The clouds make it rain, and the dew makes it frosty. The gold was born in Lishui, and the jade in Kungang. The sword is a giant, and the beads are called night lights. The fruit is the plum crabapple, and the vegetable is the mustard ginger.
The sea is salty, the river is light, the scales are submerged and the feathers are flying. The Dragon Master is the Fire Emperor, and the Bird Official is the Human Emperor. The first to produce words, and the first to wear clothes. The first time I saw the world was when I was a young man, and the first time I saw the world was when I was a young man.
Hanging the people to conquer the crime, the Zhou hair Yin Tang. The first thing I did was to ask for a favor, and I was able to get it done. The first is to love and educate the people, and the second is to protect the people from the Qiang and the Rong. The first time I saw this was when I was in the middle of the night, when I was in the middle of the night.
The Phoenix is in the bamboo and the white horse is in the food court. The first thing I'd like to say is that I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this. The body of this body hair, the four big five. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do anything about it, but I'm sure I'll be able to do something about it," he said.
Female chastity, male talent. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new one, and you'll be able to do that. The first thing I want to do is to make sure that I have a good understanding of what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. The messenger can be answered, but the desire of the vessel is hard to measure.
The ink is sadly silk-dyed, and the poem is in praise of the lamb. The first thing I'd like to say is that I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this. The first thing I want to do is to make sure that I have a good understanding of what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. The voice is heard in the empty valley, and the hearer in the empty hall.
We are not the only ones who have been in the world for a long time, but we are the only ones who have been in the world for a long time. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty. The first thing you need to do is to be strict with your father and respect the king. The first thing I want to do is to make sure that I have a good understanding of what is going on in my life and what is going on in my life.
Lin deep to walk in thin, the morning and evening warm and clear. The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money to pay for the work. The flow of water is endless, and the water is clear and reflective. The way you think and the way you speak is very stable.
The first step is beautiful, and the last step is prudent. I'm not sure if I'm a good person, but I'm a good person, and I'm a good person. The first is to be a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). The first thing that I want to do is to get out of the house and get out of the house.
Music is different for the noble and the lowly, etiquette is different for the honorable and the lowly. The first is to be a member of the National Assembly, and the second is to be a member of the National Assembly. The first is to be a member of the National Assembly, and the second is to be a member of the National Assembly, and the third is to be a member of the National Assembly. The first is the one that is not a part of the world, and the second is the one that is not a part of the world.
The brothers of Konghuai are of the same spirit. The first thing I want to do is to make sure that I have a good understanding of what is going on in my life and what is going on in my life. The first time I saw this was when I was a student at the University of California at Berkeley. The first is the one that is not a part of the family, and the second is the one that is not a part of the family.
They are the first to be able to do so, and they are the first to be able to do so, and they are the first to be able to do so. The world's most important thing is to be able to recognize the world as it is, and to be able to recognize the world as it is. He is a man of honor and tie up his own affairs. The capital is Huaxia, the two capitals of the east and the west.
Back Mang face Luo, floating Wei according to Jing. The palaces are full of color, and the buildings are full of surprises. The picture was written by animals and birds, and the color was painted by immortal spirits. The C house is open, and the A tent is on the pillar.
Setting up a banquet, drumming and playing the sheng. The first step is to get to the top of the stairs, and the second step is to get to the bottom of the stairs. The right side of the room was open and the left side of the room was open. The first is to be a member of the National Assembly, and the second is to be a member of the National Committee of the National Assembly.
Du script Zhong Li, lacquer book wall scripture. The first is a new one, and the second is a new one, and the third is a new one. The first is a new one, and the second is a new one, and the third is a new one. The first is the "Battle of the Bulge".
These are the most important things that you can do to make your life easier. The first is the one in the world that has been in the hands of the people of Qufu.
Hang Gong Kuanghe, help the weak and help the weak. The first is to be a good example of how to make the most of your time and money. The first time I saw this was when I was in the middle of a movie, and the second time I saw it was when I was in the middle of a movie. The first time I saw him, I was in the middle of a fight, and he was in the middle of a fight.
The State of Guo, the State of China, and the State of China, the State of China, are allies of the State of China. The first time I've seen this, I've seen it in my life, and I've seen it in my life. The first time I saw this was when I was a kid, and it was the first time I'd ever seen a kid in a movie. The first time I saw this, I was in the desert, and I was in the middle of it.
The first time I saw the movie, I saw the movie, I saw the movie, I saw the movie, I saw the movie, I saw the movie, and I saw the movie. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world, and you'll be able to do that.
The distance is far and wide, and the rocky mountain is nowhere to be seen. The first thing I did was to gather in the fields of agriculture and harvest. The first is the South Mou, and the second is the Millet and Jigen. The tax is ripe, the tribute is new, and the rewards are exhorted.
Meng Ke was a good man, and Shi Yu was a good man. The first is to be a member of the National Assembly, and the second is to be a member of the National Assembly. The government has been working on this issue for a long time, but it has not been able to do so.
