1, the "Song of the Yue people" said: "The mountains have wood and the wood has branches, the heart pleases the gentleman and the gentleman does not know".
2, Shen Congwen said: I have traveled to many places of the bridge, seen many times the clouds, drank many kinds of wine, but only loved a just the best age.
3, Liu Xiu said: marrying a wife should be Yin Lihua.
4, Zhang Eileen: I want you to know, there is a person in this world is always waiting for you, no matter when, no matter where you are, anyway, you know, there is always such a person.
5, Keigo Higashino said: If you are not happy, everything I do is in vain!
6, Li Zhiyi said: only wish you heart like my heart, will not live up to the idea of love.
7, Sanmao said: Every time I think of you, a grain of sand falling from the sky, from the formation of the Sahara. Every time I think of you, a drop of water falls from the sky, so the formation of the Pacific Ocean.
8, Charlotte? Bronte said: When you are beside me, I feel a hundred flowers bloom, birds sing and cicadas chirp.
9, Hai Zi said: sister, tonight I do not care about human beings, I only think of you.
10, Yu Xiuhua said: If I send you a book, I will not send you poetry, I want to give you a book about plants, about crops, to tell you the difference between rice and tares, to tell you a tares, mention the spring.