After a 56 year old with 16 years of service leaves a job, will his or her health insurance be affected?

After a 56-year-old with 16 years of service leaves his job, his own health insurance will not be affected in some way. We all know that China is a superpower with a population of 1.4 billion, of course we still have a lot of old people, we are now talking about the old, our own old people must be very careful about their own health insurance, after all, our old people to a certain age, we began to be tortured by a variety of diseases, we will certainly reach this age. Our current young people, after reaching a certain age is certainly very much, even now, our country began to introduce the two-child, and three-child policy, these are some of the signals, so that our country now must have a great medical aspects of some serious difficulties, so that for each of us Chinese is a not a small study is also hope that each of us. In we can now pay attention to the body when we start to exercise our own body, our body exercise, we have reached a certain age, we will not have any serious illness, we can live a long life, so these are some of the factors, I hope that we are now the elderly can still go every day to be able to go to the neighborhood under the building to exercise our own body, jumping our square Dance. These are very useful for our elderly, we can also recognize a lot of friends, these are some do not know harvest, so ah, some of our current young people do not like sports, but I would like to say is that after we reach a certain age will not be like when we are young that way, to be able to move when we want to enjoy our own life, this is our Young people really want to do things, so be sure to exercise, our life will be more colorful, our life will slowly become better, wait until the next spring and fall, we will be there dancing in the square, looking at more young generation.