Save yourselves the trouble of being honest, and increase your favor. The first time I saw this was when I was a student at the University of California, Berkeley, and I was a student at the University of California, Berkeley. The two of them have been in the same place for a long time, but they have been in the same place for a long time. The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money to pay for the services you need.
Seeking the ancient search for theory, dispersal of the free thinking. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world. The most important thing to remember is the fact that you can't be a good person and you can't be a bad person.
Chen root is cataracted, fallen leaves fluttering. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world. The first thing you need to do is to read the book, and then look at it. The most important thing to remember is that it is not easy to get a good deal of money from your family.
They are the best way to make sure that you have a good meal, and that you have a good appetite. The first thing you need to do is to have a good time, and you will be able to enjoy your meal with a full stomach. The first is to make sure that you have a good understanding of the situation, and that you have a good idea of what you are doing. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty.
Playboys' fans are round and clean, and silver lamps are brilliant. The first thing you need to do is to get the best out of your life, and you'll be able to do it in a way that you can. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty. I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to get your hands dirty and get your feet wet.
The first and the second heirs were to be continued, and the sacrifices were to be made. The first time I saw this was when I was a student at the University of California, Berkeley, and the second time I saw it. I want to bathe in the dirt, and I want to be cool.
Donkeys, mules, and calves, they are all in a state of shock. The first thing I'd like to say is that I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a pair of pencils and paper, and you'll be able to fish for them with your own skill.
These are all wonderful. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty. The yearly vector is always prompted, and the sunshine is bright and bright. The first thing I want to do is to get a good look at the world, and I'm sure I'll be able to find a way to make it work.
These are the first time I've ever seen a movie in my life, and I've never seen one before. The first step is to lead the way, to look down on the temple. The first is to be a member of the National Assembly, and the second is to be a member of the National Committee of the National Assembly. The first thing I'd like to say is that I'm not sure what I'm talking about, but I'd like to know what I'm talking about.
Predicate auxiliary, Yan Yuya also.
The first line of the thousand-word essay is "Heaven and earth, the universe, the flood".
Note: "Heaven and earth, the universe and its floods"
The phrase "heaven and earth, the universe and its floods" is from the I Ching. The I Ching says "Tian Xuan Di Huang", here in order to rhyme as "Heaven and Earth Xuan Huang" this does not change the ancient text of the citation, for the Ming quote. The phrase "the flood of the universe" comes from "Huainanzi" and "Taixuanjing". In "Huainanzi", it is said that "the four directions up and down are called Yu, and the past and present are called Zeus". Yang Xiong of the Western Han Dynasty made the Taixuanjing, in which he said, "The world of the flood". The words of the two sutras together are "the universe is inundated", and this way of quoting the sutras is called implicit quoting, which is why both of these words are classics. If we take these two words literally, they mean that the color of the sky is black and the color of the earth is yellow. Isn't this a nonsensical statement? Can they be passed down as classics for thousands of years? Then what is the deeper meaning of these two sentences? I can only try to solve it, so let us follow the text into the view and see where we can realize it. The words "heaven and earth" have multiple meanings in the ancient Chinese language, including many concepts, and the familiar heaven of space and the earth is only one of them. To understand the meaning of the words heaven and earth, one must read the I Ching. The I Ching is the first of the five sutras, which is about the way of heaven and earth and the change of yin and yang, the traditional Chinese culture, what is the "four books", the hundred schools, all from the "I Ching" on the root of the development of the study of Chinese culture is not to read the "I Ching" is to put the cart before the horse. The I Ching says: "Metaphysics is called Tao, and metaphysics is called instrument". Heaven and earth before the universe is not born, is a chaotic state, modern physics called the big bang before the super-density infinite collapse of the particles, the Chinese culture is called taiji. 15 billion years ago, the super-density of the particles instantly produced a big bang, the formation of the current material universe, in which the tangible material condensed into the stars, is the ground; invisible space to expand to the formation of the space, is the sky. The I Ching says: the light and the clear ascend to the sky, and the cloudy descend to the earth. Isn't it both figurative and concrete? But this is the physical heaven and earth, the heaven and earth of the material world. In the culture of the I Ching, it belongs to the metaphysical "world of vessels," that is, the material world. The metaphysical world is the world of the immaterial Tao, which is beyond our current intellectual capacity to discuss, so Confucius said, "There is nothing beyond the Six Harmonies". To "exist" means to recognize that it does exist, and to "ignore" means not to discuss it for the time being, because we are not wise enough to argue about it, so why bother? To speak the truth to those with high wisdom, metaphysics is heaven and metaphysics is earth. To those who are not wise enough, we can only speak shallow words: space is heaven and earth is earth. The same two words are both heaven and earth, but deep people have a deeper understanding and shallow people have a shallower way of saying them, each in his own way. Xuan, in terms of color, refers to the deep blue near black color called Xuan. In the sense of meaning, it refers to the lofty and unfathomable, called Xuan. The color of the sky visible to the naked eye is blue, how can it be said to be black? Blue is the color of water, the color of the ocean, daylight shines on the surface of the ocean, the light goes back up, and the sky we see is blue. But nowadays astronauts go into space to take a look, the darkness, only stars radiating a little bit of shimmering