One: The cheats are as follows:
HL2 (HarfLife2, Half-Life 2) has been so highly anticipated that it has surpassed Doom3. If one of the major reasons Doom3 was noticed was because of what it did to the graphics chip, HL2 is notable purely because of the gameplay itself.
Various leaks of HL2, including screenshots, videos, and more, have shown the game to be extraordinary. And it's not just the graphics that are impressive, but also the plot, the high level of AI, and the excellent physics engine. Here we should mention the plot of the game, HL2's plot is still born in a sci-fi environment, however, through the realization of the various information we can see that the plot of the game will be very unique. Let's get an early look at the game's plot today.
Disaster from the beginning of the generation of Montenegro's cascading **** vibration test
This article is a fusion of current speculation about the plot and background of HL2. All opinions here are based on the author's own understanding, and unless otherwise noted, everything else is made based on available material. The first thing I want to say is that it's best if you read the text in the order I've written it; this is important because I'll often refer to things in the text that I've said before. Of course, this is kind of a real read, so I would recommend that you go and heat up a pot of tea first. Also I'd like to say that some of the ideas here are from members of other forums, so I'd like to give a big thank you to Mooreberg, Sprafa, Azza and all the people I failed to mention, thank you.
● Cascading **** vibrations
First of all I'm going to recount the events of Black Mesa, and I'll mention the whole plot of HL later in the article, so I won't go into that here.
In the beginning of the game, it was clear that the researchers at the Black Mountain Institute wanted to make the cascade **** vibration experiment a success. a letter in Half-Life reads: the administrators had repeatedly emphasized the importance of the experimental sample, yet in the preliminary tests there were unusual fluctuations in the spectral analysis, and likewise the spectrometer used in the experiment was only allowed to be tuned up to 80% by regulation The spectrometer used in the experiment, which was only supposed to be set to 80% power, was set to 105% power by the researchers.
The researchers at the Montenegro Institute used a technique called "psychic transmission" in their experiments. A neighboring world, Xen, was discovered by accident. In order to carry out the experiments to the end, Xen naturally became an intermediate station, and some exploration teams were sent to this world to collect samples for the experiments. However, the scientists eventually decided to turn their backs on so-called social morality and further tested the samples decisively. Thus a new theory in the field of mind transfer was born, and with it the scientists abandoned their previous Xen-centered research program and cut off contact with the exploration teams.
We're sure the administrators were right on the money
The moment Freeman pushed the samples into the lightwave, the cascading **** vibration took place, the result of which led to a merging of the two dimensions of Earth and Xen, and a large number of creatures from outer space intruded into the mix. Although Dr. Keller, who was in charge of this experiment, closed this rift between Earth and Xen after the accident, it still didn't help, a huge disaster had already become a fact, and what's worse is that those outer space creatures have also mastered this technology, and are gradually approaching the human race.
But it's important to note that the creatures that inhabit Xen are themselves harmless, even if they are suddenly transported to a strange world, but they don't represent the entire population, and Xen is not home to a single race, but to several races. The feral races, such as the Headcrab, Houndeye and Bullsquid, are quite savage and do what they want. There are also sentient creatures such as the Vortigaunt, Controller and Alien Grunt, the Vortigaunt race are standard slaves, and you can tell by the shackles they wear around their wrists and necks that they are controlled by some more powerful creatures.
Enemy Appearances Nihilanth and Combine
● Nihilanth
Nihilanth, Leader of all the tribes on Xen
This gigantic fellow is called Nihilanth and is the leader of all the tribes on Xen. By analyzing this monster, who is eventually killed by Freeman, we can clearly see that there's a bigger conspiracy behind this, and it becomes the baseline for the transition from HL to HL2. Let's take a look:
It's body is supported by a metal base, which is shaped much like the fortress in Combine Fortress.
It has a highly developed head and relatively undeveloped legs (relying on the metal base we mentioned earlier to accomplish its actions).
It also carries shackles on its wrists, implying that it is also a slave.
It has obvious signs of surgery on its chest and abdomen, and it's likely that it was previously a benevolent leader, only to be captured and forced to undergo surgery to become at the mercy of others (which, it seems, is likely to be related to Combine).
