The arrival of the era of artificial intelligence can be described as a mixed blessing, Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates and other celebrities have warned: artificial intelligence is dangerous, but the general trend of artificial intelligence is also irreversible, it is destined to dance with human ****. It has been predicted that in the next ten years, half of the people will be unemployed due to artificial intelligence. And a study by the McKinsey Global Institute suggests that AI and robots could reduce human labor globally by as much as 30 percent by 2030, with automation replacing 400-800 million jobs by 2030, requiring as many as 375 million people to switch jobs entirely.
Human jobs have actually been changing dynamically as technology continues to revolutionize, but none have had such a large impact as AI. Let's take a look at what are some of the fields or jobs that AI has already begun to replace or will have an impact on.
The easiest ones are those repetitive jobs that will be replaced first.
Machining in manufacturing plants will replace workers. There are so many automated machines now that as the demographic dividend declines, manufacturing workers will inevitably be the first to be replaced.
A lot of voice customer service is now in vogue, and when you call for customer service, all you hear is voice, and it's well established. That's why telemarketers and customer service workers are one of the easiest professions to replace by elimination.
Unmanned supermarkets, unmanned sales counters, although there are still one or two checkout employees, but in the future for sure the tellers will also disappear.
While there are a lot of takeaway and courier boys now, but with the development of technology in the future, these types of work will inevitably be replaced by robots and artificial intelligence, and drone delivery has also been realized. In addition to courier boys, sorters will also be replaced by artificial intelligence. In the future, we will pick up the courier will be more and more convenient and fast.
At present, many universities, such as Tsinghua University, have announced that the accounting department will not be enrolled again, simple financial statements, accounting-related skills have been replaced by artificial intelligence, so accounting-related careers will also be gradually eliminated by the market.
Highway toll collectors, many cities are already all ETC, which is simple and repetitive work.
The reception is the same, many scenic spots, hotels are robots Q&A, the future will be more mature.