light, it is indeed black, so from the color of Tianxuan is right. In addition, the Tao of Heaven is far-reaching, and as Lao Zi said, the metaphysical Tao of Heaven's rational body is mysterious and unfathomable, which cannot be understood by our existing wisdom. It is the metaphysical Tao of Heaven that is high and unfathomable, hence the name Tianxuan. Di Huang also has a twofold meaning. Our Chinese culture, especially the traditional culture, precisely refers to the culture before the pre-Qin Dynasty, that is, the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, especially the Zhou Dynasty. In the ancient times, the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties established their states and capitals in the Yellow River Basin, so the traditional culture of China, if narrowed down further, should be said to be the culture of the Yellow River Basin. The Yellow River is the mother river, originating from the Kunlun Mountains (Yogu Zonglei Basin), converging in the Xingxiuhai Sea, crossing the Ishi Mountain, flowing down from the Northwest Plateau through nine curves and eighteen bends, and at the same time, bringing down the loess to form the impact plains. The color of that water is yellow, the color of the earth is also yellow, and the crops millet and jasmine are yellow, so it is said that the earth is yellow. Another meaning, the universe of celestial bodies, including the Earth, are the product of the Big Bang, in the initial state are hot material. The earth then coalesced its temperature within the magma of the earth's core and was constantly replenished with the help of the sun. The presence of temperature makes the phenomenon of life possible. In chromatographic analysis, the color basalt is cold and yellow is warm. The yellow color of the earth also praises the warmth of the earth for its nurturing and feeding effect, so the Chinese also honor the earth as "mother". As the heavenly way is high and the earthly way is deep, yellow also represents the depth of the earth's way. Superstitious people say: "After death, people return to the Yellow Springs, after the bridge is the Yellow Springs Road. Although the words are not believable, the meaning of the words is that another profound world is not known to the living. It can be seen that it is not easy to understand the four words "heaven and earth". The Universe and the Flood, Huai Nan Zi, said that the upper and lower quadrants are called Yu. Up and down the four directions is also called the six, so Yu is the concept of space. Ancient past and present is called zu, is the succession of history, is the concept of time. The universe is space and time, representing the concept of "space-time" in modern science. The word "universe" we use today is only the physical space, which is equivalent to what the ancients called "Yu", without the concept of Zeus. Why? Because time is not an objective existence, is the subjective feeling. The continuation of the state of space is time, separated from the space, there is no time, space is not the same, time is not the same. Space is not the same, time is not the same. Space is expanded with the extension of time, in turn, space is reduced with the shortening of time. There is an ancient story about "Wang Qi watching chess". When Wang Qi of the Jin Dynasty went into the mountains to cut firewood, he saw two children playing chess under a pine tree, so he stopped and watched a game of chess. When the game was over, the handle of his axe was rotten. When he returned home, all his contemporaries had passed away. You can see that space is not the same and time is not the same. Today we feel that we don't have enough time, and that a day seems very short compared to a day when we were children. This is natural because space has shortened. Tang Dynasty's Xuanzang to India to get the scriptures to go three years, now take the plane a few small on the way, the convenience of transportation to shrink the space, naturally, we feel shorter in time. In addition, time and the speed of movement of objects have a direct relationship. According to Einstein's theory: mass, energy and speed in the universe can be transformed into each other. The speed limit of the universe is the speed of light, i.e., 300,000 kilometers per second, and when the speed of motion reaches the speed of light, time tends to zero. When moving beyond the speed of light, time is reversed, which is the "time tunnel" depicted in science fiction movies. To reach this point, mankind can only say "evolution", otherwise it is always studying the monkey into a man, man into a monkey, no novelty at all. But the problem is that zero is also a form of existence, not non-existence. Even if we enter the time tunnel, it is only a countdown, and we still have not transcended the boundaries of time and space. The Diamond Sutra and Laozi are the two great sages of the East and the West who taught us to break through time and space, and have long since transcended the boundaries of religion, the so-called "there are sages in the East and sages in the West, the heart is the same, the reason is the same". There was no ancient scholar who did not read these two scriptures, but today we reject them as religious writings, which is a blessing that we modern people cannot enjoy. The Flood refers to the early state after the formation of the earth, five billion years ago (the formation of the solar system), when the earth's crust was thin and the temperature was extremely high. The mountain building movement triggered the flood, and the original meaning of the word flood is great water, referring to the early floods on earth. There have been at least three floods on Earth, and the one by Dayu was the most recent, about 4,000 years ago. Dayu pacified the floods and settled the nine states, which is the earliest example of the transformation of nature that has appeared in the history of mankind. The original meaning of the word "wilderness" is the ignorance of grass and trees, which refers to the ancient period before the emergence of human beings, at least 5 million years ago, when the earth was still in a state of confusion and ignorance. In China, there is the story of Pangu's opening of heaven and earth. Long ago, when heaven and earth were not yet separated, there was a man who slept like a fetus in an egg-shell-like heaven and earth, and he slept for 18,000 years. No one knew how old he was, so he was called Pangu. When he woke up from his sleep, he felt dark and stuffy, so he split this eggshell into two halves with an axe. The lighter one rose to become the sky, and the turbid one descended to become the earth. In order to fix the heaven and earth, he grew one zhang in height every day, and after 18,000 years, the heaven and earth were finally fixed, and Pangu was also transformed into a part of the heaven and earth. Although this is a myth, but with the Big Bang has a little similarity.
