint, is very beautiful.

A man trampled on himself to please you, do not be touched. This cigarette burns on him, the next one may burn on you.

Don't mess with someone else's man unless you love him very, very much and he's very, very deserving of it. Don't mess with a man who looks for women who resemble his ex-girlfriend, his mother, his sister. Don't mess with the prodigal son, the young man of letters, or the middle-aged man. Don't mess with men who are too innocent. Don't be with people who don't have a heart. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new one, and you'll be able to do that.

The so-called old girl is, still like twenty-year-old favorite perfume, still wearing twenty-year-old amber ring, still wearing twenty-year-old clothes, still like twenty-year-old, like the kind of boy. She may be mature, but never worldly, she may be complex, but not muddy. Forever curious, always marveling, looking forward to strange encounters, the dream is not a goal, is a kind of temperament.

Growing up is too difficult a journey, how can we confront ourselves and the outside world while loving the people we love.

I never spit on the trivial details of mundane life. I am willing to suffer with you, even if the passion is no longer, even if the face is dusty, even if they complain about each other, even if they are as plain as water. As long as I can be with you, what difference does it make if I am from the mundane, or transcendent? All are grace.

We love someone, is to hand over the world against us a hostage. To love you is to give myself to you, to give myself to you as a hostage, and from then on, you have the power to hurt me, you have the power to abandon me, you have the power to leave me out in the cold. No one else has. This power, I give you with my own hands. A thousand pains, and a willingness to accept it.

I don't think we are often happy. Life has never been easy for me. But I always thought that no matter how much I was hurt I had to love, no matter how much I was betrayed I had to believe, no matter how much I was attacked I had to be sincere.

There are four stages of falling out of love: the first is not accepting the fact that it is impossible, the second is anger, anger, vilification, complaining, the third stage is to try to salvage the situation, begging, madness, and the fourth stage is to vent, looking for a replacement, eager to fall in love with a stranger. Then calm down and move on with your life. Love the next person again.

A big measure of how good love is is whether or not you two have stopped growing inside. Growth does not mean that with the age of the more old, and then gradually fade, you accept a lot of social subterfuge and the helplessness of life, but a self-improvement.

If you take love as a long road, a practice, then every time you fall out of love will find their own problems, you will become more and more complete and mature. Then you can bring the real good love to the other person, it is a learning process. Lost love is painful, but it is not so unbearable, the real despair is that your pain is meaningless.

Love may disappear, two people for various reasons can no longer walk together, but if that thing of human nature is still shining, you feel from the bottom of your heart that the other person is a rare and precious person, then the love is not broken.

Love is not the way out, it is the road. The way out is a very narrow feeling, as if we are from a very big world, there is only a very small exit, there is urgency, or impatient, must be so not. Love should be a road, it's wide and long, you can walk slowly or run, it's wider and freer. Love is superficial, human nature is more eternal.

Life is a three hundred episodes of a serial drama, love is also, if you think of love as a long road, then the loss of love is one of your love story is broken, but you must have gained something from it. Then you take this new epiphany to find a new love, and then turn you into a better version of yourself.

In the very young we will say, I know what love is, I know what love is, we all say I know, will also write that kind of special old text, as if to see through the world, but in fact you just know. From know to know is far away, people are also like this. You know a person, but also from know to know a process.

Because the woman's social identity is too clear, too much of a sense of time urgency, but in my heart, there is a girl, forever. Maybe mature but not worldly, maybe complex but not muddy. The time to laugh, the time to cry, will be angry, will also send silly, always curious, always marveling, looking forward to the strange encounter.

Spring is here, everything is sprouting, growth. You, too, grow in spite of yourself. I hope from the bottom of my heart that you can also meet someone, a person in this world, cherish you, treasure you. Otherwise, or really too lonely. Truly, I hope you fall in love and let the pink and white cherry blossom petals fall on your hair. Let someone, before they send you off, hug you heavily.

Love is simple and rough, it's beautiful, it's wonderful, it makes you feel infatuated, passionate, erotic, sweet, ecstatic, apprehensive

For me, love is a kind of faith. Even if the love ends up broken, the love is still there.

If one day I suddenly disappeared, all of you do not go to look for me, I am looking for happiness to go!

I think that two equal, independent, mature, civilized men and women can talk about a stable long-term emotional relationship.

I think seeking a partner is about completing life, seeking a fit in the other person, but not about getting a new life, changing your life, giving up your ego, getting excitement and happiness. For pleasure alone, one can go to a comedian and not have to go to such lengths.

We are not proud of our lack of sexual knowledge.

We are not proud to show off our lack of knowledge about sex. Gay men who are looking for conquest by treating women as if they were blank paper should close the page by clicking on the little cross at the top right of the screen. I agree with Kahlil Gibran: men and women are like pillars in front of a temple, close to each other but not overlapping each other in dependence.