What do these traits reveal, and what is the relationship between Combine and Nihilanth? In my humble opinion, I believe that Xen was under the control of Combine long before mankind discovered it, and that Combine conquered the world and turned it over to the already-modified Nihilanth. After Freeman killed Nihilanth, the humans began to take control of Xen, which had to attract the attention of the Combine, who likely figured that if the humans had the power to get their attention, and if the humans were able to take over a world under their control, then the humans would inevitably pose a threat to them. So Combine decided to preempt the attack on Earth.
One of Combine's ****ing goals is to defeat both humans and the creatures of the world of Xen, which explains why we see human rebels and Vortigaunt on the same side.While the sentient creatures of Xen can make choices through their minds, the lowly creatures can't, and they just launch an attacks.
Another point that seems irrelevant to the topic: just how wide is the range of **** vibrations? Is it just those devices and the neighborhood around them that are affected by the Xen creatures, or is the entire planet one with Xen. Since the protagonists are confined to certain specific scenarios in HL and its additional missions, we don't actually know the extent of the **** vibrations. Both seem plausible and both seem to be only minimally affected. It also happens to constitute everything that was to happen in the decade that followed.
Ten years between Generation 1 and Generation 2 What happened in the meantime?
● The Transition
So what happened in that decade? We know that Freeman accepted a job with G-Man (a mysterious figure that can be inferred from the "Pieces On A Chessboard" chapter). Ten years later HL2 kicks off again.
By the way, we know all this from Freeman's letter (see the first page of the HL game manual), and we know what happened at the Black Mesa Institute in December 200-. However the exact year of the time we don't know, so while we think 2000 is more accurate, it's entirely possible that it could be any of the years 2000-2009, so it's possible that HL2 could take place in 2010 (or 2019, of course).
Either way, all we care about is where exactly Freeman was and what he was doing during the decade. As I understand it, we find the answer in the very first conversation of G-Man.
"Wake up, Freeman, wake up. Don't mind that I'm not complaining that you fell asleep, my boy, no one deserves rest more than you. It's just that all of our efforts have become a thing of the past, become so meaningless. Now, however, the moment that belongs to you has come back ...... Wake up, Freeman, wake up and come smell the ashes outside."
You might think Freeman took a long break during this decade. But for Freeman, not a single moment of time has passed. Time is merely relative to us, and according to that, it all makes sense. I think G-Man put Freeman in some kind of cryogenic device that put Freeman in a long sleep. So he doesn't realize everything that has happened in the last ten years, and probably hasn't even aged, because he looks the same as he did before, even if he hasn't changed a bit. He went to sleep at the end of HL and woke up at the beginning of HL2, and that was ten years.
The beginning of HL2 was probably on a railroad car, like we saw at the big E3 show in 2004 (accompanied by G-MAN's monologue.) Freeman appeared as a regular guy, like everyone else around him, so it was just in civilian clothes, not the HEV garb that we're all familiar with. I think G-MAN let Freeman out because he was convinced that Freeman, relying on his own wits and talents, would be able to make it to the end and successfully escape.
Of course Freeman will take some time to adjust to the changes that have occurred in this decade, as we mentioned above, during which Combine invaded Earth and took control of humanity.
Current Situation Our Earth was colonized
● Current Situation
Where were we when Freeman infiltrated City 17?Combine's forces were everywhere, closely monitoring the entire planet. However the fact remains that we only saw City 17 and we know nothing about the rest of the planet. My understanding is that Combine went on a rampage across the planet, leaving only a handful of cities to keep the rest of humanity together. Large parts of the war-damaged area were left in ruins, hosting hybridized races (Ant Lion alone is likely a creature that teleported to Earth from Xen and continued to mutate during Combine's attack on the planet). These ruins are simply not fit for human habitation, so they must be dispatched to the city, and must choose one of these two demons to be relatively weak.
Combine is trying to exorcise Ant Lion and other creatures from Xen as it continues to oppress humanity. You may notice that most of the battles between Combine and Ant Lion take place on the edges of cities or in certain abandoned buildings. People are concentrated in the center of the city, where they are safe from the creatures. Those fringes of the city are weakly controlled by the Combine, and in their place there are large numbers of Headcrab and Zombie. However, it is in these dangerous areas, where the Combine have relatively little control, that the resistance has emerged.