The heavens and the earth, the universe. The sun and the moon are full and the moon is full and the stars are full and the stars are full and the stars are full.
Notes ① surplus: moonlight perfect. ② Jackson (zè): the sun westward. ③Su (xiù) 〈Gu〉 Chinese astronomers call the collection of certain stars in the sky "Su".
The sky is greenish-black, the earth is yellow, and the universe was formed in a state of chaos and obscurity. The sun is upright and slanted, the moon is full and full, and the stars are all over the boundless space.
The cold comes and the heat goes, the fall harvests and the winter hides. The intercalary balance becomes the year, and the rhythm ① adjusts the yang.
Notes ① Lulu: Ancient China will be divided into an octave of twelve semitones that are not exactly equal, in order from low to high, each semitone is called a law, where the odd-numbered law is called the "law", and the even-numbered law is called the "Lulu", collectively referred to as the "six laws". The odd-numbered rhythms are called "Lu" and the even-numbered rhythms are called "Lu", collectively known as the "Six Rhythms" and "Six Lüs", or "Rü-Lü" for short. According to legend, during the time of the Yellow Emperor, Linglun made music, and used LuLu to regulate yin and yang.
TranslationThe cycle of heat and cold changes, coming and going, and coming and going; harvesting crops in the fall and storing grain in the winter. Leap years were accumulated and merged into one month in a leap year; the ancients used the six rhythms and six lu to regulate yin and yang.
The clouds give rise to rain, the dew to frost. Gold is born in Lishui①, jade comes out of Kungang②.
Notes ① Lishui: Lijiang, also known as the Jinsha River, producing gold. The first is that the first is the "Jade", and the second is the "Jade", and the third is the "Jade".
Rain is formed when clouds rise and meet cold, and dew condenses into frost when it meets cold at night. Gold is produced in the Jinsha River, and jade is found in the Kunlun Mountain Gang.
The sword is called Juque1, and the pearl is called Luminous2. The fruit is precious, and the vegetable is heavy with mustard and ginger.
Notes ① giant Que (què): Yue Wang Yun Chang ordered Ou Yezi cast five swords, the first giant Que, the rest of the pure hooks, Zhanlu (zhàn lú), Moxie (mò xié), fish intestines, all very sharp, but the giant Que for the most. ② Luminous: "So Shen Ji" said Sui Hou saved a wounded snake, the snake later took a pearl to repay his kindness, the pearl at night radiated light can light up the whole hall, so people called "luminous pearl". ③ crabapple (nài): fruit tree, deciduous small tree, white flowers, small fruit.
The sharpest sword is called "Juque", and the most valuable pearl is called "Luminous". The most precious of fruits are plums and naiko, and the most important of vegetables are mustard and ginger.
The sea is salty, the river is light, the scales are submerged and the feathers are flying. The Dragon Master ① Fire Emperor ②, the Bird Officer ③ Human Emperor ④.
Notes ① Dragon Division: According to legend, Fu Xi named the hundred officials with the dragon, so he called him "Dragon Division". ② Fire Emperor: Shennong's use of fire to give the name of the hundred officials, so call him "Fire Emperor. ③ Bird official: Shao Hao (hào) clan with the bird to the hundred officials named, called him "bird official". ④Ren Huang: one of the three emperors in the legend. It is said in the Historical Records of China (史记-补三皇本纪), "The Emperor of Man had nine heads, rode in a cloud chariot, drove six big birds, had nine brothers, and was in charge of the nine states, and set up a city in each of them, and passed down his reign for 150 generations, which is a total of 45,600 years.
TranslationThe sea water is salty, the river water is light, the fish dive in the water, and the birds fly in the air. The Dragon Master, the Fire Emperor, the Bird Officer, and the Human Emperor, these are all imperial officials of the ancient times.
Beginning to make words, they were clothed in clothes. Pushing the throne to give way to the state, there was Yu①Tao Tang②.
Notes ①Yu Yu: Yu Yu clan, the name of a legendary ancient tribe, of which Shun was the leader. Here refers to Shun, also known as Yu Shun. ② Tao Tang: Tao Tang Clan, the name of a legendary ancient tribe, of which Yao was the chief. It is also called Tang Yao. Yao was the ruler for seventy years, and when he died, he gave up his throne to Shun; Shun was the ruler for fifty years, and passed it on to Yu; this is called the "shàn" (禅)讓.
TranslationCang Jie (jié) created writing, and Rayon (léi) Zu made clothes. Tang Yao and Yu Shun were wise and selfless, and took the initiative to abdicate the throne to the meritorious and virtuous.
