Pot Zhuang Dance is an unaccompanied group dance. There are many dance names, i.e., songs and words, such as Half-step Dance, Six-step Dance, Eight-step Dance, Suo-Luo-Do, Monkey Dance, Peacock Dance, Shepherd's Song, etc. The dance steps are divided into "Guozhuo" (Walking Dance) and "Ku Dance" (Dead Dance). The steps of the potshuang dance are divided into two categories: "Guo Zhuo" (walking dance) and "Ku Dance" (turning dance). Pot Zhuang side dance and singing, mostly for the question and answer singing contest.
Dance, generally men and women in a semi-circular hand in a circle, there is a leader, divided into men and women a question and answer, repeated singing, no musical accompaniment. The whole dance consists of two sections of slow and then fast, with basic movements such as "Yuhua cross-legged", "tend to step over and over", "cross-legged squatting" and so on, and the dancers' arms are mainly changed by teasing, flinging and shaking. The dancers' arms are mainly lifted, flung and shaken to change the dance posture, and the formation is marched clockwise, with big and small circles, occasionally changing the pattern of "dragon swinging its tail".
Categorization of potshuang dance
The potshuang is divided into several types, including "big potshuang" for large-scale religious rituals, "middle potshuang" for traditional folk festivals, and "small potshuang" for gatherings of friends and relatives. "There are several types, each with a different scale and function. There are also distinguished into "mass pot Zhuang" and "lama pot Zhuang", town pot Zhuang and agricultural and pastoral area pot Zhuang.
Pot庄舞有古旧锅庄和新锅庄之分,古旧锅庄带有祭祀性性质,宗教界和老人大都比较喜欢此调,歌词内容和舞步形式等都比较古老,如《莲花生大师的诞生》,《建立桑耶寺》,《金碧辉辉的寺院》,《银光闪烁的王宫》,《福气财运降此地》,《丰收啊丰收》等,跳这种舞时,只能唱专用歌词,不能改改。 Only special lyrics can be sung and not altered, and the dance is generally characterized by slow, steady, ancient and solemn.
The lyrics of the new Panzhuang, the dance is more flexible, reflecting the production of labor, and the development of agricultural and animal husbandry production and business and trade activities, such as the "northern prairie", "white porcelain bowl in the gathering of the three colors", "in the gold dams above", etc., the new Panzhuang is a favorite song and dance for young people. The steps of the potshuang dance are divided into two categories: "Guozhuo" (walking dance) and "Kuzhuo" (turning dance). "Guo Zhuo" is a single phase of the pace towards the left start, the left and right two feet **** lift seven steps for a section, so that the rounds start from slow to fast, the number of steps remains unchanged, the dance is relatively simple, the participants easy to learn, so the number of people is very large. The dance of "Kujuo" is diversified, and there are many kinds of dances, such as two-and-a-half-steps dance, six-steps dance, eight-steps dance, six-steps dance with beat, eight-steps dance with beat, monkey dance, and so on.
Pot Dance-Diqing Pot Dance
Declared Region or Unit: Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province
Pot Dance is a kind of unaccompanied group dance. In the Diqing area, some places call it "Zhuo" (i.e., dance), while others call it "Wula" (i.e., play). It has a long history, dating back to before the seventh century AD. It has changed with the development of Tibetan production and life. Therefore, the pot Zhuang dance has played barley, twisting wool, feeding livestock, winemaking and other labor songs and dances, songs and dances in praise of heroes to suck the performance of Tibetan customs and traditions, male and female marriage, the inauguration of the new house, to welcome guests and other songs and dances.
