Christian Dance Praise of the Heart

Christian Dance Mind Praise can be played on Sugarbean App.

: Christian Beliefs

1. Belief in One True God

Christianity believes in one true God, the Holy Trinity (the Holy Trinity): the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This view states that Christians believe that there is only one true God, who is infinite, eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, just and merciful.

2. Jesus Christ is the Savior

Christianity believes that Jesus Christ is the Son from heaven. He was sent to earth by God to die for the redemption of mankind's sins so that every believer could have eternal life by believing in Him. It is vital to accept the Lord Christ by faith.

3. The Presence of the Holy Spirit

Christianity believes that the Holy Spirit is the power of God, God's way of calling, guiding, and supporting mankind. Christians believe that the Holy Spirit can give people the strength, wisdom and courage to deal with the challenges and trials of life.

4. The Bible is the foundation of faith

The Bible is the foundation of Christian belief and teaching, and the Bible consists of both the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Bible is considered to be the divinely inspired truth that contains information about God, mankind, and the rest of the world, as well as indicating the relationship between them.

5. God's Plan and Purpose

Christianity believes that God has a plan and purpose in history, and that this purpose is to purify people of their sins and to bring about salvation unto eternal life with the help of Jesus Christ.

6. Human free will

Christianity asserts that human beings have free will, i.e., that they can choose righteousness or sin, and that God does not interfere with human choices. People are free to choose the direction of their beliefs and their way of life, and people's choices affect their destiny in this life and the next.

7. The Opposition of Good and Evil

Christianity believes that there is an opposition between good and evil, and that evil comes from Satan and is the result of the fall of mankind. And goodness, truth and justice come from God. Christians should abide by God's moral code and strive to do good deeds, reflecting God's love and compassion through their actions.

8. The Importance of the Church

The church is an indispensable part of the Christian faith, and it is a place for Christians to learn, communicate, and unite. In the church, Christians can listen to Bible sermons, pray and share their faith experiences, as well as strengthen their faith and receive support and help in the community.

9. Meaning and purpose of life

Christianity believes that every person is born with a specific purpose and meaning. Every Christian is called to love God, to love his neighbor, and to exhibit God's virtues as best he can. Therefore, Christians should seek God's will and serve it.

10. The Last Judgment and Eternal Life

Christian doctrine states that on the last day all men will be judged, judged to be saved or condemned according to their works and beliefs. The doctrine also holds that there is more to life than this life, but that there is an eternal existence and that eternal souls need to be protected and honored.