Hanging the people to conquer their sins, Zhou Fa ① Yin Tang ②. Sitting in the imperial court and asking questions, the hanging of the arch ③ Pingzhang ④.
Notes ①Zhou Fa: the first monarch of the Western Zhou Dynasty, King Wu Ji (jī) Fa, who crushed the tyrant King Zhou of Shang and established the Zhou Dynasty. ② Yin Tang: the historical Shang dynasty is also known as Yin, Cheng Tang was the first monarch, he crushed the tyrant Jie (jié) of the Xia dynasty and established the Shang dynasty. ③垂拱:语出《书-武成》:"Chunxin明义,崇德报功,垂拱而天下治。" It means that the world is at peace without doing anything. It is often used as a set phrase to praise the emperor's rule without doing anything. ④Ping Zhang: Ping means peace. The word "pingzhang" means "peace" and "peace" means "peace".
The translations to pacify the people and crush the tyrants are Zhou King Wu Ji Fa and Shang King Cheng Tang. The wise monarchs who sat in the court and asked their ministers about the way to rule the country, hanging down their clothes and arching their hands, and who made the world peaceful without any effort, were notable for their achievements.
Love nurtures the head of Li, and the ministers subdue the Rongqiang. The king is one with all the people of the world, and all the people of the world are one with the king.
Notes ① long distance (xiá ěr): refers to the near and far. ② Rate Bin: from the Book of Songs: "Under the whole sky, there is nothing that is not the king's land; and under the land, there is nothing that is not the king's subject."
Translation They caressed and sympathized with the common people, and made the people of all races in the four directions bow down. The whole of heaven was united as one, and all the common people submitted to his rule in obedience.
The phoenix is in the bamboo, and the white horse ① eats the field. The Phoenix is in the bamboo, and the white horse ① eats in the field.
Notes ①jū: pony. ②pī: to be covered, to cover, to favor.
TranslationThe phoenix chirps joyfully in the bamboo forest, and the little white horse eats grass freely in the pasture. The benevolent and virtuous rule of the sage ruler and the virtuous king has made the grass and the trees all stained with favor, and the bounty extends to the people all over the world.
Guy ① this body hair, the four big ② five constant ③. I will respectfully bow and raise ④, and will not dare to destroy it.
Notes ① cover: hair words, no real meaning. The first is to make sure that you have a good understanding of the situation, and that you have a good idea of what you are doing. ④ Ju (jū) Nurture: to raise, to nourish.
The human body belongs to the "Four Greats", and every word must conform to the "Five Constants". Thinking sincerely of your parents' kindness in raising you, how could you dare to destroy or damage it?
Women are chaste, men are talented. I will not forget what I have learned.
The women should look up to the chaste and clean women, and the men should follow the example of those who have talent and morals. If you know that you have made a mistake, you must correct it; and if it is right for you to do something, do not give it up.
There is no such thing as talking about one's shortcomings, and there is no such thing as being proud of one's strengths. The messenger can be replied to, but the desire of the vessel is difficult to measure.
Recklessness (wǎng): None, no, no. ③恃(shì):依赖,依仗。
TranslationDon't talk about other people's shortcomings, and don't rely on the fact that you have strengths. Honest words should stand the test of time, and the degree of instrumentality should be so great that it is difficult for people to estimate.
Ink ① sorrowful silk dyeing, poetry praising the lamb ②. Jing Xing ③Wei Xian, Ke ④Nian as Sheng.
Notes ①Mo: Mozi, name Zhai. He was a native of Lu (or Song), a thinker in the early Warring States period, and the founder of the Mohist school. He saw the artisan put white silk into the dyeing tank to dye and lamented, "Dyeing in pale is pale, dyeing in yellow is yellow." Emphasize that people should pay attention to resist the influence of bad environment and keep their innate goodness. ②Lamb: From: "Poetry - Zhaonan - Lamb": "The skin of the lamb, the veil of five mesothelioma ." The white color of the lamb's fur is used to praise the gentleman's "frugality and uprightness, and his virtue is like that of a lamb." The Preface to Mao: "The Lamb is the result of the Magpie's Nest. The state of Zhaonan has been transformed into the government of King Wen, and all the reigning kings are thrifty and upright, with virtues like lambs." ③Jingxing: from "Poetry - Xiao Ya - Che Jie": "High mountains are looked up to, and Jingxing is performed." It means that one should look up and admire the high mountains, and look at the virtues of the virtuous and stand in a line. ④K: able.
Translating the text, Mozi lamented that the white silk was stained with mixed colors, while the Poetry Classic praised the Lamb's ability to always remain as white as a lamb. To admire the virtues of the sages, one must restrain one's selfish desires and strive to emulate them.
Deity builds up the name, and the form ends the watch. Empty valleys transmit sound, and empty chambers practice① listening.
Commentary ①Habit: an unconscious activity done repeatedly over a long period of time and gradually developed.
TranslationThe cultivation of good morals leads to a good reputation; just as when the form is dignified, the meter is upright. Shouts carry far in the empty valleys, and speech is very clear in the spacious halls.