The Potlatch Dance is divided into "Ruani" (old potlatch) and "Ruiji" (new potlatch). Rubbing is rumored to be in the Tubo ancestors and grandchildren of the three kings of the law has been circulating in Diqing, reflecting the slavery society and primitive religious form, with the nature of the sacrifice. Religious circles and the elderly mostly love rubbing Ni, lyrics and dance forms are relatively old, such as "the birth of Master Lotus Sangha", "the establishment of the Sangye Temple", "the golden wall of the temple", "the silver glitter of the King's Palace", "Fortune and fortune down to the ground this", "Harvest ah harvest," and so on. Dance this dance, can only sing special lyrics, can not be changed, the dance generally have a slow, steady, simple, solemn characteristics. Wipe Division of the lyrics of the content, dance, etc. are more flexible, reflecting the production of labor, praise the development of agricultural and animal husbandry production and business and trade lyrics are more, such as "northern prairie", "white porcelain bowl poly three colors", "in the gold dam above" and so on. Wipe Division is a favorite song and dance of young people, young people through the rubbing of the Division lyrics in the metaphorical pairing to express mutual adoration. For example, sandalwood trees are paired with peacock birds, pines are paired with parakeets, willow trees are paired with cuckoos, snow-capped mountains are paired with deer, forests are paired with roe deer, grasslands are paired with flowers, and fish are paired with water.
The lyrics of the potshuang dance (especially the rubbing of Ni) have a set of more rigorous seven marvelous laws of prose and metaphor. Singing words law is to sing the sky must sing the sun, the moon, the stars, sing people must sing emperor, Buddha, wise man, sing the place must sing Beijing, Lhasa and hometown. This fixed format in the rubbing of the most prominent lyrics, rubbing the Division lyrics are also used in this fixed format, but can be used flexibly, improvisation and singing, arbitrary play. There are many dance names, i.e. songs and words, such as Half-step Dance, Six-step Dance, Eight-step Dance, Suo-Luo-Do, Monkey Dance, Shepherd's Song, etc. In the Ruani Dance, it is both a dance and a song. In Ruani Dance, it is both the name of the dance, but also the cataract of the song and the lyrics of the word plate. If the leader sings the tune of "Peacock Dance", the dance partners can only dance the dance of "Peacock Dance" and sing the traditional lyrics of "Peacock Dance".
The steps of the potshuang dance are divided into two categories: "Guozhuo" (walking dance) and "Kujuo" (turning dance). "Guo Zhuo" is a single phase of the pace of the left side of the start, the left and right two feet **** lifted seven steps for a section, so that the rotation of the start, from slow to fast, the number of steps remains unchanged, the dance is relatively simple to participate in jumping people easy to learn, so the number of people is very large. Kujuo's dance is diverse and varied. There are two-and-a-half-steps dance, production step dance, eight-steps dance, six-steps dance with beat, eight-steps dance with beat, monkey dance and so on.
The young people love to rub the Division, the dance is generally divided into men and women, the left hand on the shoulder, into a circle. There is no limit to the number of people dancing clockwise. The upper body is bent forward, the knee trembling amplitude is larger, more stomping action, the heel strikes the ground or strikes the boots. Men's hips sway to the left and right, hands swing with the body, women's left arm is used to hold the waist or pull the hand, and the right arm swings back and forth with the movement. There are more than ten sets of movements, such as walking in a circle, pressing the heel, monkey's foot, three steps and a flip, three kicks and a hook, peacock draught, rabbit jumping, etc. The dancers' left arm and right arm swing back and forth with the movement.
The potshuang is sung while jumping, and it is mostly a question-and-answer singing contest. In the traditional singing contest, whoever masters the traditional lyrics comprehensively will win. In the impromptu quiz competition, whoever is imaginative and sharp-minded, the victory belongs to him.
