The park is a beautiful place, with mountains and water, and beautiful flowers and plants.
When you walk into the park, you will see a grove lined with green trees, with butterflies flying in the sky and bees enjoying the shade under the leaves. The tender green grass is like putting a green dress on the earth, and the birds are chirping on the trees.
Walking along the trail, you will see an ancient tea pavilion with a long history, where old people play chess and children enjoy the shade.
Not far away, you will see the crooked Jiuqu Bridge, which has a long story. Also, don’t underestimate the rows of small stone lanterns. Legend has it that the lanterns can also ward off evil spirits.
After crossing the bridge, we arrived at the lively singing and dancing square, where old people sang and danced, and children played and played.
Guys, do you want to go?