Being in love, when, is not a waste of life.

I believe that true love, love passionately and y, is the only way to make life complete.

The study of love is hard and painful, but it has to be learned. For example, my current subject might be, letting go of false plans, of too much of myself, and of eternal anxiety. Youth is a long way off, and nothing is over, no, nothing has begun yet.

Although it hurts, it is not bitter. Although full of regret, but no remorse. We embraced and danced to the Beatles' music, just like in the beginning. You looked at me with a smile, just like at the beginning. Never thought I could break up with a smile on my face. You gave me the best beginning and the best end, everything was so complete. I thought about giving up on myself, but I couldn't, because I couldn't not cherish myself after being loved by such a wonderful person.

If you don't want to drive someone, and you don't want to be driven, then it's the hardest thing to try: balance. Balance is not really about finding someone who is particularly reciprocal, two people who always stand at opposite ends of the scale, without tilting. I think balance is sometimes arguing, sometimes helping, and balance is a state of always finding equilibrium. In the long run, it is indeed balanced, but balance itself, contains always fluctuating.

The heart of the well was emptied, on the quiet life, according to the flow of life to live, quietly waiting for the heart of the well overflowing again. It's not that easy to lose the ability to love people, but it takes a while for the energy to build up, and it takes a while for your heart to empty.

A friend of mine said: when we were young, we all thought we were the 8-9 o'clock sun, and the energy of love was endless and could light up the world. But when we reach middle age, we have to learn to collect all the light into our hearts and warm our hearts. I think this is very true. At a certain age, love needs to be screened, moderated and not wasted.

I think it's normal to want to be friends after a breakup, because there is always a care and warmth between people. But this can not be forced, any relationship is to rely on the two people naturally comfortable to maintain, the other side is not willing, why do you obsess. The friend and not just one.

Love is the only road we have. The way out is narrow, and the road is wide, and we all walk on it, on different paths. Love is a big proposition, love of life, love of writing, love of the world, not a very narrow thing that finally converges into an exit.

After watching Tokyo Love Story late at night, when I was a kid, I thought that Wanji missed Rika, but now I realize that Satomi and Wanji are the perfect fit. They are together, stretching themselves, trusting each other, daring to make demands and forgiving each other, just like each other's hometown. Only now do I see the fit, before I only saw love. For some reason, this discovery makes my heart ache. So much so inappropriate but so love.

Love is to grounded dear, life was originally trivial, can not escape. Two people face together, communicate together, work together. Pass by pass, one day suddenly turn around, will be surprised actually so powerful, almost hit a pass.

What does it feel like to like someone? You can't help but feel especially lucky. Also, you can't help but use extra special when describing him. Special two, special cute, special stingy, special because in your eyes, he is special.

Don't share anything that is most precious. Once shared, something is immediately lost.

Love and live well. Youth is so short, don't sigh old age. Once in a while you can stop and rest, but don't squat down and look around. Remember not to look back when you've traveled a path.

Experiencing life is another thing, and it doesn't mean falling and indulging. Never identify with those who are cool and alternative in disguise. They are excuses made by people who have nothing better to do to indulge themselves in doing nothing. True coolness is on the inside. You have to be strong inside. You have to have the belief that you can let time pass and not be worn down or give in.

Sister, I want you to believe in warmth, beauty, trust, dignity, strong these old words. I don't want you to be disheveled, empty, confused, trampling on yourself and hurting others. I don't want you to make a mess of yourself. Moderate your feelings. Not for anyone.

We talked about the hurts and I realized that my new pain healed the old. The traumas were so similar that I shone a light on myself; the past resurfaced and the problems were no longer problems. Sanger said: wash the oil with the oil. Well said. She said, grief can not be said, every time you say it depicts a layer, if not, it will dissolve itself. And me? Every time I say it, grief becomes frivolous, concrete, vulgar and relatable. In the end it dies of transparency.

Hemingway said that hunger is good exercise. I think hunger is a state of life, 22 years old, full-bodied hunger, for love, for life, for everything, to be able to eat a supermarket, a herd of livestock, a lot of love. Gnawing, chewing and swallowing, and the mouth of the verb is all. STAY HUNGRY, I think it is not greed, is to cherish the sincere senses, quenching the desire to set off.

When we meet some people, he is blossoming; when we meet some people, he has borne full fruit. Seen the blossoms not into the palm of the hand, remember the blossoms; pick the fruit, just fruit. Why is the person who picked the fruit me? Why is he the one who picked me? The poet said: planted melon wood, will result, planted karma, endless period. Walked through the look back, there is no such thing as a mistake in this world, only taken for granted.