Diqing all over the pot Zhuang dance because of the different regions and each has its own characteristics. Deqin Benzilan around the pot Zhuang dance tune low elegant, thick heroic, condensed deep, drag cavity more and long, like a huge wave undulation. The dance posture is free, bold and steady, just like an eagle spreading its wings. Light and lively and bold are in harmony with each other. When dancing, the dancers are bending over their shoulders, and the dance begins smoothly and slowly, and near the end of the movement is small and rapid, and the changes are fast, and the song and dance end in a joyful and warm atmosphere. Deqin area of the potlatch dance from beginning to end has a strict order, the general procedure is: Yiwa (potlatch prelude song), central Zhuo (beckon potlatch), Si Zhuo (welcome potlatch), pile Zhuo (praise potlatch) Zongzhuo (meet potlatch), the main Zhuo or Zhang Zhuo (farewell potlatch), Gua Zhuo (stay potlatch), Zazhi Ju (potlatch ending song). Among them, except for the prelude song and the ending song. Each program of potshang has several or dozens of tunes, but dancing and singing must be carried out in accordance with the program, dancing after this program and then the next program.
Dance Genre
The Diqing Tibetan potshuang dance, widely distributed in the Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan, has a history of thousands of years, according to speculation based on the dance images in the Tang Dynasty Tibetan pictorial tablets unearthed from the Shigu palanquin village in Lijiang.
The Diqing Tibetan Pot Dance is most representative of the town of Benzilan in Deqin County and the towns of Jintang and Xiaozhongxun in Shangri-La City. Benzilan in the hospitality in the form of potshuang songs and dances to show a series of ceremonial procedures, there are "blessing potshuang", "expulsion of potshuang", "praise potshuang", "meet potshuang", "meet potshuang", "praise potshuang", "meet potshuang", "meet potshuang", "meet potshuang", "meet potshuang". Meeting Potshoos", "Farewell Potshoos", "Staying Potshoos", "Farewell Potshoos", "Blessing Potshoos" and so on. "It is very rare in all Tibetan areas of the country. Its tunes are divided into four parts: "Yell", "Zhuo Jin", "Xia Zhuo" and "Zhuo Cao".
Shangri-La pots and pans are divided into ancient, new two kinds, "擦尼" is the ancient pots and pans, lyrics, dance form are older, with a strong sacrificial nature, with specialized movements and lyrics, mostly for the religious community and the elderly favorite; "擦司" is the new dance! The "Wushi" is a new dance, which is a new song and dance made up with different times. The songs, dances and words of Diqing Tibetan potshuang are all very rich, and the words are sung in three sentences. Whenever there is a festive occasion, the completion of the new residence, wedding, people regardless of men and women, old and young people should gather together to jump all night, to express the celebration and pray for blessings.
Pot Dance - Chamdo Pot Dance
Declared Region or Unit: Tibet Autonomous Region
The Chamdo Pot Dance, which is popular among the Khams in eastern Tibet, has a dashing dancing posture and a high momentum, which fully demonstrates the swashbuckling beauty of the Kham men. And to Batang strings as the representative of the Tibetan East "Kang Harmony", is more beautiful and lyrical, fully demonstrated Kham women's beautiful physique and charming singing voice.
In Tibet, the Chamdo pots and pans are widely popular. Whenever a festival, celebration, wedding celebration, the square, courtyard men and women gathered in a circle, according to the clockwise direction while singing and dancing. Men wearing fat pants, women take off the right arm sleeve draped behind, men and women stand on one side, holding hands in a circle, singing and singing in separate classes. Usually sung by the male lead, followed by women singing and singing, singing loud and clear, penetrating force is very strong, dancers and the song "shake hands trembling step" along the circle. When the lyrics come to an end, the crowd together "ah" (onomatopoeia) a call, suddenly speed up, spreading arms side twisting waist big steps jump up, waving both sleeves singing and dancing, running and jumping to change the action. Male action amplitude is very large, stretching arms like eagles circling and flying; female action amplitude is small, point step circle like a phoenix wings dance, showing fitness, bright, lively features. Dance circle is usually placed in the center of barley wine, Hada, dance by the elders or organizers of the wine, Hada, brotherhood and sisterhood through this sublimation.
