What are the basic steps of 4-step dance?

Four-step dance is slow four, the basic steps of female step are long step forward, long step backward, forward side step, backward side step, forward left turn step, backward left turn step, forward right turn step, backward right turn step, the basic steps of male step and female step are opposite.

The four-step dance is generally four steps, the first step is the girl's left foot forward, heel to toe stroll, the right foot forward, heel to toe stroll, the third beat is a quick step, in the jump of the left foot of the foot fast, the right foot to follow and then the feet put flat. Boys dance step is the first step back, right foot forward after the left foot to follow, the back of the dance and the first step is the same as the first step, and the girl's dance is the opposite, pay attention to cooperate on it.


When you first learn to dance, don't dance the slow four dances, but first dance the three steps, the fast four dances, and the middle four dances, which are easy to learn, and the learning stage is to let the user familiarize with the melody, and dance with the music.

Figure out the rhythm of the slow four dance, the beat is very slow, that is, accents, sub-accent composition, alternating left and right feet. The common point is that the rhythm of the fast four dance has become very slow. The pace is the same.