Woe is due to the accumulation of evil, and blessing is due to the celebration of good1. A foot of jade is not a treasure, an inch of shade is a competition.
Commentary ①Woe and Fortune: from Yi - Kun - Wen Yan: "A family that accumulates good will have a surplus of blessings; a family that accumulates bad will have a surplus of disasters."
Calamity is the result of doing evil, and fortune is the reward for being kind. A foot of beautiful jade cannot be considered a real treasure,
while even a moment of time is worth cherishing.
Captains the father's service to the king, saying that strictness and respect. Filial piety is to do one's best, and loyalty is to do one's best.
①Service: to serve. TranslationSupporting one's father and serving one's ruler should be done with seriousness and respect. Filial piety should be done with all one's strength, and loyalty to the monarch should be done without sparing one's life.
Large-size ②. It is as warm as an orchid and as rich as a pine.
Long-cherished: a shortened version of "long-cherished and night-sleeping". Large-size:large-large-size:large-large-size Large-size: The large-size of "winter temperature and summer large-size". Large-size, cool.
Large-sized (qìng): Large-sized (large-sized) in winter and large-sized in summer. Let your virtue be as fragrant as the orchid and as luxuriant as the pine and cypress.
The stream flows unceasingly, and the abundance and clarity reflect each other. Be tolerant if you think, and stabilize your speech.
The translation also extends to the children and grandchildren, like a great river flowing endlessly; influences the world, like a blue pool of clear illumination. The appearance and demeanor should be calm and serene, and the words and phrases should be steady and appear calm and serene.
The beginning is beautiful, the end is prudent. The foundation of a glorious career is the foundation of a glorious career, and the foundation of a glorious career is the foundation of a glorious career.
Note: ①Du (dǔ): faithfulness, honesty. ② By (jiè): as a backing, by virtue of.
Translation: While it is good to cultivate one's body, to study, and to pay attention to the beginning, it is even more important to do it conscientiously and to have good results. This is the foundation of a life-long honorable career, and with this foundation, there is no end to development.
Scholarship ① to the post, regent ② job from the government. I am a good student, I am a good politician, and I am a good scholar.
Scholarly Excellence: The Analects of Confucius has the phrase "Learning and Excellence". ③ Gantang: the name of the wood. That is, the pear. ③Gantang: the name of the wood. Yan Zhaogong Shijia": "King Wu of Zhou destroyed the Zhou Dynasty, sealed Zhaogong in the North Yan ...... Zhaogong tour of the townships, there are Tong tree, the decision of the prison political affairs of its next, from the Marquis to the common people have their own, no dereliction of duty. Duke Zhaogong died, and the people think of Duke Zhaogong's political, pregnant with the tree dare not cut, brother Wing, made the poem "Gantang". Later on, the name "Gantang" was used to praise the beautiful government and legacy of the Methodist officials.
TranslationWhen one reads a book well, he can become an official and exercise his power to take part in the government of the country. The people of Zhou remembered the virtuous government of Zhaobo, who used to govern under the Gantang tree when he was still alive, and the people sang and sang about him even more after he passed away.
Music distinguishes between the noble and the lowly, and rites distinguish between the honored and the lowly. The upper part of the country is in harmony with the lower part of the country, and the husband sings with the wife.
The music should be differentiated according to the status of the people, and the rituals should be differentiated according to the status of the people. The upper and lower classes should live in harmony, and the husband and wife should sing and follow each other in harmony.
Outwardly, I am trained by Fu, and inwardly, I fulfill my mother's rites. All the aunts and uncles are more like sons than children.
TranslationsOutwardly, we receive our master's teachings, and at home, we follow our parents' teachings. Treat your aunts, uncles, and other elders as if they were their own children.
Konghuai ①Brothers, the same breath is connected to the root. Make friends and cast points, cut and grind ② Proverbs ③ Rules.
Notes ① Kong Huai: from "Poetry - Xiao Ya - Chang Dei": "The death of Wei, brothers Kong Huai." Later used "Konghuai" to refer to "brothers". ② cut and grind: this refers to the processing of jade and other artifacts, which is extended to the study of learning. ③Provide (zhēn): exhortation, exhortation.
The brothers should care about each other, because the same parents blood, like branches connected. We should be like-minded in making friends, and we should be able to learn from each other and advise each other on our behavior.
Being kind and sympathetic1, we should not be separated from each other. The people of the world are not only the most important of the world, but also the most important of the world's people.
Notes ① hidden compassion (yǐn cè): compassion, pity, sympathy. ② Diān pèi: fall, a metaphor for the situation of embarrassment. ③ Bandit (fěi): not, not.
TranslationsBenevolence, love, and compassion for people should not be cast off at any time or in any place. The virtues of temperance, justice, incorruptibility, and modesty must not be deficient in the poorest of times.
The nature is quiet, the heart is restless, and the mind is tired. Keeping the truth is full of ambition, but the mind is diverted from it.