Potshuang dance in various forms, from the content point of view, reflecting the labor life called "wool potshuang"; reflecting the wedding is called "auspicious celebration potshuang"; performance of the life of "rabbit potshuang" (mixed with simulated rabbit). "(mingled with simulated rabbit jumping movements), "Drunken Potshuang" (with imitation of drunkenness, showing the body's dexterity and playful movements). The potshuang dance is robust and upright, showing the dance posture and emphasizing the emotional performance, the dance is smooth and natural, graceful and elegant, not only reflecting the pure and kind-hearted, industrious and courageous, enthusiastic and spirited, tough and brash national character of the Tibetan people in Tibet, but also having certain strength and running and jumping to change the action, with a great amplitude of movement. Whether from the decorations of the performers, the rhythm of the action, or from the performance of the dance changes, can reflect the style of Tibetan folk sports, the fitness role of the pot dance is obvious.
The rhythm of potshuang can be divided into three sections: first is the sequence dance. During the prelude dance, the dancers only need to stand in their positions and take slow alternating steps, with a very light pace and a weak rhythm. After the sequence dance, it gradually enters into the Slow Plate Zhuo Dance. The fast plate Zhuo Dance can best reflect the rough and unrestrained warm scene of Zhuo Dance. At this time, with the prelude to the dance, after the slow plate Zhuo dance, the dancers' emotions to reach a hair of artistic passion. So, they forget everything around them, just focus on the heart, try their best, to dance, to dance, thus showing the beauty of a force, a group of greatness.
Categorization of Chamdo Potlatch
From the point of view of regional characteristics, Chamdo Potlatch can be divided into three categories: agricultural potlatch (including towns), pastoral potlatch, and temple potlatch.
Agricultural potjangs are popular in the Chamdo region of eastern Tibet, while pastoral potjangs (i.e., herdsmen's dances) circulate in the vast pastoral areas of Dangxiong, Heihe and Suo County. The structure of the agricultural area pot Zhuang is divided into two major sections, namely, from the slow song and dance to the fast song and dance, and the speed of slow, medium and fast points. At the beginning of the men and women were holding hands in a circle, singing in shifts and shaking footsteps, after singing in unison, shouting "dumb", and then the dance accelerated, the faster you jump, in the end of the enthusiastic fast board.
The level and performance form of pastoral pot Zhuang and agricultural area pot Zhuang is largely the same, but the action is very different, more than in the chest shaking hands jumping, before the pause step to the left, right turn over, down the hand and foot (the same side of the hand and foot) dance is a major feature of pastoral pot Zhuang pot Zhuang action can be divided into two categories, one type of slow tempo, the dance stretch, beautiful; the other type of rapid tempo, the dance is enthusiastic, unrestrained. The movements mostly simulate animal forms, such as "a tiger descending from the mountain", "an eagle circling", "a peacock opening its screen", "wild animals playing", and focus on gestures. ", focusing on the emotional changes and performance of the posture, which is the embodiment of the Tibetan people's Hum temperament in the dance. The movements can be roughly divided into two categories, one with slow rhythm and beautifully stretched dance posture; the other with rapid rhythm and enthusiastic and unrestrained dance. The movements of the Chamdo Potshuang mostly simulate animal forms, such as "a tiger descending from the mountain", "an eagle circling", "a peacock opening its screen", "a wild beast playing" and so on. "
The temple's performance focuses on the emotional changes and performance of the gestures.
Temple pots and pans are mostly for the temple to read the winter scriptures or to welcome guests when jumping. Its requirements are strict, such as pre-designated leader (mostly respected male elders); requirements for uniform clothing and so on. This kind of dance has a certain dance program, the dance step is steady, the dance posture is dignified, subtle, expresses the feelings of thick sincerity.