Dr. Breen: is he really human?
Appearing on behalf of the Combine is Dr. Breen, whose face is always on the city's large and small display screens, constantly preaching to the people about the Combine.We can glean a great deal of material from those speeches he gives on the station:
Welcome, everyone! Welcome to City 17! I am glad you have chosen the best city left. Our benefactor (Combine) has provided us with this place, and I am ready to build a management system of our own here. I am proud to see that City 17 is becoming our true home. So, whether you choose to live here or simply pass through, you are all welcome. And please remember, it's always the safest place to be. In Dr. Breen's quote, "one of the best cities left," he uses the word "we," meaning all of humanity, which supports my point above that there are only a few cities left on earth. Let's take a look at these words, and they're really right. If you were given a choice between cities and ruins, where would you feel safer?
But another question then arises, who is Dr. Breen? If you ask me, I'll tell you he doesn't actually exist, it's nothing more than a human face created by Combine. It is an older man who looks stable and elegant, as such an image is more convincing to everyone in comparison. I've seen it mentioned that he's the general director of the Black Mountain Institute, so if this one holds true, we can introduce the fact that he's actually an important figure in one of the government agencies. At the beginning of the invasion, he chose his position and planned his future, considering who he could work with to achieve the final success.
Is Dr. Breen directly controlling Combine? Or is there someone more powerful behind the scenes?
While Dr. Breen has defected to Combine, he is a flesh-and-blood human being. As to how he seized power after the seven-hour battle we're not sure, but we do know that he's now speaking for Combine and has control over their assets (albeit only to a certain extent). Maybe he's become the leader now, maybe he's just working for whoever he is too, who knows. Of course there are many who consider him a hero because he did, after all, convince the humans to surrender to the Combine, thus preventing the extinction of the human race. But if you know everything he did afterward (including defecting to Combine and speaking up for them), it becomes more and more clear that things aren't what they seem, and that all he did was for himself.
This is finally the end of the article (and I've run out of synonyms for "might" in my dictionary). If you think any of the facts in this article are incorrect, or if there's a misunderstanding somewhere, please feel free to ask in the comments!
The Fortress Devouring the entire planet, nuclear weapons are helpless
● The Fortress
The Fortress rises up from City 17
No matter which angle of the city we look at, we can see that it's been turned into the Combine's command headquarters.Dr. Breen has said he's going to have a full management system set up here, so there seems to be no doubt that this has became Freeman's ultimate goal. The fortress had gradually expanded its defenses throughout the city, destroying every piece of land it touched. Figuratively speaking, it had swallowed City 17 whole alive.
Previously we said that the entire planet was destroyed except for the few remaining cities. Could this imply that every surviving city has its own fortress, and that they all start at the center and keep spreading outward? This could very well be something like what happened in Independence Day. In that movie, the largest city on Earth was destroyed by giant space ships, and each such ship was controlled by a mothership. By the same token, every city has a fortress of its own, and all of that is controlled by something much more advanced, but what that something is exactly we don't know yet.
A friend of mine thinks that from a strategic point of view, even though those fortresses are separated from each other, they have covered the entire planet, and they are used to absorb the resources of the entire planet.
Resistance Explode in silence or perish in silence
● Resistance
Alyx Vance and Gordon Freeman
Though no one wanted to, the vast majority of people endured this harsh oppression. Through a video from E3 2004 we can see that Combine uses many tactics (such as wantonly arresting people) to constantly instill fear in people. However, there is still a small group of people who have created an underground resistance organization in an attempt to finally free humanity from Combine's control. The only people we've met from this group are Dr. Eli Vance, his daughter Alyx Vance, Dr. Judith Mossman, Dr. Isaac Kleiner, and Barney Calhoun.Dr. Eli Vance is a scientist at the Black Mountain Institute (who you'll run into shortly after the disaster, and he'll tell you how to get to the surface! Dr. Eli Vance was a scientist at the Black Mountain Institute (you'll run into him shortly after the disaster and he'll tell you how you can get to the surface), and he lost his left leg in the accident.Dr. Mossman also worked at the Institute, though her role is unclear.Dr. Kleiner was Freeman's sponsor at MIT and later brought Freeman to work at the Institute.