We spend the first half of our lives being cautioned, being intimidated: if you don't do this, you will never be happy! I didn't want to think I was just doing what I was told out of fear. The more I grew up, the more I realized that there are many, many kinds of happiness. I don't know what true happiness is? For me, it seems there is only one, and that is to live as I want to live, to live a life that is intelligent, sexual, fun, and loving.

All my classmates are married, all the girls are moms. At some point, it feels like you're completely left out, outside of some kind of life. Being in the minority, in moments like these, can be scary. I sit quietly in the crowd and wait for that feeling to pass.

Dear old girl, maybe you, like me, are gradually feeling that love is no longer the most important thing in life. What matters is that we love ourselves, we love life, we love this imperfect world, and we love everything that makes us happy and angry. Tell me your reasons for loving the world. Let's believe that something good will always happen!

Believe in love. Believe that good men still exist, are still unmarried, and are still searching for you in a sea of people.

Never trust a man who is not ready to introduce you to his circle of friends. A man who will only call you baby insists that he calls you by your name. When a man stops coming to you, stay away from him. Don't trust a man who uses tactics in a relationship. Don't mouth off when you break up. Learn your lesson, but don't regret it. Regret is useless.

Don't give the same man two chances to hurt you. Don't believe in bedtime vows. Don't value virginity, but stay pure. Don't be ashamed of your desires, enjoy them, but never put up with insults and slowness from men. Believe me, sister, there are more men than three-legged frogs. Don't speak of love so easily. Trust your instincts.

Classic Love Quotes by Bonny Parker

1. To love someone is to give a hostage to the world that is against us. To love you is to give myself to you, to give myself to you as a hostage, and from then on, you have the power to hurt me, you have the power to abandon me, you have the power to leave me out in the cold. No one else has. This power, I give you with my own hands. A thousand pains, and a willingness to accept it. --Parboni "Old Girl"

2. I want you to believe in warmth, beauty, trust, dignity, strength and these old-fashioned words. I don't want you to be disheveled, empty, confused, trashing yourself and hurting others. You have to have a strong heart. You have to have the belief that time will pass and you will not break down and give in. It's not because you're in an ivory tower that you say things like I love the world. It's saying it because you know it's dark, dirty, and ugly out there. If this cigarette burns him, the next one may burn you. -Barboni "Love you like Bonnie"

4, can sympathize with others, and accept the pain of others, that is the real tenderness. What is more valuable than being pleasant is your gentle heart. --Barboni "Seeing Good"

6, a person who is willing to expose himself to the world, not only has the desire to express himself, but also, he is y loved. Only a person who is sure that he is loved can reveal himself in this way without fear. --Parboni "see good"

7, I want you to believe in the warmth, beauty, trust, dignity, strength of these old-fashioned words. I don't want you to be disheveled, empty, confused, trashing yourself and hurting others. I don't want you to deal with yourself in a mess. Moderate your feelings. Not just anyone can have them. Experiencing life is another thing, it doesn't mean depravity and indulgence. Never identify with those who are cool and alternative in disguise. They are excuses made by people who have nothing better to do to indulge themselves in doing nothing. True coolness is on the inside. You have to be strong inside. You have to have the conviction that you will let time pass and not grind or give in. It's not being in an ivory tower that makes you say things like I love the world. It's saying it because you know it's dark, dirty, and ugly out there. --Parboni "wrote a letter to my sister"

8, pocket money, don't refuse any beggar. We are not giving alms to beggars, we are giving alms to those who are more difficult than us. Those beggars in disguise, but also in the begging, with the beggar's mood. Give than take joy. --Bernie "like Bonnie love you"

9, "because the boys in fact especially hope that they have done a bold and rebellious things, perhaps in the world seems worthless, but you like the girl will have been watching you, accompanied by you, and finally come over, and funny and angry Tap you on the forehead and say, 'You're an idiot!' And then be forgiven and spoiled. Really, men are just so naive and simple." --Barboni, "Seeing Good"

10. Mercy, it will make you noble. To forgive the world and yourself. To tell yourself, I deserve the best of everything. --Barboni "Love You Like Bonnie"

11, remember to often look up to the sky remember to look up to the sky when also look at the feet --Barboni "Love You Like Bonnie"

12, to understand a person, we have to look at her All, whether it is obscure, or brilliant, to circumambulate, to see it all. Because that's all part of human nature. --Parboni "see good"

13, I like you because you are not perfect. Because you look at your imperfections openly and are brave enough to reveal that imperfection. Taking the long and making up for the short is not feasible, often long is no longer long and short is still short, you know you have to make the best of it and not avoid the short. Until all the imperfections gradually become perfect, until your perfect soul through the perfect face to send a smile. You made me believe that as long as you grow towards the light, wallflowers will also take root and sprout, and blossom. --Parboni "Seeing Good"