Pot Dance-Yushu Zhuo Dance
Declared Region or Organization: Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province
Yushu Zhuo Dance is a variety of dances, the content of which is based on the glorification of the hometown and natural scenery, and also widely reflects all aspects of social life. The complete performance is divided into three parts: the prelude dance which is dedicated to the gods and Buddhas, the main part which expresses a wide range of contents, and the finale which blesses with good fortune. The Yushu Zhuo Dance can be divided into two categories according to its function: the more secular ordinary Zhuo Dance and the "Fa" Zhuo (or "Qu" Zhuo in Tibetan), which has a strong religious color, and its overall structure consists of two parts, from slow to fast, and it is performed in the form of songs and dances. The Yushu Zhuo Dance is mainly centered around the fluttering of sleeves, and often involves dozens or hundreds of people **** with the performance. The dancers' sleeves are very long, all dragged on the ground, the men's dance sleeve flinging amplitude, beautiful and elegant movements, arm rotation freely, the movement of the route changes.
The movement of the legs is also very large, and it is necessary to cooperate with the arm's sleeve for lifting the leg, lifting the leg, turning around and other large jumps and movements, and the line of action is based on the arc, and the body is coordinated. The rhythm of the whole dance is distinctive and majestic, fully displaying the masculine and handsome beauty of male dance. The women's dance movements are soft and smooth, and the sleeve and foot movements are basically similar to the men's dance, but the amplitude is smaller, showing the characteristics of women's soft and beautiful and gentle and dignified.
Yushu Yi Dance
Yushu "Yi" was created earlier than "Zhuo". Paleolithic late primitive people in order to express their inner feelings, pass the residence according to the daily labor calls, labor rhythm, found the primitive music, with the emergence and development of Tibetan language, and then produced the song, and then there is a ballad, with their development and improvement, then produced "Yi" this kind of self-indulgent dance form. The "Yi" is a song and dance, a dance and a song, and the two are inseparable.
The content of its lyrics is mostly in praise of nature, religion, labor, inexhaustible material resources, hard-working and intelligent people, as well as the Party and society. "Yi" dance movements and skills are derived from life, from horseback riding, hunting, sheep, playing field, milking, shearing, playing ghee and other production and labor gestures to absorb the development of the action refined from the encyclopedia reflecting the life of the Tibetan people in Yushu, with flute, cow horn hu and other instrumental simple accompaniment, can also be accompanied by no instrumental music.
"Yi" is a combination of song and dance, with light and lively dancing styles, a strong sense of life, and a song and a dance. Dance movements and techniques come from production life, involving horseback riding, hunting, sheep driving, playing field, milking, shearing, playing ghee and other activities, rich in typical plateau characteristics. Yushu Yi dance form lively and free, not only in the celebration of festivals jump, but also in the daily leisure of men and women gathered together when the dance, the number of dancers, age, gender, clothing, occasions, no special requirements, young and old, with the mass base.
White Dragon Dance
White Dragon Dance, White Dragon Dance, White Dragon Dance, has a history of more than 800 years, is a Tibetan adult men in the rituals, welcoming guests and temples, religious activities performed during the dance.
The classical Tibetan folk dance "Bailongzhuo Dance" is mainly originated and spread in four villages, namely, Kongge, Buge, Shang, Xiakaiwa and Dongguo, in Bailong Village, Chengwen Township, Shamdo County, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province. The "Bailongzhuo" has a long history and has been practiced for more than 900 years. As a classical dance of Tibetan folk tradition, "Bailongzhuo" was performed only at rituals, welcome guests and temple festivals in ancient times, and only adult men were allowed to participate in it.
The Bailongzhuo Dance, in the form of singing and dancing in poetic language, is a dance performed by adult Tibetan men during rituals, welcoming guests and religious activities in temples. There are more than 30 kinds of Bai Long Zhuo Dance in existence, which reflect all things in nature through singing and dancing in poetic language. Bai Long Zhuo dance dance rough and elegant, the tune is solemn and full, contains the Tibetan people on the spirit, faith, value orientation, regional characteristics are distinctive, very aesthetic value.
Many of the White Dragon Dance artists have passed away one after another, the fault is serious, the cultural space is getting smaller and smaller, into the extinction of the situation, in urgent need of rescue and protection.