Time will tell What does Alien want with a human body?
● Time Proves Everything
What do the Combine want from humans? What are they trying to do with their constant oppression of humans? All of this is surely running towards a specific goal, and after this humans will no longer be useful and humanity will die out. So what is this goal, we can still see it. For the Combine, the Earth's resources are quite important, and now that these resources have been depleted, the Combine have begun to gather people together and capture them in large numbers. Most likely because some of the human organs would be good for enhancing Combine. As for the real reason we'll have to wait and see.
The Man Behind the Scenes G-MAN It's the U.S. government again
● The Man Behind the Scenes
G-MAN, a well-dressed mysterious figure who relies on Freeman for his ulterior motives.
The HL game ends with you talking to this mysterious figure who can come and go as he pleases from the Black Mesa Institute, but he doesn't divulge the slightest hint of his identity or purpose. He gives Freeman a choice: work for him or face defeat.The HL2 plot assumes that Freeman accepts the job.
But who is he? What does he do?G-Man is apparently a government official, representing the US government, or much more than that.
He seems to be the type of person who has the ability to take care of all aspects and still stand up as a winner in the end. He's also not part of the Resistance, which Freeman firmly turned his back on after Freeman got involved in the conflict and joined the Resistance. However, except for the opening "Wake Up" sequence, we never see G-Man again in the anime. That doesn't mean he won't show up, of course, but these are still speculations based on what we've seen.
Behind the scenes, G-Man, the man who wants to be God
I'm going to quote my "colleague" Moore's gleanings of what actually happened, so let's lay out some of what we know about G-Man:
1. He played a role in sending the samples to the Black Mesa Research Institute. role.
2. He went out of his way to persuade the scientists to complete the experiment.
3. He was never attacked by monsters or armies or anything.
4. He is always one step ahead of you at all times.
5. He can do psychic transmissions anywhere, anytime.
6. He appreciates people who can survive dangerous situations.
G-Man isn't the host of this stage, or else he would be on the receiving end. He wanted the spectrometer to open a portal for Xen. He wants Freeman to live at the end. With the help of the HEV coveralls, Freeman was able to teleport to Xen the moment the base collapsed.He put barriers in the way of the Corporal Shepard's passage making it impossible for them to catch up with Freeman in time.It prevented the Shepard from pulling out at the same time as the rest of the force. He hired Gordon at the end of the Black Mesa incident.He stopped Shepard.
God! Who the hell is he? As far as I can surmise G-Man is the so-called supreme ruler of the whole space, who makes the races compete with each other as in Darwin's theory of evolution, and ultimately the survival of the fittest. Maybe he thinks that those who survived the Black Mesa incident, like Gordon, will be better suited to face the challenge from Combine.
We don't deny for a moment that G-Man is an absolutely powerful character, even though he admits that he also works for people. It may be that he's just a puppet for a behind-the-scenes operator, just as Freeman is his puppet. However how things really are, we'll just have to wait and see if HL2 will bring us more information about G-Man.
After the Black Mesa incident, all of humanity is in a state of shock
While we are getting closer and closer to the official release of HL2, there are still various news stories coming out that reveal more and more about aspects of the plot. As such, this article now theoretically picks up where my last one left off, and modifies, or more accurately, refines some of my previous narratives. Please note that this article is no longer just speculation, but tells a lot of things that are already fact. So if you don't want to spoil the freshness of the game, it's still recommended that you don't read it. And while this article will be more or less redundant once HL2 is released, it doesn't in any way diminish the fun we get out of trying to gather information and eventually come to a conclusion. It's not that I'm doing it for the fun of it, it's just that with HL2 in mind ...... it doesn't really matter anyway, so let's move on.
● After Montenegro
There have been two recent pdf leaks from two user manuals that were released alongside HL2. In the books, we found two pages of a previous version of the HL2 manuscript. While we can see that the later version modified a lot of things, there's still a lot of information on it that explains exactly what happened from HL to HL2.
