Jitterbug often see the king use "Lu Bu and Sable Cicada" as background music, this is the theme song of the king's honor? Who sang it?

"Sable Cicada" This is the theme song of Sable Cicada of King's Honor.

Title: Sable Cicada

Singer: Da Wu Le

Lyrics: Wu Le

Sung by: Wu Le

Rambling flowers and rain dancing water lilies, delicate body swaying with the wind

Anxious to find the place where they first met

Falling red rain, the edge of the heart knot

Blooming wind and splendor, mu~~~~~

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The total song duration of this song "Sable Cicada" sung by singer Wu Le is 3 minutes and 33 seconds, the singer's album "Wu Le" Shake Selected Music Compilation Album is included in the album, which was released on January 21, 2018, and the album contains thirty-eight songs.

The song "Sable Cicada" is also one of the many excellent works sung by the singer, and the song was highly sought after by fans after its release. Singer Zheng Bingbing sings this song, which is included in his album "I Love eSports", which contains twenty-six songs, and the album was released on July 14, 2017, at the beginning of the album.