14, I realized that it is not by saying it that the responsibility can be taken off. Before, I thought that saying something out loud was honesty and responsibility, but now I realize that it's not. In fact, say it, is to shirk responsibility. There are things that sometimes should be taken on as an adult without saying them. It's only when you really take it on that you can be considered mature. --Parboni "see good"

15, silence is a man's virtue, a man can be eloquent, but do not gush. --Parboni "see good"

16, no Rochester, who will love Jane Eyre. --Paubonni

17, Growing up, I learned one thing, when a door was closed to me, I would not wander away in despair, nor knock desperately. Whenever that door suddenly comes to mind, tell yourself that it's actually a wall. I won't push against a wall. He came from the bottom, his face is never written in the middle class or privilege, also not written in the material and desire, he is a grassroots face, let you believe that he came from your side, or, he is your own; at the same time, his face is a face after refining, get to play the face - he cohesion of many more than a At the same time, his face is a distilled and played out face - he unites the destinies of many "yous", he seems to be you, but he is not you. And this is his most unique charm. --Parboni "Seeing Good"

19, I don't think we're often happy. Life has never been easy for me. But I always thought it was important to love no matter how hurt, to believe no matter how betrayed, and to be sincere no matter how attacked --Pa Bonny "Old Girl"

20, if mature enough, should know that really does not mean direct, can be true to the texture of their own lives, without having to directly intercept their own life archetype. Stethoscope", "I Bring the Elf Home", "Secrets in the Pumpkin House", "Cookie Spirit in Action", campus light fantasy novels such as "Thumbelina" series, "Blogs of Our Class", "Secret Diary of a Classmate" series, "Excellent Partner" series, "Trickster King Wang Xiaotian" series, etc., and successfully portrayed a number of contemporary children's literature works, including "Trickster King Wang Xiaotian", "Thumbelina", "Kong Xixi", "Elf", "Judea", and "Manny", and "Huang Wushao". The characters in children's literature have been accepted and enjoyed by the majority of young readers.

Shang Xiaona classic quotes:

A book that a child can read on, read comfortably, the child has gained, help him, can make him interested in reading, and cultivate the habit of reading, that is a good book.

Nowadays, children have to face more material temptations and spiritual emptiness, as children's writers, still need a sense of responsibility and sense of mission, this will not be out of date.

Imagination is helpful for children to improve their writing ability. Imagination can innovate the content of compositions, and imagination can also enhance children's curiosity and exploration.

I have always insisted on the beauty of fairy tales instead of the same old lectures, and I have always believed that children have the ability to judge and appreciate them, even at a young age. Fairy tales are a form of communication between me and my children. I am happy when they are happy.

Writers are not born, and they all start out as readers. The key is to read more and practice more.

I'm willing to share with others, to share growth, to share stories, and that's a great thing. In sharing, I get something out of it, because sharing is mutual, and I get what others share with me.

Writing inspiration comes partly from life and partly from imagination. The real world and the fantasy world are equally important to me.

Sometimes we don't always get the answers we want from a book right away, but a few moments of comfort is something to be thankful for.

A good book is a good read.

A good book is a good friend.

Zhou Dongyu, born on January 31, 1992 in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, is a new generation actress in China. She is currently studying in the 20xx undergraduate class of the acting department of the Beijing Film Academy. 20xx, Zhou Dongyu became famous for her role as Jingqiu in Zhang Yimou's movie "Love at the Hawthorn Tree," which led to her entry into the movie industry.

Zhou Dongyu classic quotes:

I did not deliberately show innocence, as an actor should try different images, play different roles, which is what makes me feel happy in this profession.

My goal is to be a good actor, but have not thought about who I want to be, because everyone has different qualifications and potential. Taking one step at a time and growing slowly and steadily will make me more stable in my heart, and I hope to get better and better in the future.

Money is important, but it's not the most important thing to me, just enough to spend. I hope that the other half is not too much money, I am very important to the heart of the exchange.

I'm a person who lives in a certain situation, different roles in different situations.

I feel like a fool when I look at myself the second before.

What I care about is that other people pay attention to how well I act, whether I can move the audience, move myself. If people say I'm not good at acting, this is something I want to run headlong into.

Everyone has their own colored glasses, and so do we, and I especially understand them.

People on the way, the heart moves with the scenery. I'm not sure if you're going to be able to get a good look at the way you're going, but I'm sure you'll be able to get a good look at the way you're going. The future of the journey is not known, but the dream will lead the way.

If you can, you really want to stay on campus for the rest of your life. But people have to learn to grow up and say goodbye. I'm looking forward to seeing a particularly different me tomorrow.