Auspicious Tibetan calendar year square dance who sings this song

Song: "Auspicious Tibetan Calendar Year"

Sung by:降央卓玛

Owned by: "Golden Temptation"


Zaxi Dele Pangsongtso Barso

Zaxi Dele Pangsongtso Barso

Ya la's shang shang za xi dele sol


Ya la's shang shang za xi dele sol< / p>

. Shabu~


The sun shines brightly on the plateau, and the sun shines brightly

The cloudy sky is filled with auspicious petals, auspicious petals

Haddad holds up the wishes, and the good wishes

Motherland sends us the warmth of spring

Shabu Zahidol is a happy year in Tibet

Shabu Zahidol jumps on the flying spinning tap

Drinking the sweetness of the snowy land

Happy Tibetan faces

Zahidol Ponsontsok Barso

Zahidol Ponsontsok Barso

Yala's Zahidol Zahidol Zahidol Zahidol Zahidol Zahidol Zahidol Zahidol Zahidol Zahidol Zahidol Zahidol Zahidol Zahidol Zahidol Zahidol Zahidol Zahidol Zahidol

The year of Zahidol is coming!

Ronda flying in the grassland oh flying in the grassland

Cheema spread to the blue sky to the blue sky

Silver bowl full of true love oh thick true love

Unity and harmony usher in the Tibetan New Year

Shake Zaxi Dele auspicious Tibetan New Year

Shake Zaxi Dele jumping to the ancient potshoem

Singing the good tomorrow oh good tomorrow The Happy Tomorrow

Happiness hangs over the smiling faces of Tibetan families

Shivering Zahidol Auspicious Tibetan New Year

Shivering Zahidol Jumping up the Ancient Potlatch

Singing the Beautiful Tomorrow Oh Beautiful Tomorrow

Happiness Hangs over the Smiling Faces of Tibetan Families


Shivering Oh

Now, I am uploading this song to share with you all. everyone to share.