After the Black Mesa incident, such creatures from outer space were seen everywhere on Earth
Here's what happened, the cascading **** vibrations from the Black Mesa Institute transmitted a large number of creatures from outer space to Earth. We already know that the labs originally used for testing have been turned into centers of mind transmission and slowly send a kind of wave to the outside world. As you fought the monsters, these waves simultaneously continued to extend outward and gradually engulfed the entire planet. In the end the Black Mountain Institute is destroyed, but more factual is that disaster has struck and creatures from outer space have begun to invade Earth.
In a newspaper in City 17 we see the line, "The storm still rages", which tells of this invasion. Mind transmissions can be seen everywhere on Earth, large numbers of creatures belonging to Xen are sent to all corners of the planet, and there is chaos and destruction everywhere (such as those examples given in the manuscript). Many areas that were difficult to control such as the countryside and suburbs were abandoned and humans began to seek better refuge in the cities. So we find out that it wasn't so much that Combine concentrated people in the cities, but that people were actively moving towards the cities to escape the Xen creatures. So where did Combine go again?
Obviously, the text tells us that the people were caught up in the panic all night. They opened their eyes wide, only to see the center of each city collapse in on itself, creating a giant abyss, and it was in these abysses that the fortresses appeared. In the blink of an eye, Combine's power poured out of the fortresses surging into every part of the city. Earth's defenses were quickly overwhelmed in what would become known as the Seven Hour Battle. We saw the defenses go down, and the human race became even more helpless in the face of this sudden and powerful force.
In the notes, it's worth noting that humanity even used nuclear weapons to combat this new threat. However, from the seven-hour confrontation that ended in human defeat we can draw two conclusions, the first being that the fortress was able to withstand the nuclear weapons, and the other being that Combine knew exactly how to destroy the human nuclear weapons device. All in all, no matter what kind of methods and efforts the humans come up with, they all seem so meaningless in front of Combine.
Revolution Advance under the Savior!
After the seven-hour battle, Dr. Breen announced humanity's decision to surrender
One man in the chaos took advantage of the situation and seized power, convincing the people to surrender to and come under Combine's leadership. With no other choice, the humans became slaves to the Combine, and Consul (who was actually Dr. Breen) began to speak to the people on behalf of the Combine and was able to get some of the power. Now that humanity had surrendered, the Combine turned their attention to Earth. Various air exchangers replace the atmosphere, giving off gases that are almost impossible to breathe. The oceans are drying up, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for humanity to survive.Freeman has emerged from such a desperate and chaotic world, and now he has become humanity's only hope for attempting to escape Combine's control.
To this day, there's still one question we can't figure out, and that's the origin of the Combines. We have no idea where they came from. In what seemed like an instant, they suddenly attacked humanity and took over the planet in just seven hours. But the few survivors of the Black Mesa incident became their biggest problem, unaware that a secret resistance group was gradually closing in on them. The key figure in this underground resistance is Dr. Eli Vance, and we now have more information about him. He, along with several other members of the research team***, built the organization and provided technology and weapons to all who supported them. And we also know that his left leg was bitten off by Bullsquid during the Black Mesa incident.
The members of the Resistance appear to be even more heroic after using the technology provided by Eli's Labs
The Resistance eventually started a complete revolution, and its members have begun to openly fight against Combine's forces. The Resistance had countermeasures for every move Combine made, and in fact they worked quite well. The Resistance quickly spread out and expanded throughout the city, wiping out enemies wherever they went. It should be noted that this organization was technically backed by Eli Labs, and Freeman was among them. Freeman is now branded as a "savior", as if he will be able to save the Earth from the Combine. In any case, their feelings are probably correct.
Beings from Xen The Resistance has a new member
●Beings from Xen
Did Vortigaunt join the Resistance by choice, or did he succumb to other forces?
We know that the creatures of Xen created much of the chaos that allowed the Combine to take control of Earth so easily. However, it was only the feral species of Xen that attacked humans, not sentient beings like the Vortigaunt, who of course undeniably played a role in the invasion. But why did they join the Combine when they attacked? Why did they join the Combiners when they attacked? ≡ Train? Sheet? Answer li and his team of researchers invented a way to control the Vortigaunt through those shackles around their necks (just like Nihilanth controls them).