TranslationKeeping one's heart quiet and calm, one's emotions will be at ease and comfortable; if one's mind is moved by external objects, one's spirit will be tired and sleepy. By maintaining one's innate goodness, one's desires can be fulfilled, and by pursuing materialistic pleasures, goodness will shift and change.
It is a good idea to tie up one's self. The capital ② Huaxia, the two capitals of East and West.
Note: tie up (mǐ): to tie up, to tie up, to tie up. ①setting (yì): the capital of the country, the capital city.
Translation: Keep the elegant sentiment firmly, and the good position will naturally belong to you. Ancient China's capitals were beautiful and spectacular, including Luoyang in Tokyo and Chang'an in the Western Capital.
Back Mang ① face Luo, floating Wei according to Jing. The palaces are coiled, and the buildings are soaring.
Notes ① Mang (mánɡ): the name of the mountain, Mangshan, in Henan Province.
The translation of Luoyang north of Mangshan, facing the Luo water; Chang'an north across the Wei River, far based on the Jing River. The palaces are twisting and turning, and the towers and palaces are flying in the sky.
Pictures of animals and birds, paintings of immortal spirits. The C house ① is open in the evening, and the A tent ② is on the pillar.
Notes ① C house: the palace room. A tent: the tent made by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.
The palace was painted with birds and beasts, as well as painted celestial immortals and gods. The supporting halls on both sides of the main hall opened from the side, and the luxurious tents faced the tall pillars.
The banquet was set up, drums and sheng blowing ①. The steps were raised to the throne, and the stars were turned to the stars.
①Sheng (shēng): reed instrument, "Poetry - Xiao Ya - Deer Song" "I have guests, drums and shengs." ② ah (bì): the steps of the emperor's palace. ③ ben (biàn): a kind of ancient official hat, usually with dress with (auspicious rituals of taking the coronet). Red and black cloth is called Jennifer, is the crown; white buckskin is called leather, is the crown of martial arts. After the general reference to the hat.
The palace was decorated with a banquet, playing the qin and blowing the sheng in a joyful manner. Officials went up and down the steps to toast each other, and their beaded hats turned like stars in the sky. The right side of the room is open to Guangnei ①, the left side is open to Chengming ②. The right side of the room is open to Guangnei, the left side is open to Chengming.
Guangnei: the place where the Han court hid books; refers to the emperor's library. Chengming: the ancient emperor of the left and right road bed called Chengming, because after taking over the Hall of Light, so called. ③ grave: "three graves", the record of the deeds of the three emperors of the book. ④Dian: "five canon", the record of the deeds of the five emperors of the book.
The right side of the translation leads to the Guang Nei Hall, which is used to hide books, and the left side reaches the Cheng Ming Hall, where courtiers rest. Here, many famous books were collected, and groups of literary and military talents were gathered.
Du script ① Zhong Li ②, Lacquer book ③ Wall scripture ④. The government is a general, and the road warrior ⑤ Samuel Qing.
Notes ①Du manuscript: Du Du's cursive manuscript. ② Zhong Li: the authentic script of Zhong Yao (yóu), see Zhang Huai's "Book Breaks". ③ Lacquer Script: Lacquer Script excavated from the tomb of King Wei Anli in Ji County. The Book of Jin: Biography of Shuo Ci. ④ Wall Scriptures: Ancient scriptures found in the walls of the Confucius Temple in Qufu by King Lu Gong of the Han Dynasty. The Book of the Han Dynasty (《汉书-艺文志》). ⑤侠:同 "夹".
The translation contains manuscripts of Dudu's cursive script and authentic handwriting of Zhong Cao's clerical script, ancient books written in lacquer found unearthed from the mound (zhōng) of King Anli of Wei in Ji (jí) County, and ancient scriptures discovered by King Lu Gong of the Han Dynasty in the walls of the Confucius Temple in Qufu (fù). Inside the palace extension will want to be lined up in two rows in order, outside the court of the great ministers and ministers of state stand in the middle of the road.
Households are sealed in eight counties, and families are given a thousand soldiers. The high crown accompanied the emperor's carriage,① and the tassel was lifted by the driver's wheel.
Notes ① carriage (niǎn): the ancient car pulled or pushed by people. Hub (ɡǔ): a general term for a vehicle.
TranslationEach of their families had a fiefdom of more than eight counties and thousands of armed guards. Officials wearing tall hats accompanied the emperor on his trips, driving their chariots and horses, with their hatbands fluttering about.
The world's wealth is rich, and the carriage is fat and light. The emperor's father is a man of the world, and the emperor is a man of the world.
Their descendants have been receiving salaries for many generations, and they are very rich and extravagant, and when they go out, they have light vehicles and fat horses, and they are very happy. The court also recorded their merits and virtues in detail and engraved them on tablets and stones to be handed down to future generations.
Yi Yin of Panxi (1), and Ah Heng of Zoshi (3), were living in Qufu. The name of the place where they lived is Qufu, and the name of the place where they camped is Weidan.
