Jump cowboy dance 4 points two steps

Jump cowboy dance 4 points two steps

Jump cowboy dance 4 points two steps, cowboy dance is the national standard Latin dance in a tap dance, also known as the "Jie dance", is the United States western cowboys jumped in a tap dance, prevalent in the twentieth century, so you know jump cowboy dance 4 points two steps.

4 points of the cowboy dance two steps 1

Cowboy dance action rough, the music rhythm is fast and jumping, the action is humorous and funny, the dance step is rich and varied sections. Therefore, the cowboy dance has a unique charm in Latin dance. Cowboy dance jumped up the feeling is exciting, agile and free, sometimes there is a strong twist and rapid continuous rotation dazzle people, exuberant and enthusiastic.

Cowboy dance it has a clear step, jumping method can be divided into two kinds: general social occasions in the six-step Jiruba, and the standard dance is eight-step Jiruba, called jive. basically both are to six beats to complete a basic step, just six steps more leisurely and lazy, while the eight-step more spiritual, more changes. It's a very relaxed and free dance, and the music is: 4/4, about forty bars per minute.

Cowboy dance focus on footwork:

1, stand: feet natural and easy to stand close together.

2, chest, abdomen, vertebrae straight, can not shrug shoulders.

3. When either foot takes a step to the side, the other foot supporting the center of gravity is straightened and all the weight is shifted to the top of this foot, so that the weight is shifted forward to the forefoot while the heel remains off the floor, and the knee of the dominant foot cannot be locked back.

4. Cowboys train with a leg sucker to increase the elasticity of the knee.

One of the difficulties in learning to dance cowboy dance is the parallel step of cowboy dance, and the cowboy dance must first dance a good parallel step. The number of beats is 3&4, when jumping can turn or not turn to jump in any direction, back and forth, left and right, 360 degrees in any direction can be, and step can also be rotated to jump (American rotation), when jumping forward or backward when jumping together, you can use the locking step, or do not have to lock the step .

The center of gravity of the parallel step is mainly in the forefoot, and it is the inside of the toes, professionally known as the inside of the "ball of the thumb", which refers to the ball of the forefoot. Although the footwork of the first two steps is on the ball of the thumb, the heel of these steps is leaning towards or even touching the floor, and when the third step makes a sufficient amount of rotation, the footwork of this step is also on the "ball of the thumb", with the center of gravity on the forefoot. When a man or woman jumps forward in a parallel step, the footwork is: forefoot, toes, forefoot. When jumping backward in a parallel step, the footwork is toe, forefoot, toe .

Cowboy dance commonly used to the left, right or forward, backward (lock step) of the merge step is the most basic step, many dance steps are based on the development of changes, so for beginners must be practiced over and over again to achieve proficiency in free.

4 points of the cowboy dance two steps 2

A basic cowboy dance steps

The knees of the left foot of the cowboy dance, as well as the knees of the right foot need to be close to close together, the left foot to the inward buckle, the knees of the two feet need to be bent a little bit, and then the heel of the left foot to be lifted up, the right foot to bend, and straighten the knees of the left foot to contract later, is the completion of a walking step. is the completion of a walk, need to pay attention to is to use the hips as well as the knees of the place of force to drive the foot to move, do not have a tight feeling, and then the left foot to the left to kick out a step, the right side of the knees together and a little closer to the right foot of the knee to the back of the lock, the left knee to bend some of the left side of the knee to the left side to carry out the movement, the need to move a step, the men to the side of the right side of the foot, and then and the left foot cross.

The right foot is good after the left foot bends the knee, and the woman side across the left foot and the right foot difference, and then the right foot bends the knee, the right foot and the left foot of the male and the left foot together with each other after the fast and feet, and then quickly the left foot pops, and the woman needs to do the opposite direction of the action, the body for the side, the man kicked out the right foot after the cross in the left foot on top of the woman kicked out the left foot and the right foot for the cross, this is the cowboy dance inside the more basic dance. This is the more basic dance steps in the cowboy dance, must be well practiced, so as to be able to dance well.

Second, the main points of the cowboy dance steps

Cowboy dance in the left and right for the step should pay attention to the action of the hips, otherwise it will make the charm is not so high, the cowboy dance practice, crotch is the need to swing from side to side, a lot of people in the jump crotch does not have any action, although the rhythm of the above is right, but the action looks like a good idea, it is a good idea. Although the rhythm is right, but the action does not look good, jumping cowboy dance should also pay attention to the step should be smaller, as in the original place to jump, otherwise the rhythm above will not be able to keep up.

Above to introduce you to the basic steps of the cowboy dance, see the above introduction you should also have a certain understanding of the cowboy dance steps as long as more practice will be able to skillfully master the cowboy dance, cowboy dance music rhythm is generally faster, so in the cowboy dance step is not too big, otherwise it is easy to keep up with, the action is not done will be very difficult to look at, and dance cowboy dance must be added to the hip action, so that it will not look good. The action of the buttocks, so it will be more good-looking.

Cowboy dance basic points:

1, cowboy dance elasticity does not lie in the upward jump, but in the production of "free fall" like the elasticity generated by the decline. The elasticity of the cowboy dance is not upward, but downward. The elasticity of the basic step of the beat performance in the fall after the support, rather than the process of falling. Note: (Cowboy Dance's heavy beat in the even number, the same as Samba)

2, Cowboy Dance in the point of the foot, the point of the foot is the power foot, he does not support the center of gravity, so don't let him go to borrow power, we want to let the support foot upright, and then produce a free-fall type of fall, and then quickly hold up to complete the action. Note: (When pointing the foot, the power leg stays bent and can't step straight)

Cowboy's focus is on bouncing, with a slight side-to-side swing, and for reducing leg fat, Cowboy's basic exercises are simple but effective. Practice bouncing in all four directions, back and forth, side to side, and changing feet as a simple exercise for the basics. When you are skillful, pay attention to the rhythm to be as fast as possible, but at the same time to keep the knee high, you can use a gradual approach to increase the speed.

When practicing the first rhythm, the left leg is bent, the first to the left foot, note that the pace is different from the rumba and cha-cha cha's "move the toes do not leave the ground" approach, but the palms of the feet are flat and raised, the landing by the toes of the feet first, the use of the arch of the foot elasticity, combined with the elasticity of the knee, step on the step down, step on the knee relaxation, the leg naturally straight, note that the heel will be the first to fall, the knee will be relaxed, the leg will be straight. When you step down, the knee is relaxed and the leg is naturally straight, note that the heel will fall a little, but not completely on the ground.

To the second rhythm and then the right foot to follow over, landing at the same time to pop up the left foot, left leg knee bending, jumping up, knee up as high as possible, at this time the right leg knee through the state of bending to straighten the left leg straighten quickly, the left foot fell, in the right foot heel fall left foot toe landing. After that stand with both legs straight.


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Many foreign competitors, on the other hand, pay more attention to the height of the bounce and the sense of speed, which requires the dancer to show great body control, in terms of speed and amplitude, so that the cowboy will look more joyful and swift.

The center of gravity for this style is quite a bit higher at two inches up from the belly button, roughly to the stomach. This will give the impression that in the center of gravity hanging a rubber band, tied to a stone below, with the center of gravity of the up and down quiver, and make the rubber band in the continuous shortening and lengthening, and then shorten and then lengthen.