● The nitty-gritty
Here are some bits and pieces of information:
One thing I'm very sorry to say is that there's still no updated information about G-Man's identity, so we're still not sure what role he plays in the game.
The timetable for City 17's station makes it clear that there are many more such cities
A screenshot of the station allows us to see the timetable clearly, and we find that there are many similar cities under Combine's control in addition to City 17. It's likely that Freeman isn't going to any of these cities. That's because in various interviews, Valve has repeatedly stated that the only scenarios covered by the game are City 17, Raven Island, a dry ocean (we can now see how things happen) and an icebreaker.
It looks like City 17 clearly belongs in Eastern Europe, and the consensus is that it sits near the Caspian Sea. If all the other cities written on the timetable are accessible by train, then all of those areas are also in Eastern Europe. From this we can assume that the entire planet is under the control of a system like this one.
The fine print There's more than one city on the front line
There's been a lot of discussion about the Combine uniform Barney is wearing. The same goes for the medallion on his right arm.Barney is still an ally of Freeman, so it's likely that he's mixed up in the Combine organization. Rumor has it that he once dunked Freeman at the station so it could be taken to the interrogation room alone. The sign on his arm Should read C17:14, it doesn't look like 17 and 14 stand for City 17 and City 14, it doesn't have anything to do with the two cities. The likely answer is that it denotes City 17, Sector 14, so we presume you'll be able to see Barney in Sector 14.
The German review site posted a screenshot of HL2's gameplay as a wall plastered with newspapers. Some of the newspaper headlines read, "The Storm Remains Fierce," "Combine Takes Earth in Seven Hours," "Earth Yields to Our Enemies" and "Wallace Breen proclaims himself leader", among others. This also corresponds exactly to the synopsis of the story we gave on the first page. Also, most of those newspapers were in English, so we can see that the whole planet was under attack at the time, not just Europe or a particular city
Two: The secret sauce is as follows:
Half-Life 2 cheats start by adding the command line parameter "-console" to the desktop Half-Life 2 shortcut, "C:Program FilesHalf-Life 2hl2.exe" -console. Then enter the game, press "~" to call out the console, you can enter the following cheat code:
god - God mode (server side only)
give - Gives a weapon or an item (see the list below)
buddha - Reduces your health
hurtme # - Hurts the player (# is damage amount)
impulse 101- All weapons
impulse 82 - Spawns a jeep
notarget - Player becomes hidden to NPCs
noclip - Walk through walls (server side only)<
maps - Displays map list
map - Load a specified map (see the list below)
developer # - Sets developer mode to on/off/verbose (0-off, 1 on, 2-verbose)
+mlook - Enables mouse look
hud_quickhelp/text? 1 - Shows crosshair
viewmodel_fov # - Sets the size of the weapon you're carrying (54 is default)
viewmodel_fov # - Sets the size of the weapon you're carrying. you're carrying (54 is default)
exec - Execute a script file
cl_drawhud 1 - Turns hud display on
cl_enablehud 1 - Turns hud display on
cl_hud_quickhelp/text? on
cl_showfps 1 - Shows frames per second in game
npc_create - Creates an NPC (works in worlds that have an NPC entity)
npc_create_ aimed - Creates an NPC aiming at a NPC. aimed - Creates an NPC aiming away from the player.
picker - Toggles 'picker' mode.
setpos - Move player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats 1 enabled). cheats 1 enabled).
setang - Snap player eyes to specified pitch yaw (musthave sv_cheats).
sv_gravity # - Set gravity to #
sv_stopspeed # - Set minimum stopping speed when on ground to #
sv_friction # - Sets world friction to #
sv_bounce # - Sets bounce multiplier for physically simulated objects collision
sv_maxvelocity # - Sets the maximum velocity of any moving object to #
sv_waterdist # - Sets vertical view fixup when eyes are near water plane to #
air_density # - Changes the density of air to
dsp_explosion_effect_duration # - Sets length of confusion/ear-ringing effect to #
prop_debug - Toggl