Comments ① Panxi: refers to Jiang Tai Gong Lu Shang. Lv Shang fishing in Panxi, met King Wen, worshiped as a teacher, assisted King Wu of Zhou to destroy the Shang. ② Yi Yin: the original Yuxin (shēn) female dowry slave, Shang Tang used as a junior minister, and later appointed to the state government, assisted Shang Tang success in the destruction of Xia Jie. ③A Heng: official name of the Shang Dynasty, equivalent to the prime minister. Poetry - Ode to Shang - Long Hair: "Liaowei Aheng, around the King of Shang." The name "A Heng" refers to Yi Yin, the king of the Shang Dynasty. ④Dan: Ji Dan, the Duke of Zhou.
Translation: King Wu of Zhou met Lü Shang in Panxi and honored him as "Taigongwang"; Yi Yin assisted in the government of the time, and King Tang of Shang named him "Ah Heng". King Cheng of the Zhou Dynasty occupied the land around Qufu, an ancient amphibious state, and would not have been able to do so had it not been for the support of Zhou Gongdan.
Duke Huan, who was a member of the Chinese Communist Party, was a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), which was organized by the Chinese Communist Party. The first time I saw him was when he was a young man, and the second time I saw him was when he was a young man.
Notes ① Kuang (kuānɡ): positive, correct, upright. ②Qi (qǐ): Qili Ji, one of the Four Hao of Shangshan. When Emperor Hui of Han was the crown prince, Emperor Gaozu of Han wanted to abolish him and establish another crown prince. Empress Lu used Zhang Liang's plan to welcome the Four Hao of Shangshan with generous gifts, so that they could get along with the crown prince. When Han Gaozu saw that Emperor Huiji's wings had been formed, he dismissed the idea of establishing another crown prince. ③Say (yuè): Fu said. Fu said was originally a slave who engaged in plate building in Fuyan, Yin Gaozong Wuding dreamed of him, so he drew a picture to visit him, and after finding him, he was used as a prime minister.
Translation of Qi Huan Gong to rectify the world's vassals, all under the banner of "help the weak" and "save the perilous". When Emperor Hui of Han Dynasty was the crown prince, he relied on Qili Ji to save him from being deposed, and there is a legend that Wuding, the ruler of Shang Dynasty, got a wise minister by feeling his dream.
Jun mow ① Mi Do, Doshi real Ning. The Chinese government is now in the process of establishing a new system of governance, which will help the Chinese people to realize their rights.
Notes ① mow (yì): governance, stability. The first is to make sure that you are not in a state of war. During the Warring States period, Su Qin said (shuì) the six countries united to reject Qin, known as the "Combined Column". Zhang Yi was in charge of breaking up the combined column, and made the six states obey Qin one by one, which was called "Lianheng". Because of this, Qin adopted a policy of attacking from afar, first striking Zhao and Wei, so it is said that "Zhao and Wei were trapped in the cross".
The diligence and prudence of the wise men were rewarded by the peace of the officials. The Duke of Jin and King Zhuang of Chu became hegemonic in succession, and Zhao and Wei were trapped in the Hengxiang.
The State of Guo (①), the State of Trampling the Earth, made an alliance. He ② complied with the law of the covenant, and Han ③ abused ④ the torture.
Commentary ① False Road to Destroy the State of Guo (guō): from Zuo Zhuan - Xi Gong 5 Years: "The Marquis of Jin again took a false road to Yu in order to conquer the State of Guo. Gong Zhiqi remonstrated, saying: 'Guo, the table of Yu is also; Guo died, Yu will follow. Jin can't be opened, Guo can't be played,...... the proverb says "auxiliary vehicles are dependent on each other, the lips are dead and teeth are cold", its Yu and Guo are also said.'" Marquis Yu did not listen to the advice of Gong Zhiqi, so that the state of Jin after the destruction of Guo was also destroyed by the state of Jin. ②He: Xiao He was the prime minister of Emperor Gaozu of Han Dynasty. The Historical Records of the Han Dynasty (《史记萧相國世家》) said that he was "harmless in his writing" and "obedient to the law". The Han Book of Criminal Law Zhi" said he cleaned up the Qin law, "take the appropriate for the time, make law nine chapters". Here the general idea is that Xiao He light punishment simple law. Han: Han Fei. The Historical Records of Laozhuang and Shenhan said that Li Si and Yao Jia slandered Han Fei and persuaded Emperor Shi Huang to "punish him with excessive laws". The words "too much law" and "too much punishment" both refer to harsh criminal laws. ④Cons: to make laws to cheat oneself.
The State of Jin borrowed a road from the State of Yu to destroy the State of Guo, and the Duke of Jin convened the feudal lords to take a blood oath at the Trampled Earth. Xiao He followed the simple laws of Han Gaozu, and Han Fei died a horrible death under the harsh punishment he himself advocated.
Beginning with the Jianpu Mushu (1),he was the most skillful in the use of military force. He was the most skillful in the use of military force. He was famous in the desert.
Note: ①起翦(jiǎn)颇牧: 起:白起; Jian:王翦;颇:廉颇; 牧:李牧.
Translation: The Qin generals Bai Qi and Wang Jian, and the Zhao generals Lian Po and Li Mu were the most skillful in the use of military combat.