Flag zombies, regulars that go to the front of the line when a big wave of zombies comes
Barricade zombies, zombies with barricades and high defense
Pole-pole zombies, pole-vaulting over a low plant
Bucket zombies, iron buckets with amazing defense
Newspaper Zombies that go berserk once the newspaper they're holding is broken
Burglar Door Zombies, burglar doors with amazing defenses
Jersey Zombies, rugby jerseys with incredible defenses
Dancer Zombies, which can summon a large legion of back-up dancers to attack
Back-up Dancer Zombies, which attack the brains in hordes along with the dancers
Aqua Swimmer Zombies, regular enemies that can attack in the water. Normal enemies that can attack in the water
Diving zombies, immune to a large number of straight attacks in the water
Ice maker zombies, which create ice paths and flatten defenses
Sledder zombies, which attack in groups on the ice paths
Dolphin rider zombies, which use a dolphin to jump over a diminutive plant
Dollbox zombies, which can destroy defenses by blowing themselves up
Balloon Zombie, attack after being brought to the defense line by a balloon
Miner Zombie, dig to attack over your defense line
Snowman Zombie, kill to get diamonds
Jumping Pole Zombie, jump over all dwarf plants
Bungee Zombie, steal your plants and put down the zombie
Technical Ladder Zombie, put the ladder on the nut to go over the defense line
Kid Zombie, move forward quickly to destroy the defenses
Basketball Truck Zombie, throw basketballs to smash the plants
Giant Zombie, flatten all the plants, and throws little ghosts
Dr. Zombie, destroy all the defenses and place the zombies on the attack
Pea Zombie, spit peas to attack the defenses
Nut Zombie, with amazing defenses<
Bonobo Zombie, squash a plant and die
High Nut Zombie, with incredible defense
Machine Gun Pea Zombie, spewing out tons of peas to attack the plants
Hot Pepper Zombie, burn down a whole row of defenses