Where does ShaoGou Village belong to

Shaogou Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Guojia Township, Qin'an County, Tianshui City, Gansu Province, with an urban-rural classification code of 220 for villages. The zoning code is 620522104224, and the first 6 digits of the resident ID number is 620522. The postal code is 741609, the long-distance telephone number is 0938, and the license plate number is Gan E. ShaoGou Village is adjacent to ZhuWan Village, ZhangHe Village, ShangCheon Village, HangWan Village, XISHAN Village, LiuWan Village, ChePing Village, ChenGou Village, GaoYi Village, Zhaolong Village, ShaoBaogao Village, YueYang Village, HARDWATER Village, and HuaiCheon Village.

Shao ditch village near the ruins of Temple Tsui Ping, Qin'an Fengshan scenic area, Shangguan Mingqing Street, Qin'an Temple of Literature, Kequan Temple and other tourist attractions, there are Qin'an apples, Qin'an peppercorns, Qin'an peach, Tianshui peppercorns, Qin'an peaches, and other specialties.