What are the lyrics of the song "Ten Years"

If these two words don't tremble

Won't find me uncomfortable.

Anyway, it's just a breakup.

If there is no requirement tomorrow

Holding hands is like traveling.

There are always thousands of doors, and one person must go first.

Since I can't stay in your arms.

Why don't you leave?

Tears while enjoying.

Ten years ago.

I don't know you. You don't belong to me.

We are still surrounded by a stranger.

Walk through familiar streets

Ten years later.

We are friends and can still say hello.

It's just that tenderness can't find a reason to hug anymore.

Lovers will eventually become friends.

Since I can't stay in your arms.

Why don't you leave?

Tears while enjoying.

Ten years ago.

I don't know you. You don't belong to me.

We are still surrounded by a stranger.

Walk through familiar streets

Ten years later.

We are friends and can still say hello.

It's just that tenderness can't find a reason to hug anymore.

Lovers will eventually become friends.

Until I became friends with you for many years.

Understand my tears.

Not for you, but for others.