Characteristics of Street Theater

The biggest external characteristic of "street theater" is "mobility" - no need for a fixed, elevated stage.

"Mr. Balloon" Steve Corzine from the United Kingdom, who can not only blow up a huge balloon, but also "put" himself in it, all the way "stepping" on the balloon! The first time I've ever seen a balloon, I've seen it in my life.

The Netherlands' Proximity Theatre Company performs the "White Angel Show," which features only three actors on stilts who dance through the crowd with angel wings.

In addition to the "action" of the show's actors themselves, the show can also be performed in a long line of people to ease the boredom of waiting in line.

With no fixed stage, there is less costly expenditure on hardware such as building and lighting. Choreography device in the domestic theater and square performance expenditure on the percentage has always been not low, and its "exquisite" degree can even "not capped". Also because there is no stage, there is no need to square dance chorus and other performances, as the need for "many actors" to "support the full" stage, also reduces the cost of labor.

Whether it's "Mr. Balloon" or "Mr. Bubble," their props are just balloons and soap bubbles, without any choreography or lighting effects, and they can win applause with a one-man show and their ingenuity. Taiwan's Mobius Circle Creative Commune, on the other hand, performs dances with drums as musical instruments while marching, showcasing aboriginal customs and artistic energy.

Street theater is an indoor theater performance "outside", the categories are concentrated in the group dance, chorus, opera performances of these categories, and most of the "crowded". The "street theater" requires a few actors in the lack of choreography and other high-tech means of assistance, but still able to attract the attention of the crowd. This places high demands on the content, quality and variety of programs. There are four criteria for selecting a program: "creativity, happiness, humor, interaction".