1, you (don't like to listen to/general, seldom listen to/never mind, have to listen to/like to listen to/love/) music.
2, what you listen to most is (non-mainstream music / Chinese pop songs / foreign language pop songs / folk songs, world music / folk songs / original folk music / Chinese folk music / Western classical music / traditional jazz, blues / rock, metal / British, indie-pop / dance music, pop electronica / experimental music, free jazz, improvised music / electronic acoustic sound, academically vanguard music / pure noise) (ambient music/chanting, Buddhist music/nature sounds/).
3, is (active / passive) listening, in (their rooms / home / school / community / workplace / shopping malls / bars / concert halls / stations, airports / public **** transport on the / road / plaza, parks / TV programs / radio programs / Internet radio programs) heard.
4, is (yourself / siblings, classmates, friends / parents, teachers / bosses, unit leaders / commercial companies / public **** community / government agencies / singers, musicians, bands) (sung, played / played) to you.
5, you like to listen to (non-mainstream music / Chinese pop songs / foreign language pop songs / folk songs, world music / folk songs / original folk music / Chinese folk music / Western classical music / traditional jazz, blues / rock, metal / British, indie pop / dance music, pop electronic / experimental music, free jazz, improvised music / electronic soundtracks, academy of vanguard music / pure noise) (ambient music/chanting, Buddhist music/nature sounds/).
Survey on the dissemination of non-mainstream music
1, you learn about music through (searching for yourself / siblings, classmates, friends / parents, teachers, bosses, leaders of the organization / TV programs / radio programs / Internet / magazines / newspapers / movies / concerts / live auditions); you learn about music through (buying records / free downloads / copies among friends / mail order / overseas mail order / live concerts); you learn about music through (buying records / free downloads / copies among friends / mail order / overseas mail order / live concerts). You listen to music by (buying records/free downloads/copies from friends/mail order/out-of-country mail order/live concerts/playing music yourself); you listen to music for (less than 30 minutes/30 minutes-1 hour/1 hour-2 hours/2 hours-4 hours/4 hours-6 hours/6 hours or more) every day.
2, the amount you spend per month on purchasing musical works is (less than $10 / $10-30 / $31-50 / $51-100 / $101-300 / $300-500 / $500 or more than $500); and the amount you spend per year on purchasing listening/audio equipment is (less than $50 / $51-100 / $101 -300 yuan / 301-500 yuan / 501-1000 yuan / 1000 yuan - 3000 yuan / 3000 yuan or more).
3, You (have/have not) had a non-mainstream music education.
If so, it is (before 5 years old / 5-12 years old / 13-17 years old / 18-23 years old / 23-29 years old / 30-39 years old / 40 years old - 49 years old / 50 years old and beyond), in the (fetus / kindergarten / elementary school / junior high school / high school / university / training courses / summer camps / work / social activities) when Those who received education in (basic music theory/singing/ethnic instruments/western instruments/folk instruments/percussion/plucked instruments/wind instruments/music history/music theory/music performance, cabaret/modern composition/music communication).
4, What does such an education mean to you?
5, you can (sing/play) ( ) music/instrument to ( ) degree, usually in the context of (unit or school band/unit or school gala/go to KTV/amuse yourself in your leisure time/forced by parents to learn/form a band or move towards a career/amateur band in a park or other public **** place/ ).
3. Survey on Non-mainstream Music
1, you (dislike, basically don't listen to/rarely listen to/like, often listen to/only listen to) non-mainstream music.
2, what do you know about non-mainstream music?
3, Who are the non-mainstream musicians you know?
4, To the best of your knowledge, their social status and income falls into the category of (marginal, poor/respectable, basically well-off/state-supported, middle class/getting ahead, getting rich).
5, What non-mainstream musicians' work do you like?
6, For their works, you (basically can't find them / it takes a lot of time to find them / you can find them in a few days / they are readily available / you have a rich collection).
7, the factors that you think have helped the development of today's non-mainstream music the most are (Compulsory education / Social education / Higher education: music colleges and teacher training colleges / Commercial system, record labels / Hitting the mouths, piracy and mp3 downloads / Efforts of music fanatics / Protecting the copyrights and combating piracy / Governmental supports and protections / The real singing movement / The Spring Festival of the CCTV).
8, write what you want about non-mainstream music: